Should Norwegian government pardon him?
Should Norwegian government pardon him?
no /thread
You cannot /thread yourself
Of course not
> You cannot /thread yourself
Someone's never done hyperdimensional sweing before
No, but we're keeping him just in case.
yes if he admits killing is wrong and promises to never to do it again. why not? its not like anyones gonna sell him a gun in the future... the guys going to be chased his entire life by antifa terrorists anyway. Release him
Imagine if he didn't went solo with the things he did, could probably have accomplished more. However he was a lot more successful then anything a Islamic terrorist could do on his own.
I don't get it, because he killed a bunch of kids. I don't know why he thought it was a good idea. I don't know why we still talk about him. Fuck him..
>you cannot thread yourself
You didn't check the id, now did you?
And no mr Breivik shouldn't be pardoned since nothing justifies shooting kids. A real man would have targeted adults and preferably ones that could actually fight back. If this was war he would be the weasel who hides from enemy soldiers but takes potshots at civilians.
obviusly no wtf?
>killing kids
>muh manifest
>muh kids
First of all, several were over 18, the rest teenagers. They weren't innocent cute babies. Most importantly, they were part of the socialist youth party, in their adult years they would be the ones fighting for immigration and degeneracy.
I'm sure if you used that as a defense in court they'd pardon him and realize the crime was justified no doubt.
I'm not defending his crime, I'm educating those believing his victims were innocent children.
>killing kids for being left wing
how's the saying go "If you’re not a socialist before you’re twenty-five, you have no heart; if you are a socialist after twenty-five, you have no head."
Well they are innocent, you may not agree with them and they may have been degenerate pseudo-communist retards but they were completely 100% innocent, even if they were adults, which not all of them legally were.
This guy killed one commie leader in South Africa and is serving life. So, no.
*were* innocent, not are innocent
They should make him King of Norway.
No. Who the fuck shoots kids to make a political statement. At least go after someone who is one of your targets... Shit.
See I think any lengthy jail term is counter productive.
Set a number of lashes per day for a certain number of days for any crime, provide medical treatment and see if they do it again.
30 lashes for 30 days for a murder, so that's times 77. 30 lashes for 20 days for attempted murder, times 319.
No one just kills 70 kids calmly. I bet this guy was programmed to do it by intelligence networks. Since nothing major happens "by accident" or "by chance" him killling 70+ people had to serve some kind of agenda.
Can you go be musim somewhere else?
Enjoy being ethnically and culturally replaced when you're old and defenceless while the kids you didn't kill when you had the chance will be strong adults.
>No one just kills 70 kids calmly. I bet this guy was programmed to do it by intelligence networks
no one ever killed 70+ kids in history before
>You didn't check the id, now did you?
You didn't get his point, now did you?
If you have a child and they ended up being a pro-immigration Leftist would you kill them?
Instead of trying to redpill the youth he chose to kill them instead, furthering the hatred for white nationalists.
Make an example out of him.
>Enjoy being ethnically and culturally replaced when you're old and defenceless while the kids you didn't kill when you had the chance will be strong adults.
enjoy getting your bloodline ethnically cleansed cause your kids or yourself don't subscribe exactly to the prevailing ideology of the dystopian state you live in
So he's a terrorist BUT since he's a white dude he did it better than the shitskin terrorists.
Checks out.
They already did. He is living in conditions better than 90% of planet.
For 70 murders anything short of death penalty is pardon.
'We are so progressive, we treat even worst criminals nice'...what is fucking point? Rehabilitation? Such people will NEVER reintegrate into society even if they wanted.
Why? Is he sorry?
"immigration and decency." FTFY
Yes! Bring im to Portugal please.
The argument could be made that children are smaller targets...
That new bald/beard combo makes my boy hole super sopping wet. Unbelievable
The man is sick in the head from being molested and abused otherwise by his mother
Enjoy living in a world of psychopaths that kills people for their ideology. How should this be an answer to the failure of your country.
Pardon him ans make him so a world tour
send him to Sweden
Yes they should. Breivik only cleansed his country of mudslimes and cucks who support liberalism (including supporting towelheads, communism, etc.).
>muh real men
>muh honour
Do you respect the honour of roaches and other pests when you stomp them out? Do you spare the children?
"Children" who are old enough to demand the downfall of our race and to open the gates for invaders are old enough to get shot
Damn he looking good!
Yes, he killed commies, he done his country a great favour.
Make a referendum for his pardon.
At least they should obey the international human rights and grant him internet access. Let's get #BreivikOnline
I'm making this my desktop background. Dead brown children makes me happy
>"Children" who are old enough to demand the downfall of our race and to open the gates for invaders are old enough to get shot
At last, sanity in this thread.
>if you kill your enemies they win
kek confirms
Those "kids" are the same kids that run around screaming fuck white people and demanding reperations for niggers and whatnot.
