Becoming Christian

I want to become a Christian. Guide me, Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

Convert To Satanism instead. One & Done.

take that leap of faith user

If you want to become an evengelical heretic literally just go to any temple and youll be "born again" in a week or less.

If you want to become a real Catholic (either roman or orthodox version) theyll make you jump throw some hoops for a few months and you'll have to actually read a bunch and memorize prayers. Go to any Parish (not temples or regular churches) and there will be people there who will help you.

>you'll have to actually read a bunch and memorize prayers
Really? I think I have the Lords Prayer down.

Our Father who art in Heaven
Forgive our sins and give us our daily bread
and do not tempt us
but deliver us from evil

That about right?

thats like half of it

>repent of your sins and actively resist falling back into your previous life in sin
>ask Christ to lead you in your choices in life
>allow him into your heart
>accept Gods free grace
>walk after Jesus by following his example in everything.

Congratulations you are a Christian now. You don't have to memorize Latin crap or special prayers like the Catholics do. But there is a power to performing rituals since they can enforce certain behavior. Ultimately Jesus want your heart, not your absolute compliance to a laundry list of unnecessary chores.

Just looked it up. I forgot all the introduction about God and the forgiveness. Didn't realize that I had to recite it by memory though, I thought these days they just say "You want to be Christian!? Great!" and book you in for a baptism

catholic church best church

Don't. I managed to escape from that cult a long time ago and never looked back. Look into gnosticism or hermeticism instead if you're brand loyal to the judeo-christian faiths.

Baptism is just a public declaration of being dead to sin and reborn in's more symbolic and usually done after a while in the church

you are confusing evangelical heretics with catholics. its different

you must deny WMAF racism

This is WMAF

Let me ask you the following questions.

Do you believe in God?
Do you accept the trinity?
Do you believe Jesus is God?
Do you believe that God is all knowing and all powerful?
What do you think of Demons and Spirituality?
Do you believe in Heaven or Hell?

These are important questions to get started.

Also, what made you realize you wanted to become Christian?


christianity is a spoogy cult bro

Typical AUSSIE loser racist with his family

Do you condone this act of racism?


Sup Forums and alt right defend a pedo

read the christian red pills



And end WMAF








>Do you believe in God?

>Do you accept the trinity?

>Do you believe Jesus is God?

>What do you think of Demons and Spirituality?
I'm interested in them and believe there must be something beyond this physical world that gives meaning to our existence. I have come to the conclusion that it's impossible for matter to just randomly coalesce in such a way that consciousness is created and believe there must be the hand of an intelligence of some sort involved.

>Do you believe in Heaven or Hell?
I believe there must be an afterlife of some sort because our mind is separate from the physical brain.

>Also, what made you realize you wanted to become Christian?
The nagging thought that existence as we know it is the surface of an even greater reality. That if any religion had the power to somehow allow me to get in touch with this spiritual reality that must exist beyond our own it is probably Christianity with 2000 years of applied Theology and guidance from many spiritual fathers who have felt the pull of the divine as I have

>a leaf

Why am I not surprised?

My Advice:
>earnestly ask God to show you who He is and be prepared for the whirlwind of the Holy Spirit that will soon tear through your life; making you anew.
>You're also going to need protection against spiritual warfare. That's why this next step is essential as the first.
>Read the Word OP. It can be your greatest weapon in times of tribulation and a wonderful glimpse into our Father's plan that often leaves me humbled, awestruck, and, at times, in tears.
>If you don't have a Bible go buy one. Try to find a translation you can easily comprehend and pour through. And read it. Not just skimming here and there messing up the context of things. Read one book at a time and develop an understanding of the big picture.
>I promise you this is a lot of work, but once you have completed this task you will be able to properly conceptualize your path to salvation and righteousness.
>After you finish canonical scripture I'd recommend the books of Enoch, Jubilees, and Jasher.

Enjoy the Ultimate Redpill OP
God bless you. I'm going to bed, but first I'm going to pray for you. I love you brother. I hope you seek our Father with all of your being. It'll be the greatest decision you'll ever make.


And eat shit racist

Mormons are right


WMAF is racist

Gotta end it


Sorry about the spammer in your thread. Report him.


This is the first step. Do you want to believe in God? What questions do you have that would lead you towards the faith?

Be honest with yourself first and foremost, you aren't a believer, but you are seeking God.

I would first invite you to ask God to come into your heart and guide you towards him.

>I'm interested in them and believe there must be something beyond this physical world that gives meaning to our existence

Makes sense.

>I have come to the conclusion that it's impossible for matter to just randomly coalesce in such a way that consciousness is created and believe there must be the hand of an intelligence of some sort involved.

I agree, so you believe there is something out there but you aren't sure what?

>That if any religion had the power to somehow allow me to get in touch with this spiritual reality that must exist beyond our own it is probably Christianity with 2000 years of applied Theology and guidance from many spiritual fathers who have felt the pull of the divine as I have

I'd say you're right.

There's also a lot of research to be done.

Start with basic questions.

What are your questions about God?

WMAF is racist

Deal with it

fpbp. black magic actually works, which is why the christians didn't allow it. they wanted to be the only ones wielding such power.

And WMAF is racism

Explain this


It might be racist but this thread isn't about that.

>dude makes a thread seeking god
>anons oblige
>shills spam and try to fuck up discussion
Fucking jews

Anyway I'm interested in this as well. I want to be a christian but I've already had a lifetime of secular brainwashing and modern atheist rhetoricism. I want to be a Christian not just because I want to connect with my ancestors and I want to be a part of my people's culture, but because I envy those with righteous purpose in life

>What are your questions about God?
Mostly about what his purpose was when creating us. Is the divine entity which created our universe the Christian God? I'm not sure but I know there is something out there, I know there is a purpose for which we are here. I just don't know what it is, I need to get in touch with this spiritual side and I feel like Christianity might be the route by which I can do that.

