Sup Forums humor thread
Sup Forums humor thread
Why not both?
If i was 30 years older, i'd tap that dry-ass juris pussy. give her the fruit of my poisonous tree, if you know what i mean. shove my habeas cockus in her body of evidence.
but seriously, she is a red-pilled jew who hates modern-day feminism and cracks jokes on negroes. she's alright.
she's a jew?
Judge Judith (((((((((Scheinlend)))))))))
kek - i was about to post '>public sidewalks' good show.
apex lel
Hillary really sucks
Based Judy BTFO'ing niggers
Last one from me. Gotta go to work. Better keep thing shit alive for about 8 hours.
top kek
Anything to shut the bitch up
>the kangaroo
>The acoustics must be very bad in here
Don't lie user. You'd much rather have the men's rea.
The only thing more humorous than this pic is all the stupid idiots who voted for him...
Post pic of hand
>When there's canals
you're an idiot if you don't get this
Hands up don't shoot!
But who takes care of the canals? The taxpayers??
She's a coalburner
Took me a minute
Its true though, if the parents were working they probably wouldnt have such fucked up children, and if the teachers were actually teaching instead of indoctrinating shit would go a lot faster.
Go away Pedro
Take a closer look at those gears
The gears couldn't turn, Japan.
go get out your lego teknik and make that gear system, I'll wait.
Abos are literally sub human
>Abos are literally sub human
i think it's just the lipstick, red is not her colour
Woops wrong pic
>Home Depot (tm) presents the police (R)!
How fucking dumb are these people. Typical Australia.
this meant to be funny not rage inducing
this is why you don't meet chicks from tinder
This is very dank.
Is there anyway to find every episode of judge Judy?
I remember seeing this episode that had hippy poets in business suits taking on venue owner who had cocaine problems.
This is pure gold
Argentbina albays cracks me up :DDD
It isn't a rage thread, fuck you
>far right throws sausages at vegans
>vegans arrested
Was this one of you faggots?
A Japanese patriot removing commie scum
I gotta read more stuff by this guy
What's that white flash when he gets hit?
Did the katana break the sound barrier?
Tfw my brother has CF and it hits close to home
Which gear is the pinion? By that graphic either parents or teachers have to have the highest rpm. One of them is useless in producing torque
>Romania is so poor they don't know what a camera with flash is
Topkek, took me a minute
Incomplete without sound