Did NASA make the discovery of the universe? telegraph.co.uk
NASA finds TRAP solar system
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It's an awful lot of work and expense just to find a few bacteria cells
degen fapping to traps
sauce on the girls in pic?
fuckin hell it's like every day males become more and more feminine the fuck is goin on
Oh boy here we go again
holy shit, what a husky voice.
Left: you're
Right: a faggot
>fuckin hell it's like every day males become more and more feminine the fuck is goin on
For fuck sake, should it even be consider gay to sleep with that? Honestly better looking than most actual woman.
U know you want to
Mind the watermark
Kill yourselves mentally ill faggot Sup Forumstards
I wouldn't go out looking for it, but I wouldn't turn back if I did
Kill yourself ugly tranny freak
Natalie Mars and Sue Lightning
But I'm still excited about finding possible life on other planets
Ehm...It was discovered by Belgium.
Kill yourself ugly tranny freak
What? You're not a homophobe are you? In Trump's america we have to share bathrooms with these types of people.
Also "Trappist" are an order of monks common in Belgium, and also the name of the beer they brew.
So it's a pretty funny name.
Kill yourself autistic ugly faggot Sup Forumstard.
See it as
>are we alone? I dont want to be alone. Were are our green sex slaves or with the hait tentacle.
Some humans burn money to find someone. Even if it means new conflicts.
>tfw no trap harem
I ain't a tranny. But I've got no issues with them, as long as they pay taxes
Low quality. Also checked
Kill yourself autistic fat ugly faggot neckbeard manchild Sup Forumstard
Pathetic betacuck faggot orbiter. How can anyone end up like you? Just kill yourself now nobody will miss you
You guys realize TRAPPIST is the name of the telescope, right? There will be TRAPPIST-2, etc.
Mate where do you get these images from
Ugly loser kill yourself nobody will ever love you. People are repulsed by your hideous face and your autism
There is something wrong with you you are fucked up in the head just take a shotgun point it to your mouth and pull the trigger
Really jogs my noggin Seriously, it doesn't get you that someone's son wants your cock bad enough that he'd be willingly turn himself into a woman for your pleasure? Also nice trips. You've got the hot hand
It doesnt matter.
If you love, get orgasm from or get along with her/him, who cares.
Feeling good without hurting others should be furst priority.
If you dont mind penis but alwys think women have too different mindsets or interests, than a trap should be considered as dating material.
please stop being autistic. Thanks.
I would pound that prostate.
>manface on the left
Kill yourself neckbeard
Kill yourself faggot lover
Kill yourself mentally ill faggot
C'mon. Just admit it. If you were in public with this dude, and no one knew it was a dude, you be grabbing it's ass and grind all over. No need to project bro. Nobody cares. As long as it's consensual
Wow, you sure sound mad.
That's not Chris, that's Ahuviya Harel
I feel really sorry for the kids of the next generation.
>go up to a chick in a bar
>20% chance it's a dude
A big guy
Autistic fat ugly Sup Forumstard weirdo kill yourself. Even the ugliest tranny would find you hideous and want nothing to do with you you sad pathetic weeaboo neckbeard
Kill yourself faggot ugly weeaboo manchild freak
That is gay bro.
>a leaf
I bet got tricked by one in a bar and friends made fun of him that he drank with a trap.
Or just closet homo that tries to be manly and destroy things he fears.
no we dont turn on the news
>That autistic faggot Sup Forumstard virgin is still roleplaying with images he saved from Sup Forums
How can anyone end up like you? Just kill yourself now your poor mom will be relieved that her weird ugly faggot son is gone
Jesus isn't looking just fap bro
Kill yourself mentally ill faggot freak
based greek
Left is a trap. Right is female. just a wild guess.
Haha this. Who cares man? I'd date a trap if they looked like pic related. Too bad it'll always be outliers. Plus I don't really wanna take it up the ass. Doesn't seem pleasant.
