Fact: Without a united european superstate europe will not survive

Why are the united states of europe not a thing?
Schulz has always been a strong supporter of the idea so it's likely that he will propose such a plan when he gets elected.
The united states of europe would be the most powerfull in the world

>one government
>one passport
>one united army

prove me wrong.
Pro tip - you can't

Much depends on what will happen in france. Hopefully they won't elect le pen. We need to unite and work together instead of driftig even further apart. Honestly speaking, the united states of europe would be the most important force in this world. USA, China and Russia will be btfo easily.

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=how can i kill the president and where to get child porn&eu-superstate-coming-2017

stop shilling you fag

The US nuked the wrong country.

>muh shill


Would've been even worse if it was Deutschland, to be honest.

no thanks mate.
dont contact me again

demands reasons...doesn't give reasons.

fuck off

>This shit again
>That flag
What is it with you Germans?



google.com/search?q=how can i kill the president and where to get child porn&eu-superstate-coming-2017

How so? By the end of the war all that was left were the ancestors of the cucks we see today.

God dammit, fucking goddamn Krauts


Retard Europe is comprised of COUNTRIES not states. It'd be:

The United Countries of Europe

And that's gay as fuck. You guys need to come up with your own shit and get off our nuts.

I'd tell you to eat shit but you already do.

The Soviet Union would be the most powerfull in the world.

one government
one passport
one united army

Just fuck those pesky different nationalities wanting to be in charge of their own fate and not be servants of a caste of detatched beaurocrats, right?

A story of success truly worthy of being emulated.

Europe's not going to survive either way.
Your countries are being overrun with foreigners and your people do nothing but celebrate it.
Europeans have grown too weak to survive and will not last much longer

Ciao UE, it was nice knowing you



The EU is already destroying itself and you are talking about a superstate, this is true fuhrer bunker status.

fuck off

shill or cuck

either way you are a cuck

Of course it will be ran by Germany; all that the rest of you goyim need to do is completely give up your sovereignty.

You will again like you did 70 years ago

Your posts interest noone here, kraut, get a job.

When Germcucks say A UNIFIED EUROPE they really means A GERMAN DOMINATED EUROPE.

You cucks are literally the only people left still shilling for a Europe under a Jew.

Fuck I'm sick of you krautcucks

> Fact: Without a united european superstate europe will not survive
The last time you guys tried we pushed your shit in so hard you forgot how to be a man.

Right now, there is atleast a common agreement amongst the German populace that there is too much migration from alien nations going into Germany. If the United States dropped the bomb on Germany, I guarantee you that virtually all Germans would be low-testosterone self-apologetic fuckwits (like the Japanese) that would be even worse than Sweden, feeling some sort of obligation to "right the wrongs of their history".

It would be like adding tons of salt into a wound, and trying to forcefully jam it in there.

I'm federalist. Let's do it,

Fuck off kike.The eu is done, and your retarded ass destroyed it.


Germany failed with force now their trying cuck diplomacy.

I want one EU government.

What the fuck is this shit? What did you just infect my browser history with?

>I guarantee you that virtually all Germans would be low-testosterone self-apologetic fuckwits (like the Japanese) that would be even worse than Sweden, feeling some sort of obligation to "right the wrongs of their history".

Have you ever met a German in real life? They all fit this description exactly (barring the few stragglers that can be found on Sup Forums).

Of course I have, but not the feminist expats that you most likely get.

so they can tell you what is the allowed size of pickles when you want to sell them

Without russian military power eu as a global player will suck chinese/american cock. yeah.. and russia alone with this small economy would be colonized by china.

>Why are the united states of europe a thing?
>Farage, Le Pen and Wilders have always been a strong opponent of the idea so it's likely that they will attack such a plan when they get elected.
>The united states of europe would be the most weak in the world
>>one nationality on passport
>>individual strong armies
>prove me wrong.
>Pro tip - you can't
>Much depends on what will happen in france. Hopefully they will elect le pen. We need to unite and work together instead of driftig even further apart. Honestly speaking, the united states of europe would be the most degenerate force in this world. USA, China and Russia will agree.

As a liberal remainer I want to thank you based user for promoting European federalism. Please never stop fighting for it. Most of Sup Forums hates us (pro-EU people) but there will always be those among these ape-minded morons that will see the potential, the great vision of a stronger, centralized EU.

Doubtful. Germans have self loathing ingrained into them from a very young age. Their education and media bombards them with it their entire lives.

that will never happend ,after all the refuge crysis what will happen is europe will split into countryes together and kick out Germany and potentially sweden

that is what is going to happen, believe me, there will never be a one goverment Europe,you learn from other peoples mistakes

>Pro tip - you can't

OR we could also do it under another form with autonomous ethnostates, without socialism, with separate passports and a common economical union. As it should have been in the first place.

We would still be topdog in the world and everybody would be happy.

Now go and elect Schultz already so we all have a reason to ditch you. You fucking traitor!

>Fact: So long as Germany exists, Europe will not survive

Why stop at Europe. I want a united States of earth government. We need to find these aliens so we can unite and put all our resources into space travel.

So does every western country. White New Zealanders have feel angst about their "supposed" actions of their ancestors against the Maori, same thing with the abos in Australia.

When you get bombarded with bullshit your entire life, and you see your brothers essentially working for the benefits of minorities, and you see all the programs they have access to relative to you, you are bound to unhook yourself from mainstream garbage.

In the USA the avg per capita income in the poorest state is half as much as from the richest state. This isn't close to being so in a USofE. Income inequality, not to mention culture, is too vast a divide to cross.

Sure, a 500 million super-state ruled by corporations and where nations don't have any kind of influence on the legislation (especially smaller ones). We'll end up all being in a western european liberal utopia and based eastern countries like Poland or Hungary won't have a say at all.

