Are the citizens buying media propaganda? Seems pretty obvious to me they are full of my shit than a Christmas goose, so shouldn't white Swedes who witness it daily be crying out more?
Why is Swedish media lying?
The sad truth is that swedes are stupid as hell.
Average Swede
They believe that Sweden is still the best,
and all problems will go away on their own.
100+ no go zones.
Sweden simply wants to be #1 in everything.
This post is full on Poe's Law.
>rape is ok as long as it leads to diversity ( and it doesn't happen to me)
liberals are so selfish
The old ones are buying the lies from (((them))).
SJW's and libtards are one hopless case though.
Easter perhaps?
So they deliberately ignore rape and violence in major cities?
What about the victims of or rape and violence. Surely they, their families and friends would form a vast network of red pill dispensers by now. I know some liberals are crazy enough to blame racism or make excuses, but I refuse to believe this is the norm.
It's a classic case of ivory tower shit. Most of Sweden is fine, and the better off Swedes will likely never deal with the problem themselves, so to them everything is fine and dandy. The poor Swedes and those that are close to the ghettos are the ones suffering.
I can't tell if swedes are unbearably naive or incredibly gullible if they think that all the rising crime rates that has been happening is pure coincidence.
Yes. Most (if not all) know that their government is sweeping it under the rug.
They will bend over backwards just to appease the invader.
>unbearably naive
They are. They really are.
Especially their government.
I read the statistics and news stories, faggot. Also, many Swedish posters do complain and confirm. I'm just baffled by all of the liberal tolerance to the rape especially
How come almost none of the posters who claim that Sweden is a dystopia are Swedish?
Do you really believe the "news" more than you believe the PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY LIVE THERE?
Very few "Swedes" claim such things, and they are probably proxies.
Can confirm, I'd say the amount of actually smart people you bump into is one out of ten, at a maximum. The other 9 can't even form thoughts on their own, they just repeat whatever they are taught and accepts it blindly. Humans are just shit in general.
THIS. Don't get me wrong, they have the capability for intelligent though (i.e. high average IQ), they just tend to be superficial and just try to follow the trends.
Their government
>Why is Swedish media lying?
C'mon mate. Get a grip.
ALL media tells lies. Here's an article from the Guardian website:
Tell me it's not horseshit....
Have you been to Sweden? I have.
You hear arabic everywhere.
The shitskins roam in packs during evenings.
It's scary.
Sweden is the emobodiment of naivety, we are even famous for making naive art. It's not a meme, we are like naive elves that think everyone is just as pure as us, even whilst getting robbed/attacked/raped. It's a mental issue, probably genetic.
Is a proxy? Is Sup Forums the source of a conspiracy to paint Sweden as a center of rape? Again, look at the statistics. A woman is safer from rape in South Africa than she is taking the train home home in Sweden
I don't think it's either of those. I believe it's a mixture of them being such cucks that they justify it in their minds and the fact that speaking out against Islam/refugees is illegal.
the sheep mentality of swedes is not to be underestimated
we WILL believe MSM 90% of the time and this is some weird leftist shit going on but admitting that immigration is the primary cause of rape would benefit the Sweden Demcrats (conservative party) so they choose not to. I believe that to be the primary reason at the very least.
I hope its not too late by then but there is also a significant amount of people who are sick of this shit and we might at the very least sway the opinions of the politicians in power.
I dont really believe the Sweden Democrats will get a majority vote partly because there is extreme societal pressure on people to not go with the 'fascists'
I know the media is horseshit. Usually there are spin stories or things taken out of context or lies by deception via omission, but Swedish media is flagrantly lying.
The problem lies in the fact that Sweden was a utopia in the most direct sense of the word for 2 generations. That creates a certain conditioning.
And when you combine that with media that has an agenda, you get fools who remain lucid until the end of their pitiful existance.
My name is literally Ragnar, as Swedish as one gets, although I do have green eyes...When your government wants to create a ministry of truth because and I qoute, "it's dangerous for a society where people have different facts" and spread this "state aproved truth" in schools, you know something isn't right.
This really concerns me. How does this happen? Sweden was prosperous, so that took a caring and intelligent population. How does a country of prosperous, intelligent people become so easy to trick?
>How does this happen?
The jews own swedish media kill all jews and the problem is solved.
Obviously, Sweden and Nazi Germany are proof socialism can work in a homogenous, white society, but with rising crime and an increasing burden to their welfare system it won't be long before prosperity is gone, and major metro areas turn into Detroit or St. Louis, which is where I am from. I genuinely feel bad for them. They don't know what's coming until it is too late
Kill them all everywhere and the problem is solved in time globally
the ultimate form of narcissism
the belief that your state/culture is insignificant because that's just how 'regular people' are when you live in the most prosperous country in the world
you might find this hilarious but we considered importing migrants a form of charity, like we have too much welfare really so we can just give some of it away.
To about 160 000 people or so no problem.
Also note that just because you might be intellectually superior you might not be morally superior, you might not be capable of making the decision of turning people away because you care too much.