It is indeed sad that they became a tool of the jew but thats no excuse to be absolved of their dirty deeds
No and his whereabouts upon release should be made public on the internet so he can be kidnapped and tortured before being sent to hell, where he belongs.
I expected better of you, paladin engstad
Definitely, he's the second greatest hero in norwegian history.
Christcucks like you are our downfall
You are on the same level as the girls in the picture
Who is right here?
The least christian countries in Europe are also the most cucked. Probably just a coincidence though
This might sound completely fucked up but listen; I'm posting from Ukraine actually I'm a Canadian English teacher here. let me tell you. I've seen what has happened to Canada since this attack in Norway happened and I fully support him. Canada is becoming a third world toilet absolute multicultural hell
Living christian culture is not living christian dogma.
Most of the refugee caretakers here are christian.
I am not a paganist but a deist, I donct care if its Odin or God, but if the Gods teaching stand in the way of my people they have to go.
I'd disown them, but if they were killed in an utoya style attack I'd shed no tears.
This must have been ultra rare in fact.
Yeah because killing children really fucking helps?
>The least christian countries in Europe are also the most cucked.
Weird how there's no news from the Czech Republic or Estonia, why is that?
Guess whose inviting them in? Christians. Guess why they are both overpopulated AND no longer majority Christian? It isn't because they've become more athiest.
When there is a weed in your garden you don't let it flourish and ruin your yard. You kill it before it becomes a problem.
Please leave white lands immediately you fucking shitskin
>muh poor children
Those are the same kind of people who boast on twitter how they would totally punch Nazis and how its okay to kill them, back then they got some of their own medicine and died like the little rats they are
>Future Marxists
Mixed feelings
They should let the parents decide.
I don't have a problem with killing leftists but that bomb in Oslo killed innocent people for no reason.
you have to go back
>One of them was Arab
No mixed feelings anymore hail breveik
Yeah because Czechs and Estonians are just lining up for refugees and are also partaking in tons of degenerate social behaviors all over the place, right?
The major respect I have for the United States is because they resisted fucking Russians and fucking communism! now it appears communism is the Liberal Party of every western country. how the fuck did that happen?!
He did nothing wrong so yes.
Oh I'll be back in Canada in three months. Back with the Hindus the Muslims the niggers the chinks. BAKA
>He still thinks Americans resisted communism
They infiltrated us from the inside this time desu. They played the long game and won.
Communism and Capitalism are just to sides of the same shekel.
No. He has a /comfy/ jail cell.
Piece of shit scum killed scores of white children. Beautiful, very white Norwegians.
The man should be castrated, dismembered, flayed and then spend the rest of his life in a barrel of lemon juice and salt, removed intermittently to change his drip and check his vitals.
Too obvious, Sadiq.
> killed scores of white children. Beautiful, very white Norwegians.
You are aware they were literally Marxist/Communist politicians in training, right?
>white children
>that impotent power fantasy
Why didn't he he blow up a shopping center in an immigrant neighbourhood? Or only target non-whites at that summer camp? Or if he really ahd nothing to lose, why didn't he travel to the Third World and go on a killing spree?
This guy spilled innocent white children's blood and should be made to live out the rest of his long life in agony.
Are you stupid? you're from Germany. you of all people should understand how shitty communism is compared to capitalism. you're fucking country was split in two you autistic kraut. And even now the Communist/ leftist elements in your country are turning a great nation of Richard wagner into a third world Muslim Sharia toilet. The Jews are an important component to this transformation but also German cucks like you are equally responsible.
"Good Germans"
>yes goy all those politicians inviting subhumans to live amongst you are white! You have nothing to fear from your fellow white man!
Being white has just as much to do with mind as it does with body. Only having white skin won't cut it if you are an open advocate for the genocide of your race.
Wow, easy there Adolf. Mama Merkel better send you to camp.
>That ruined can of pringles
Truly a sad day
These children would grow up and turn Norway into Sweden 2.0
Race traitors < actual shit skins
>Why didn't he he blow up a shopping center in an immigrant neighbourhood
>Or only target non-whites at that summer camp?
>why didn't he travel to the Third World and go on a killing spree?
What would be the point of that, user? Where that filth came from there's billions more.
You need to cut off the hand that holds open the door. And as sad as it is, that hand is usually white.
Ship him off to syria and tell him to do the lord's work
if i would be sweden I would keep him as a special weapon and release him some day when the refugee situation escalates
Because the niggers are just the dumb pawns of the (((globalists))).
They alone are no danger to us if we are uncucked. Which means we have to destroy the elements that keep us cucked and that is what he did.
Grow up.
You are so hungry after the communist jew starved you,you greedily shove down your throat
every poisoned bite the capitalist jews throws at you.