I don't care bitch. You cannot be christian and alt right WMAF racist

You sound like you would fit right in with gnostics.
Here is Pristis Sofia your new waifu

First, oppose alt right and WMAF

He wants to end WMAF

I wouldn't bother with any mainstream Christian denomination. Especially not the Catholic Church. They cannot be trusted.

If you are truly interested in the teachings of Jesus, and not simply virtue signaling, research them yourself.

The Bible's canon content cannot even be agreed upon between fellow Christians. How can you trust them to tell you the truth when they don't even know what the truth is?

Find the truth for yourself. I'm sure God will forgive your skepticism of your fellow man.

Don't forget to bash the fas

satanism = freedom

And WMAF is anti christian

And PRODI contradict early christian



I've creampied 5 asians in my life. How does that make you feel?

>loser white man larp

Alt right larp

>but because I envy those with righteous purpose in life

Firstly, don't pretend to be Christian or pretend to believe in God when you don't.

Don't do it so you can be part of the culture. You can have great Christian values and be good in society without that.

The important part of this is YOU.

You must discover God for yourself, and so I would invite you to ask any questions you have about God, or anything you've been wondering. Or anything that has bothered you or made you feel that it's unrealistic to believe.

I think the clues to why God created us lies within us.

Why do we want to have children? Why do we want to have people to love? Is there any real true knowable motivation for us to want love other than supposed abstract emotions?

I want to marry my girlfriend, and have children and love them. For what reason do I want this?

>Mostly about what his purpose was when creating us

I am not sure about the purpose. But what we do know is that God created us in his own image, and created us with love.

I have studied theology for a long time, and the only answer I can give is speculation.

God is called The Father, and we are his children, so in that sense perhaps that is why God created us, so that he could love us, but also allow us to choose our own path.

>I'm not sure but I know there is something out there, I know there is a purpose for which we are here.

You are right. Nihilism is by its very nature unnatural and therefore incorrect.

1. Recognize you're a sinner
2. The penalty of sin is death
3. Jesus Christ died for your sin
4. By believing in Jesus, you are saved

Now read the Bible and grow spiritually. Go to a local church if there's one.

And why early Christian contradixt proddie

This btfo sola fide

Deal with it

Baptisim, do that first then worry about scriptures and prayers later.

And first, kill PRODDIE and WMAF

And kill WMAF


fuck that vatican shill with a british flag

Proddies hate this

ASSMAD proddie WMAF shill

>Firstly, don't pretend to be Christian or pretend to believe in God when you don't.

I'm still merely interested. I'll pretend nothing. I might ask a few pious people in my life to do their best explaining to me how they conceive their supernatural beliefs for my better understanding. But believe me I'm still just a sinner.

First, stop lying and LARPING



Everyones a sinner so don't worry too much about that. I think asking questions about God is an important step towards finding him.


And protestants areogantly hate early christians

All those christians pics are christians who contradict PRODDIE

Deal with it

I'm Catholic lad, you're still a cunt for spamming the thread.

This is what WMAF is IRL

This kills the impotent asian

You sound mad


>ASSMAD WMAF shill have to post completely different pic and lie

Meanwhile, WMAF innreality

Says the loser PRODDIE who larp



do the opposite of what you read in the leaks and hacks and you will be fine op

christ has bigger fish to fry

just acknowledge his sacrifice on the cross and youre golden

also it wouldnt hurt to defend his name every once in awhile!

And remember that PRODDIE contradict early Christians

Deal with it


>"Ultimately Jesus wants your heart, not your absolute compliance like a laundry list"

couldnt of said it better myself user

he has already paid for every sin you ever made or will make

you are already free my brother!

you have been saved in his blood

all you need to do is acknowledge that.

thats it!

its that simple!

no tricks.

eternal rest!

you dont even have to pray one single minute

not one single bible course or curch group

just believe

And yet all early Christians contradict sola fide

Deal with it

Of course Clement of Rome begs to differ



who is "early christians?"

early christians were hanged and lost limbs and changed in roman cellars to rot for merely looking to the sky

who put forth these rules before we even had a book or a church to go to?

why white men get ugly Asian?

The same early cristians who suffered you dumbass

Just ask polycarp

Chapter 18. The body of Polycarp is burned

The centurion then, seeing the strife excited by the Jews, placed the body in the midst of the fire, and consumed it. Accordingly, we afterwards took up his bones, as being more precious than the most exquisite jewels, and more purified than gold, and deposited them in a fitting place, whither, being gathered together, as opportunity is allowed us, with joy and rejoicing, the Lord shall grant us to celebrate the anniversary of his martyrdom, both in memory of those who have already finished their course, and for the exercising and preparation of those yet to walk in their steps.

Proddies hate this

> the anti-Protestant spammer is also an Asian guy who is incredibly upset over race mixing

This makes a lot of sense

Wmaf is racism

Deal with it

t. eternally ass ravaged unwilling cuck

sucks that you're getting cucked m8 but this is a discussion about Christianity... what prompted your wmaf autism?

If you're a well adjusted westener, you already are one. You're just not aware of it even though you agree with over 90% of Christian morality.

Protestants hate the early Christians

Make a lot of sense

hivemind yo

How is your hatred of them and their spawn not racism champ? And if it is, what value does your accusation hold? And if you don't think it is racist, then how do you rationalise this delusion?