>whats happening mr trump :) :) :) hmm pls tell us :) :) :)
>20 hours later the capital is on fire because of rapefugees
whoever is authoring this timeline needs to stop, my sides can't take it
I don't know how the rest of Sweden is but Stockholm has been literally conquered by hostile foreigners. I thought Helsinki was bad (our shitskin central) but Stockholm is 100x worse. Have you ever been to Sweden or do you have some other reason you won't believe all the evidence that Sweden has fallen?
Love the description in the direction.
What the fuck do you know you're in America
One of the most powerful business families around the globe resides in Sweden and control politics behind the Scenes, it's no coincidence. Just look into Swedish-Saudi relations and you'll realize their control.
As long as the Wallenberg family has influence over the government, getting rid of the (((Bonnier))) media family won't do much as another group would be given the monopoly to serve the state in propaganda.
>What about the victims of or rape and violence. Surely they, their families and friends would form a vast network of red pill dispensers by now.
it's kind of hard to do anything when you get arrested and jailed for ((hate speech)) the moment you speak out anything negative about immigration, muslims, or coloured folk
beardbabies are inviolable!
Here's some news for you, burger. Every media outlet out there is lying or have some agenda that will contradict each other or some form of variable truth. Most swedes know for a fact that mainstream media is not to be trusted and most people are also genuinely sick and tired of all anti racist PC bullshit spreading around both by media and politicians.
holy shit A Wyatt Mann confirmed for swede
If they didn't buy it, Sweden wouldn't be voting to the left all the time.
not true, scandis are very progressive and intelligent, high standard of education. they just dont have the common sense intelligence, which explains the level of denial which comes with refusing to believe immigration never fucking works, because doing so might put you on the level of the working class ''racist nazis''
i bet theres plenty of swedes that see through the lies, its just not as socially acceptable to reveal your true opinions
>If they didn't buy it, Sweden wouldn't be voting to the left all the time.
The majority of swedes has ALWAYS voted left since the early 1900s. It's a political legacy that has remained as a tradition for over 100 years. Social Democrats was however inflitrated by communists in 70s, before that in the early 1900s the party was very much inspired by the german idea of "volksgemeinschaft". And believe it or not this is the same party that financed the racial biological institute
> user forgets that swedes who speak out against muzzies go to jail
> doesnt know that sweden persecutes dissenters like any marxist socialist dystopia
> sweden's left wing has imposed political correctness upon the populace
> official Counter-Factual Good-Speak is permitted, reality based speech is a crime
> all media in sweden is controlled by 3 family run businesses, (((coincidentally))) run by members of a particular minority group
> swedish thought police monitor all communications for "Dangerous Extremist Views"
> Sweden Yes
>they just dont have the common sense intelligence,
they actually do have common sense.
when you live isolated from the problematic areas, and when the media and the politicians tell you everything is perfectly fine, and your friends live in the same hugbox as you --- i would call it common sense to believe to believe that there is no problem at all.
They think that telling the truth will generate discontent in whites. They literally believe that resentful whites are a bigger social problem than the scum of immigrants
i think its fucking stupid to believe everything the media tell you, but i get what youre saying
>Why is Swedish media lying?
(((Swedish))) media.
Swedish media doesn't exist anymore.
It has been hijacked with racist nepotism to be a Jewish monopoly.
Sound familiar Burgerland?
You should never believe any kind of media unless they have a specified TRUSTED source linked. Always fact check.
This is the problem in Sweden as many have pointed out. Swedes are so FUCKING naive. They believe anything anyone writes that is peace and flowers and bad things doesn't happen. And if it does it was probably the racist white males fault for discriminating minorities.
Maybe Sweden was being too moral. I guess there is nothing wrong with being charitable if your country is doing well, but there should have been a lower number and better vetting. What I can't figure out is the refusal to punish heinous crimes harshly before deportation.
>Why is Swedish media lying?
Swedish media? What's that? There's no such thing. There is only the ZOG media that happens to be based in Sweden.
oh good fucking lord
When everyone you meet is prosperous and intelligent you start believing that everyone in the world is prosperous and intelligent. I think geography is also a factor here, Swedes don't really see what different culture looks like.
Check this out OP.
This is why hate will never win.
The truly creative, intelligent people on this earth are liberals. They have made, and control, the media and social media. We literally control speech and thought worldwide.
If - and it is a huge if - hate ever becomes powerful enough that it starts influencing people worldwide...we'll just shut it down. Remove that voice. Remove that opinion. The haters will cry about it for 10 minutes, and then forget about it. Example: Milo's Twitter ban.
If the scenario were reversed - which it wouldn't be, but let's pretend - we would have 50 news articles about it, trending articles, protests and more.
The left are simply more intelligent, more able, and ultimately...control the platform.
You have no chance in the long term. And I know the more intelligent among you know this. And it kills you. And it gives me life.
wtf i want to protect swedes now
>from themselves
this BS all over the Sup Forums
We need to push swedenball memes to twitter