Europe would be paradise by now, if Anglos would stay on their islands and stop with their balance of power / divide and rule strategy and just let Germans rule the continent.

one big centralized government = same cancer for everyone

no centralization = cancers kill themselves
civiliced people prosper


Hate to break it to you but Russia WAS a powerful military force. However due to communism destroying your economy most of your shit is outdated and old. China would wreck your shit simply because their tech is superior. And don't even get me started on the light-years the US army is compared to China.
g8 b8 m8. I almost wanna REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE at you but I realized your trickery.

Fuck off Kraut.
I want no part in your united states of cuckedom.

The sooner EU falls, the better.
>one united army
I will NEVER, EVER fight or risk my life for the causes of non Finns.
I'd fucking see every german die if it meant saving a single Finn.

My kin above all else.

Schulz = war with Marine Le Pen

We will not bow to you kraut.

Vive l'AfD!

This. This is the answer. It's so obvious it's painful.

You killed more white people than any other country in history, you cabbage-eating fuckwit, by starting wars you were too weak and pathetic to win.

Kill yourself. Or, better yet, don't. Just wait for Mehmet and Ahmed to behead you. FICKE FICKE.

Europe has managed pretty well before all this globalist shit. It's a continent, not a country. Let the countries rule themselves and avoid the impending civil wars that will inevitably ensue for the EU.

why are germans the one who push this bullshit threads every fucking time?

Yeah you guys talk a big game until there's an actual conflict. Then the national white flag is raised and everyone goes back to getting dry fucked by baguettes.

Thats exactly what they said about Yugoslavia and looked what happened there.

>.t ignorant ahmed

bye bye, have fun with your project

good luck paying for the club med when fiscal integration arrives, because after that, there will be no financial reason for those nations ever to balance their chequebooks again

Well... Because it almost worked for them before?

Because some of them want to rule all the Europe to take our shekels. Fuck their 4th reich.

Stop spreading propaganda. There are programs to develop the poorer regions, supported by the more wealthy regions, so this gap is closing. Even the ruined former soviet states have develpoed greatly in a short peroid of time.

You just fear a united europe, because it would be the mightiest country in the world.

this. fuck your EU.

That is happening now in your country

Bump for justice!

USE when?

I think this is sad but true, but that even with a pseudo-European pseudo-superstate, we might not survive because the mindset is so bent on degeneracy and rootlessness.

It could've worked but you decided to make Muslims your Mexicans

Too true

He's right though, look at the millions of eastern europeans flooding the UK for gibs and jobs, the economies are far too distant

You Viking fucks are insane lmao.

Fuck you Germany FUCK YOU. You are ruining Europe for the third time in 100 years and you want to install a Orwellian totalitarian state? Fuck you! European Union is cancer and I hope it disintegrates in 10 years. You want to have USSR 2.0? It will have the same fate as the former one. You are a globalist shill and the only fate for you in the near future is being hanged from a lamppost while a angry mob stabs you with knives.

well...even obamer have said that russia is second military power

>China would wreck your shit simply because their tech is superior.

pff tech superiority and they still buy our weapons

Give it some time, they are doing great considering where they were in 1990. Also this cheap labour keeps the EU competetive with the rest of the world, the most economic allocation of ressources and labour is a huge benefit of the EU.

Germans can't even rule their fucking country


Like USA in Syria last thursday? Stop this shitty meme Pedro.

What should we do? Lick Merkel and Schulz' asses?

Just read Die Deutschland-Illusion (M. Fratzscher), it's the new mein kampf... it's a big nope for us.


They are literal mongs, you mong.

Ahh yes, we should all have china wages to compete with the rest of the world, right?
Neo-liberal faggot. GDP is not everything important if it reduces most workers to 3rd world tier slavery.

What do you mean? Our chancellor is a blonde, german, christian conservative woman.

Fuck off Ahmed.

Do. Not. Ever. Imply that Obummer had any relevant input on anything. The fact that he is your defense should bring you to your knees with disgrace.

And just because you guys have bargain store priced guns doesn't make you superior.

We will take Russia's side if shit hits the fan. Western Europe if as far from us ideologically as one can get.

you're obviously not going to have a war with Germany monsieur.

>"Hurry up and hand power to our club already or we'll use more forcible measures to get our way"

That quote was blackmail and not some kind of fact presented to the EU. It's blackmail most of the time

>fear a united europe, because it would be the mightiest country in the world.
>ruled by Germans

>You just fear a united europe, because it would be the mightiest country in the world.

Yeah, who could stand against the combined might of Malta, Cyrpus, Portugal and Luxembourg?

>europe will not survive
Where have I heard this before?


You guys gotta grow balls at some point. But I'm still waiting on you all to do something that proves it.

Please google
>reductio ad absurdum

We are not talking abou china tier wages and no, GDP is not everything. There are minimum wages even in your country, and our standard of living is continuously going up. But of course at the moment this makes us a tad more competetive and even though the economy is not everything, it certainly is very important.

Many wars are the result of a bad economy.

Honestly, why not?

>letting cuck states like France and The Caliphate of Al-Germani legislate on matters like guns, freedom of speech and immigration in your own country.
I'll choose apocalypse over that any day.


Over my dead body faggot,you already took our industry,our natural resources and our gypsys(scratch that,it was the only good thing)
and now you want to take our culture,nationality and name away....
Fuck off Achmed.

>That little island off Denmark

Wut? Is it called Rape Island or something?

(((United States)))

>There are minimum wages even in your country
Which now take someone on them about 40 years to save up for a deposit to buy a house. Everyone but the richest is losing out because of mass immigration and how the EU bends over for big businesses.
