There still might be hope for sweden. The Sweden Democrates, Swedens rightwing nationalist party, is growing stronger for every day. The shitskins and other subhumans shall be removed.
There still might be hope for sweden. The Sweden Democrates, Swedens rightwing nationalist party...
Can i have a rundown on this picture and the swedish parties please sven
Would any of the other parties form a coalition with them, Sven?
>Implying they dont want to rule with the "Moderate" party
>Implying they won't lose all their power in the process
At least get rid of the hag Batra first.
Won't the other parties just group together again?
Im pretty lazy. I can give you a rundown on the three biggest ones.
The Nya Moderaterna is our largest conservative/liberal party but the thing is that recently they seem to have lost voters. Therefore, if they get desperate enough theres a big chance they will start cooperating with the Sweden Democrats. Theyve gonna back and fourth a lot, one day they kind of agree with SD and the next day they call them Nazis.
The Sweden Democrats is the party with most controversiality around them since they were the first ones to bring up immigration. Everyone instantly started calling them out for being racist and while everyone was doing that, Nya Moderaterna and Socialdemokraterna started using their immigration ideas and policies but ofcourse when they do it noone bats an eye. Hypocrisy...
Socialdemokraterna used to be pretty left, but in the good socialistic way. But recently they went more to the middle and now they have also gone "feminist" aswell. Theyre basically a bunch of feminsts and cucks. They won last election but I have a feeling they're not gonna win shit for many years to come.
The Moderate party is just populist scums who will do everything to remain in power. Even though I hate the extremes at least they stick to their core values.
no, it has been sugested by M leader Batra but they have problems with the party not supporting it
>The Nya Moderaterna is our largest conservative/liberal party
>conservative/liberal party
I wonder how many people when asked even tho they will vote for SD say something else like they did with Trump.
Isn't SD still a very moderate party even compared to other euro-cuck nations?
>but in the good socialistic way
>but in the good socialistic way
they need 50.1% of the vote or nothing will change
yes, they talk mostly about immigration and taking care of elderly. fairly anti islam though
SD isnt even that anti-immigration compared to other countries. Sweden is a mess.
Which party is responsible for the last 200,000 flood of Muslims?
Socialdemokraterna first, then because we had such a PC political climate Moderaterna did nothing to stop it during their 8 years
Yougov is dogshit.
It's a poll run by voulanteer panelists, most of whom are not representative of the mainstream electorate.
SCB and SIFO are the two polls of any reliability. And they consistantly put SD at 15-17% and M at like 19-21% with S at around 28-30.5%
OP's poll is bullshit.
>please stay in power so I can keep getting my boi pucci taken by ahmeds
swede logic
What kind of party is S ?
Uhm...uhm... Yougove were the ones who were the most accurate regarding SD in the last 2 elections. Don't throw their credibility off just because you do polls on the web.
It was FP now L who liberalized immigration in 1994, and did so again in 2006 after S cut back.
They do it to destroy unions and the white working class.
Kd: Christfags
Sd: Nationalist.
Mp: Greenfags
V: Commiefags
Fp and M: Libtards.
S: Leftist cucks.
This, I am member of Yougov "panel", which means I fill online question sheets and get giftcards to shops, most of the time I just answer randomly, but even if everyone was honest, the panel is strongly biased towards young people and neets, who spend their valuable time filling questionaires
Again; they have been the most accurate regarding SD's success for the last 2 elections. Why wouldnt they be for another one?
in germany partys under 5% dont move into parlament is their something similiar in sweden or can the small partys coalate aswell?
>M = moderate multicultural cucks
>C = centrist cucks
>L = libtard cucks
>KD = Christian semi based cucks
>MP = hippie extremely degenerate muslims turbocucks
>S = Socialist cucks
>V = Commiecucks
>F! = femcucks
>SD = based
Probably the most accurate description so far.
Economically liberal. Privatization, lowered taxes.
The Reinfeldt (M) government were the fuckers who went all-in with the cuckery, and now suddenly they're trying (give the appearance of) wanting to stop it. They're opportunist fucks.
Anyway, the short summary of the other parties:
C: "the center party". Historically popular among farmers. Today no one knows what the fuck their platform even is or what they stand for but they still get votes. They're immigrant loving cucks.
L is the "liberal party" (again, economically). They're pretty much neocon NWO fuckfaces who want EU to become federation.
KD are the "christian democrats". Their higher ups are opportunist retards but their voters are relatively okay, if misled as fuck.
MP is the "environment party", greens basically. They're populists who appeal(ed) to hip young adults and have had a constantly changing schizophrenic platform that occasionally had the odd good idea like wanting to leave the EU at one point. They went all out on commie shit the last decade though, open borders and all - but they lost a lot of support just recently when their leaders sold out their cuck voters and agreed to restricted immigration. They're the most slippery and opportunist of all.
S "social democrats". They were good in the 50s-60s. Now they're infested with idiots.
V "the left party" are commies that aren't into armed revolution. They were explicitly communist at one point, now it's implicit.
F! /FI "the feminist initiative" is tumblr: the party. They're irrelevant as fuck.
Don't you have a 5% minimum to get into the parliament?
S - Labor
M - Conservative
SD - Ukip
MP, V - Greens
L (FP) - Lib dems
swedish party is ded
You're right. Germany is worse off with Schulz winning and AFD still below 10%
Yeah, 4%.
By the way, the parties are organized into two blocs:
The left is M, S and V, while centre-right(fucking implying) is M, KD, C and L.
SD are outside of all of this as of now, and generally these constellations are kind of crumbling.
SD won't change anything. Vote NMR!
They factor that in their surveys.
Cheers assorted svens
Election night 2018 gun' be guud watching
>flowers everywhere
holy shit you swedes are really not bearable.
Farage eats that chips so majestically.
Coming from a tulip nigger toothpaste.
I fear that the Sweden Democrats are doomed as controlled opposition. But then again they are perhaps the only political option Sweden have.