Both are trap
>implying trap on female isnt the purest form of sex
I feel sorry for you christcucks that will never see enlightment
Kill yourself mentally ill faggot weeaboo. Deranged hideous permavirgin manchild
I'm not ugly tho.
You can't purge the devil if you don't make your way down the rabbit hole
>calling anyone faggot
Yeah keep on fucking that little boys, while claiming males dressing as females is haram.
Says the autistic faggot weeaboo who is up at 5am on a Thursday spamming his little faggot pics he saved from Sup Forums
Kill yourself already you deranged ugly virgin faggot
Poor fido, he never stood a chance. Why don't you hop on it Aussie? You're a stone's throw away from trap capital
Funny thing is the half of them look like old grannnies.
Hormone overdose
I wouldn't be surprised if traps etc. Are the products of the hormones and chemicals pumped into us in every way. Probably a biological defect, too, if they don't suddenly just decide to be girls.
Old church stance on hermaphrodites should stand here.
>getting it in the ass
Depends on the trap.
Most are bottoms. Its in relation how feminim they are. The more feminim they look or behave, the possibility they wont fuck you increases. Only if you pressure them.
i fap to feminine sissies as much as pretty women. the dick wants what the dick wants.
>I wouldn't be surprised if traps etc. Are the products of the hormones and chemicals pumped into us in every way.
It's just white men and their latent homosexuality.
Nobody cares you sad pathetic faggot Sup Forumstard attention whore kill yourself
You actually put some actual arguements in your shitposts before, greece. Now you just look dumb with your caps spamming.
Can be, plastic is already in our system and can alter hormons.
Even all the medicine ending in our water can cause hormon inbalance.
But its hard to tell. Because of religion and society killing gays and traps in the past and increased medical technic nowadays, cant compare.
And historical stories about feminin men exist. Like eunuchs and male sexslaves.
So thats what that faggot looks like.
Hey there buddy, don't you have a gyro store to take care of instead of shit posting here? Now go on, before you're even more in debt you quasi Turkroach
why are so many white bois becoming women? have to admit I am hard
Are you onew of those insane /polgbt/ freaks? Kill yourself already mentally ill deranged faggot abomination you are not even human
It's fun they said
i raped a cat once too.
women don't wear those. thats what cucks wear.
delete that!
Keep posting trannies in pain.
In a sadist and I'm almost finished.
I'm married with two kids. You're the only mentally ill creature here. Kill yourself, scum. Where the fuck is my Greek yoghurt
id still fuck it.
You know what? I give up.
Go be a degenerate Sup Forums. Go fuck your traps.
Just do ME and your PEOPLE a favor, and knock some bitch up with two white children at some point.
what about that grey headed man in all the cuck movies?
>please breed more mentally damaged humans.
you get the rope too
>Don't breed, goy!
there both men you faggot kys or get straight and have white kids and save your race
>hey I know you like to fuck guys and are 100% brain damaged and I hate you so I'm not going to argue with you anymore! BUT go breed more brain damaged people!
You are first. To be hung.
>make thread about recent NASA discovery and alien worlds
>87 posts, 39 images later
>only 2 posts vaguely about astronomy
>the rest is about posting traps
And you still wonder why we haven't reached the stars, yet...
Sauce lol
>hey I know, I'll adopt NDSAP eugenics memes on Sup Forums in order to encourage white people not to breed because I'll say they're in some way deficient, then I'll claim later white nations need shitskins to make up the gap in population made by the lack of breeding! heee hee heeeee!!!
Keep pushing 1488 as you ask gays to breed.
You're the real Jew here Goldstein jr.
why are traps so hot?
this is some supernatural shit.
>Trump becomes president
>Possible ayy lmaos found
>This image becomes a possibility
Best timeline.
Is the one on the right really a trap? Looks pretty cute, if I found out it turned out to be a him when I got home I would straight up chimp out and murder that faggot.
You can argue purity all fucking day for as long as you want, but ONLY after the invaders are driven out. If you do it before, you're a kike shill, because nobody is that dumb.