This whole alien thing is just another:
Don't be retarded and stop falling for the mass hysteria jewry.
This whole alien thing is just another:
Don't be retarded and stop falling for the mass hysteria jewry.
Nice file ID faggot
What shill organisation is this one?
What does the alien have to do with the grifter video? You were shilling this earlier too
Mfw this thread is another meta psych play
I just woke up you dumb nigger.
What if you actually never woke up
Its demons retard. Numerous high level sources have said so in their research. The illuminati dont want us to know the truth.
fucking shill. The shit happened and it literally made people shake. It's not a fucking joke
It's called a snake.
I'm sure you island niggers never seen one.
woke af
They were ... literally shaking ?
no you tard if we dont play along then they start poisoning wells again. you better start pretending to take their bullshit seriously
>marfan's is aliens
how new are you?
I'm pretty sure I've been here much longer than you were.
Unless you arrived here in '03, in which case you win.
Tomo, where are you from?
Lol, isnt that just Eugenia Skeletors hand?
tfw when you're actually named Ivan
Zagreb. Sadly.
>Martićeva here
Anyway, you should believe in ayyy's.
I work in Petrinjska. (not an uhljeb)
I do believe in ayyys, I just know this is a mass hysteria effect cause by some basement troll.
Pol lost it's credibility since bunch of retards with no critical/rational thinking came here sperging about muh deus vult.
Imagine pol being Zagreb and the incomers as Bosnians.
Can someone hook me up with that webm where she "accidently" shows off her pussy?
Goddamn, son. That is some serious astroturfing you're attempting.
>super advanced alien species that can travel faster than light
>takes selfie with microwave
It's supposedly a corrupt version of the image that was on a USB, cleaned up by someone on /x/
Well here's the original "corrupted" image.
I can't believe people are actually falling for this shit.
At least we anons are supposed to be the smart ones. Oh well, things change, even here.
this is ground work to go after Trump when he starts whipping nasa into shape