What are ((their)) plans with these new planets?

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What can they do? It takes fucking 700,000 years to get there.

Did you even read the article? 39 light years away. Could be much less if we're using heavy engines for maximum thrust.

Did I miss us building the engine that let's us travel at light speed?

You don't understand if all you're thinking about is getting their physically. SETI can aim all it's telescopes at the star, strong radio wave transmitters can start sending signals right now and would get there in 40 years, if there is intelligent life the response could arrive after another 40 years. 80 years, a human life time.

Light engines naturally go slower than a heavy engine as it will generate more thrust and such.

He's right, even if you were using one of our best rockets and going at 20,000 miles per hour, it'd still take thousands of years to travel 40 light years... we just don't have the technology (we need warp drives or worm holes)

lol nothing

Space Jews.

Childhoods end.

Populate them with traps only and make perfect worlds.

That's why they named it Trappist 1.

>80 years later
>phone never rings

Time to start my 235 trillion mile trip!

Even todays telescopes can detect signs of life (methane, carbon dioxide, oxygen) after a while, think what we will have in 80 years time. A decade is what it will take to check if there is biological life with todays technology NASA say.

they are mocking you all with these cgi balls

get lockheed martin, northup grumman and saic to realease all they special access projects and we could go there tommorow not even joking with you right now to be quite honest sempai

Impossible to get there, 40 Lightyears is just too far away

Thats a fucking retarded move to do, we shouldn't broadcast our position for everyone to see.

>What are their plans with these new planets
NASA wants funding really bad

We've already been broadcasting signals in every direction for over a century.

Most signals drown in the background noise after some distance.

no one ever acknowledges the special access projects being run by the deep state, i wonder why.. Sup Forums... or should i say CIA SHILLS! AMI THE ONLY NONSHILL LEFT? OH MY GOD

Fall off a cliff, faggot.

Because its bullshit and doesn't exist, and if it does it doesn't matter anyway because of time delation

>CIA man going lightspeed
>when he comes back 4 million years are already gone here

I love how popsci retards eat this up. "Only 40 lightyears!" they say. Heat death will likely occur before we have the technology to embark a single light-year.

This planet will never even be probed for life, let alone colonized as Earth 2. And chances are even though it's habitable - there is no life on it.

Don't buy into the (((atheist))) lies



Our best rockets
(((their))) best rockets?

The idea is not simply achieving lightspeed,but warping time and space and take advantage of the 4th dimension,fucking syrian moron piece of shit

FIRE UP THE MEME DRIVE BOYS. But seriously, if it works we could at least send a voyager type probe to land in their orbits.

thats not how it works tho

This. Nobody has ever sent anything into space. Maybe, there is no space! Just lights on the ceiling of our underground slave camp.

The constellations never change. Why not?


>Can't even have an orbital outpost around the moon
>Talking about going interstellar

It's fucking nothing

The flight can take two days for the pilot and 700.000 years for the oberver on earth.

Take the Jean-Pierre Petit pill. We can travel faster than light in taking advantage of the twin universe theory.


Our signals become very weak after a relatively short distance and eventually become undetectable. You have to use a very powerful broadcaster to send sound to a star that is 40 light years away and an even more powerful one to send images. They have to have a similarly powerful radio telescope to pick it up. Very weak transmitters are used at the moment and that is all that is required to send radio signals terrestrially. It's not like on the films or where they say that we're giving our position away.

i'm not still sure if they are going for traps or rapists. probably as a legacy for billie clinton.


Impossible to do Luigi

Yes it works like that, Time Dilation is real.

but your going from point a to point b through the 5th dimension bypassing space and time completely you uber scrub

Humans have existed for around 12,000 years, and we'll be lucky if we last another 12,000 (war, global warming, resource scarcity).

700,000 years is enough time for a space faring civilisation to rise and fall. By the time the pilot gets there, he may be the last human alive, he may find that there was an alien race on the planet, but its gone extinct, or worse, find a human colony there as we developed FTL travel 100,000 years after he left Earth and the colony ships zoomed past him.

There's no point in going if it's going to take 700,000 years to get there.

thats just some retarded theory you pulled out of your ass.
>muh dimensions

Don't shitpost about shit you have absolute clue about

Humans have existed for 200,000 years.

yeah, i've read about it like 8 years ago when i thought space was still empty.

Honestly though, why not just use a time machine and bypass the issue of time dilation altogether. It's probably the best way to go

I meant humans in civilised form (as opposed to cavemen or hunter gatherers)

why not just teleport to the planet? they can already do it with a few atoms

Yeah only 40 years at 12 million miles a minute.

So easy.

They're all tidally locked to their star. So they'll be like a thousand degrees on one side and close to absolute zero on the other. No fun I'm afraid.

What was the text from the ayyyy post

Human beings cannot survive for decades in deep space. No spaceship can protect you from the intense radiation.

We will never have interstellar travel.

its pretty hilarious if you look into how they detect these things

they don't know jack shit about the size and what they look like or where in the system they are located

they literally look a star over a number of year and look for dips

no fucking telescope and see the (((planet))) Pluto let alone fucking planet 40 lightyears away


still possible for habitation
same goes for mercury's and moon's craters

red dwarf stars are the übermensch of stars in the solar system.

>no spaceship could have a bit of lead around the crew capsule

do you think radiation is magic?

>broadcast position with signal saying how much of bend over peace loving cucks we are
>wait for evil collector aliens that underestimate us and only send a very small fleet to deal with us
>destroy them
>free ftl technology
>proceed to rid them from their home world before they even notice what's happened

Sounds like a great fucking plan desu.

