Angle the photo to see the AYYYYYYYYYYYY


Other urls found in this thread:




that is not the same tree from the "tree pics" look at the base of the tree

also the top of the tree doesn't line up


Bump for proof

bumping for larp fun

someone who's got the original just post on mega or some random site and then post link here.



Here I desaturated the image, still playing with it in gimp when I get the everything equaled out maybe it will look better.

i want to fuck that alien

Looks like Wojack

this might be it from the description i read of it...


Wtf do you have the original? Or are you using OP's image?

wow, all of sudden im feeling sick

How's it coming along?

hey retardanon, dont waste your time, its just a shitty version of:
which is just a chop of the alien from x-files.

no... look at the ayyy and look at the base and top of the tree... not the same image...

how do those two aliens look similar to you

I'm using OP's image but I've seen it in a couple of other threads. I'm bad with GIMP so please forgive me
The tree and creature are different in this one, I'm hopped up on energy drinks and my xbone is fucking up so I don't have shit to do right now

The alien image is fake.

When you do a reverse search in google it finds nothing because there is a simple way to evade this by flipping the image.

So i did and flipped the image and redid a reverse search.

The pic was taken in Dead Horse Ranch State Park and they shoped an alien in it.

It looks fake, the sun/light is infront of the tree, but behind the alien.

Holy shit everyone knows that one is fake. People are just trolling with it.

>masterful calling out
>yet that flag

I'm torn

Yeah but nobody managed to prove it was.



That's because no one needed to. The description of the ayy is reptilian with yellow scales and shit. That doesn't fit, plus the ayy in that picture is from the new xfiles movie or some shit.

Here's an updated one, if anyone has better experience with photoshop or gimp you should probably go off the source image rather than mine. I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing.

they are shills.


Looks like you're doing well with what you have.


Found this one asking for handouts.

Get in here so we can discuss the much needed day of the rake

→ #

Here's my last attempt on this. Hopefully other anons can do better than me at piecing this together. If any of you fags still haven't got it finished when I get up in the morning I'll get back on it.


suddenly feeling short of breath
what is going on you guys?

hhahah is THIS the picture thats been memed the past few days?

pole, i am disappoint


As soon as I saw this image I started farting and ejaculating, but mostly farting.

Original image was just x files alien shooped onto a tree picture.

Sage for fake.

guys i shat my pants after opening this thread, diarrhea averywhere, its mells so bad

i cleaned most of it up but now my chair smells like cum and diarrhea now, it's awful and the smell escapes my room

Maybe you should kill yourself too user, after leaving that sort of mess for your mom it might make it less difficult for her to clean up.


but user ur mom loves cleaning up my boom boom :^)
