Even normies come here when shit goes down

>even normies come here when shit goes down

Just a reminder that you don't get to leave. You're here forever

>milo's disgrace
What world is she living in? It's the media's disgrace.

Cuck carts

why not use a full sized one?
Are you not buying shit like bottled water and potatos and other heavy shit like that?
Doesn't even fit in there.

>cuck cart

Never change, /pol./

>just a reminder that you don't get to leave. You're here forever


It's perfect for holding the modern nu-males purse, while xe waits for xer to finish their shopping.


I'm single. i don't use the cuck carts. I also don't buy chunky soup.

>Push around a tiny cart
>Tiny cart has less volume than baskets
Why the fuck would you push around a little cart? Why not ride around on a little pink bike with flares and a little ring bell?


And I never said I wanted to leave
The more I go to the other places the more I realize how great this place is.

Those carts are pointless when there's baskets.

Our queen

/ccg/ should become a regular thread

>and some of us evolve into bigger whores for this board

Comfirming.Been here since forever.
Also its very comfy.


damn she is actually funny

The forever alone female version

Elizabeth Warren has nothing on her when it comes to cheeckbones, holy shit.

>Cuck cart

This is a perfect example of Sup Forums I love you guys!

can confirm, lsdposting and drunkposting are supreme

>tfw you've done all four

I owe you all an apology

That thread really helped me start thinking for day and resulting into work being 87% productive when I usually hover around a 34%.

Seriously, we hate these trans-carts. I used to love grocery shopping but it's all changed.

>cuck carts

That fucking nose

Highposting is shit but highlurking is amazing

LSD and Drunkposting reveal the two extremes to which people on Sup Forums gravitate to.

potatoes go in the bottom

t. cuck

How many layers of irony is she on?

does this mean she is legally consenting for someone to kill her?


She looks like James Spader jacked off into a test tube for retards

They're not cuck carts, women are just too weak to use full size ones. It's weaponized feminism.


Checked and keked

She's one of us now, there's no going back

If you took an attractive woman and dropped a cinder block on her face, this would be the result

Man...I can see why she's a feminist.

Eleanor sounds pretty anti-fun.

LeL yeah I see it

cuck carts, that bought a tear to my eye when I read it, keep it real you mad bastards, never change.

cuck cart lady has melting face syndrome

Thats good, i like her.

Maybe she started that thread to cap it? Fake News.


if you use a big cart but can't even fill it cause you're a millenial poor fuck you won't feel cozy at the checkout and (((they))) wouldn't want that...also women are weak and feel opressed by the big man cart

>being this out of ammo to get attention
Jesus Christ women are pathetic.

You are here forever and you WILL get redpilled, normalfags. Don't fight it, embrace it.


I think shes cute in an ugly duckling way?

hey @marrowing, whatcha doin'?

Why I love this board

>its actually just a trolley for baskets

lmfao these carts don't really exist right


What has Sup Forums to do with this niggerloving faggot?

She should try r/thedonald next time.

>boottled water

uh..no? Why would I pay 10x-100x the price of tap water for tap water in plastic bottle?

It's good for small families. I only need to shop for myself and my step son so I don't use the big ones.

Cuck carts care great if your are buying a few heavy-ish items that make a handbasket awkward to carry and you don't want a massive cart that rakes up already limited space in aisle.

t. Decade long Walmart associate

do you make this fucking thread every day?
Fuck off Eleanor no one gives a shit what you think.

>step son
>cuck cart
Try and be a bit more subtle next time, leaf

>cherrypicking from an imageboard

absoluteyl disgraceful

This. Sad!

Waifu claimed.

thanks for the (((you)))

she has potential, but a solid 5-6/10, good wife material if she can leave the feminism behind.

>lowkey my wife's son
Nice one Cancuck


only in America user

>t. Decade long Walmart associate
why are you not at least an assistant manager yet?

Enjoy your estrogen faggot, how big are your tits?

>Blacks stick with blacks
>whites stick with whites


Here have another one it's all yours

she did, she does it every fucking day bc she is attention whoring like every other roastie

Without feminism she'd be cute wife material

Spending this much time thinking about us

>Just a reminder that you don't get to leave. You're here forever
You just convinced me to leave. I'm done with this place. Nothing personal or anything but I can't handle it any more. Have fun guy, bye.

I've noticed a lot of leftist media types admit to coming on here. It's an obsession for them. It makes them so mad but they're too fascinated to look away. Only a matter of time before they're redpilled like all the rest.

Pls don't go

All the cuck carts I've seen (in upstate NY) have both a top basket, a bottom basket and an undercarriage thing. They hold just about the same amount of stuff as a whole cart, but you can seperate things more easily (you don't just pile everything on top of one another) and they take up less space so they're easier to use
Even people shopping for the family will use the cuck cart unless they need something really big

because this is what Trump's america looks like


Nah, you stock shelves.

Nah milo is advocating pedophilia. I guess it's what people get for following a gay degenerate, while the whole time being against degeneracy.

We will be seeing alot more of her now that she knows she has stolen my heart.

a single person with a giant cart holding only a few items looks more like a cuck than a person with a cuck cart 2bh

This, is not even a cuck cart.

I ain't surprised, really. As "young adults" all of my circle went on Sup Forums sometimes. Now, when we get together and talk, and it comes down to politics, well, pol comes up every now and then. (Though afaik I'm the only regular - not that I have to hide my power level around my close buds though)

M8 the water is turning the frogs gay, how are you not woke yet?

See you tomorrow then.

So... do you sit alone, user?

At least you tried something different. Good job.

So, the shills are falling for their own tricks, now?

>Sup Forums is not focusing on eceleb drama but break-up of family
I'm actually impressed

>he doesn't have a water filter

>come to Sup Forums
>read a bunch of threads to find a shitpost that you can plant in your Like-farm
>>read a bunch of threads
>>>read a bunch of threads
>>>>read a bunch of threads

That's how it starts. Let them laugh, so that they can send more to learn.


>cuck carts

Prep the bull!

Its a fucking cart that carries a basket like holy shit. She can't just carry it??

Because I don't work during the day to network with the higher-ups. I've been there 11 years. Only about 8 people have become department managers or done something else on another shift, which half come back on overnights because of daytime drama.

I don't have a GED or anything and being in my mid 30s, this is the best I could have done as I'm too old to start anything now from the absolute bottom.

See the Jared Taylor lunchroom test. If some calamity happened in the US and I was displaced to southeast asia, I'd be hanging out with as many whites as possible.

At least the title makes me feel marginally important.

What is the point of cuck carts when small baskets are about as large as them?

>I don't have a GED or anything
It is so fucking easy to get one. It is literally two days worth of work.
I got one and now I am attending university and on my way to getting a bachelors in electrical engineering.

Don't be a cuck, cuck.

She's funny but she's a commie so no thank you.