>Aliens send 1ton of material at lightspeed directed at earth
>blows completely up before you even notice

Ohoh verflixtelio

Let's apply centrism to this too
Perhaps the whole goal for humans is to develop good enough robots to reach far enough into space, to gather materials and energy such that earth can keep us alive until the heat death
(also an exclusively underground network to survive the giant fireball sun phase and no more sun phase)

>spend a thousand years in cryosleep
>finally arrive
>have to set up your base and spend the rest of your life in a crater
great craic lads

>start terraforming and colonizing?

No you have to convince them that we would let them fuck our wives and prep them before so they would come here in person.

>American humour

>warping time
Warping temperature is much easier -- you just have to bend the mercury tube.

>t. Minimum Thrust

Aliens won't care, especially not if they're that far with their technology that they can travel here.
they would check up on the planet via probes, then blow us up if they think we're in any way a threat to them.

also why do you think aliens wouldn't have advanced weapon systems?
They're the dominant species of their planet, this means they're the top of the food pyramid.

We can go there within 200 years with current tech you fucking idiots.

20% lightspeed is already possible. iflscience.com/space/stephen-hawking-reveals-plan-send-spacecraft-alpha-centauri-20-years/

Exactly. It's just more bullshit.

fucking bullshit, if it was possible, NASA would already put research into it.

That particular tech has been in research for 50 years 'tard. There's just no political desire or money to do it, but we could do it if we wanted to.

Technology is not the problem here.


>Technology is not the problem here.
apparently it is

Are you dense?

dude shut the fuck up
you're making an ass outta your self
what makes you think they arent working towards that goal
they dont tell their plans to a nobody like you that's for sure


Why the fuck is everyone worried about going there? With the tech we have now it'll be insanely expensive to the point of it not even being worth it at this time.

This is amazing because it's essentially the Galapagos Islands in space. We've found 7 Earth sized planets that have all had the chance to develop life independently of each other, even if that just means microbe life.

This is a YUGE chance to study how life came to be on our own planet and what other forms it might take.

>b-but its possibru

no its not

NASA says exactly what they plan in the future


since they put more money in other stuff, its a good indicator that whatever the Bulgarian untermensch said is not possible.

emu war

No "we" can't, unless you can squeeze yourself into a fucking tiny cube of metal:

> The proposal involves using a tiny “nanocraft,” called StarChip, which could fit between two fingers, attached to a giant sail

Not to mention:

1) How the fuck are these nano-probes supposed to slow down from a fraction of the speed of light once they enter the target system? (they don't have engines of their own)

2) How the fuck are these nano probes supposed to send signals 40 light years to earth? (even using a breadcrumb trail of probes, it would take 40 years)

it is possible, retard

I miss troll physics

apparently it isn't, at least not right now or anytime soon.

Physically and technologically, it absolutely is. But muh nuclear treaties are cockblocking us.

nope, its not possibru

deal with it

world war 2

It is you, loser retard. Deal with it, you illiterate fuck.

no it isn't.

>retard thinks its possible to travel to other star systems

holy fuck you're dumb
are you turk rape babby by any chance?

Literally fake news. NASA is a fraudulent organisation. You people only believe in this rap because you are sci fi nerds that desperately want your fantasies to become reality. Not gonna happen, space travel is not possible. Space is not reachable. Moon landing never happened. ISS is fake, satellites are not real either, just try and find real pics of them. Face the truth Goyim, I know it's hard. The Jews have pushed their lies in an effort to turn people away from their creator and become nihilistic, hedonistic atheists. NASA literally means 'to device' in Hebrew. I mean this sincerely and unironically. WAKE UP!

you can actually see the ISS with the naked eye

now kill yourself retard

Not really ideal on a planet that's tidally locked to a star. There'd be a band going around it from North to South pole that would have a stable-ish temperature but insane wind, and either side would be super hot or super cold and you couldn't do much about it.

*'to deceive'. Not even kidding, look it up

>no it isn't.
It absolutely is, you collosal retard.
>retard thinks its possible to travel to other star systems
It's physically and technologically possible, albeit expensive. The fact that you don't believe it shows that you lack the intelligence to grasp even basic concepts.
>holy fuck you're dumb
The dumb one here is you.
>are you turk rape babby by any chance?
No, I am a German. You, on the other hand, seem like mother is a turk and your father comes from Ghana and they married after he raped your mum.

I have no doubt that those Earth-like exo-planets have already been colonised by (((them))).

"We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity..... anything you can imagine, we already know how to do." - Ben Rich, Lockheed Martin

You can see a tiny dot in the sky sometimes when they tell you it is there. Does not prove anything.

We can already travel faster than the speed of light. (((Einstein))) was wrong.

How do we know they really found planets and are not making shit up just to get cash money?

just send a bunch of crygenicaly frozen tards there and colonize.

We don't desu.

Dude imagine this. A solar system where there's intelligent life on multiple planets that aren't too far from each other. What if they have trans planetary communications with each other, maybe even commerce/diplomacy if they were around our level of technology.

Imagine that dynamic?

clean your eyes

thats why they build shitty propulsion planes instead of UFO stuff.

makes no sense to not use the technology if you have it

>muh black projects

the only black projects they got is the ones were niggers live in

no its not possible. stop making up bullshit.

We don't know for sure, but what other choice do we have? Besides it won't affect us (the average person) much anyway

It's possible, Goymany.

"We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity..... anything you can imagine, we already know how to do." - Ben Rich, Lockheed Martin