>A man who filmed himself burning the Quran has become the first person to be charged under Denmark's blasphemy law in 46 years
>A man who filmed himself burning the Quran has become the first person to be charged under Denmark's blasphemy law in 46 years
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i am more disgusted with your flag here then this news,
europe is cucked anyways and only sanctuary is this fucking website.
Opinion immediately discarded.
Because provoking is good and should be never be punished, yes?
reddit is where you belong
> pooKistan
> opinion discarded with shit hand
Its actually where you belong because you can't even speak English properly you faggot
>violation of the blasphemy clause, which covers public scorn or mockery of religion.”
>buy item
>exercise rightful control over item without hurting anyone or breaking a single NAP
>get imprisoned
>ameritard sliding with paki
hau di über d'häuser, scheiß bauanbua
That is a statue he didnt own in a public place.
No sorry that doesnt compare to a guy burning a book he bought that day in his own back yard.
Yes, as long as it is his quaran and he burned it on his property, it should never be punished, you boot licker.
t. Pajeet
Fucking how many indians are there in Canada?
>anyone who makes a mocking gesture at a statue should go to prison
>because jesus is real
He's burning a book, not threatening Muslims or any thing they own.
But youre obviously one of those
>we must not criticise Islam or Muslim or they will turn radical!
>we must criticise whites and push them to the edge and it's entirely their choice if the become radical nazis.
People are always responsible for how they respond. If Islam is truly a religion of peace then "provoking" by nothing but fucking book burning would result in shit. In no way is this violent protest
I don't understand how it's "blasphemy" considering blasphemy is strictly from the point of view of a certain religion.
Simply point the only way this is legally blasphemy is if Denmark is an Islam theocracy. Even if it's a Christian nation and not a secular it still can't be blasphomt legally
How many wars have you won against India?
Opinion not even taken into account to begin with
I guess Christianity has never been publicly scorned or mocked for half a century in Denmark.
he burned a quran in his own country, where islam doesn't belong, and you're a paki bastard for not understanding this
dont worry bro grammar and spelling are irrelevant as long as you get your point across. people who use that as their only argument don't matter anyway. inb4 murica
In America it's the Jews who you can't insult.
It's times like these that I'm glad I live in a free country. Fuck Islam, and all that it stands for.
I don't see a problem with it. Freedom of expression doesn't mean you have freedom to offend. You can express disagreement with certain parts of the Qu'raan without desecration of the entire religion.
I'm talking about the fat Americunt who said this would never happen in the USA. Go surrender some more, you smelly algerian cunt.
what a pathetic country
>Don't offend people because they might kill you.
We are a conservative country. It won't Stockholm, and if it does it will only red pilled the average dane. Kill the sand niggers race war now
>hes fine with it as long as its not this guy.
>>A man who filmed himself burning the Quran
He should be honoured by the Danish people.
you can also burn some paper with ink on it
The one that mattered.
Keep crying fag while we rape your little girls.
* it won't stick, fuck phone posters like me
this desu
> Freedom of expression doesn't mean you have freedom to offend.
Yes it does. What's offensive is entirely subjective you idiot.
You don't have the freedom to incite violence or outright lie (slander) but otherwise everything else is free game. That's the point of freedom of speech
Can I get the same treatment for buring Bible or Talmund? If so, then secularism is truly dead in Denmark.
>paki admits his kind are pedophile rapists
I don't even have to insult you, you sand niggers seem to take pride in being cowardly, sneering subhumans
>Keep crying fag while we rape your little girls.
If your country was turned into glass craters the world would be a better place.
>Y-you're c-cowardly
What you gonna do boy? Call the police? Kek
>he lives in a country where blasphemy law exists
>implying blasphemy against judaism and islam are not illegal in France
I wouldn't laugh mate, your country will have blasphemy laws in our lifetime.
>danskere tror at de har ytringsfrihed
helt til grin favæ
Yeah tough shit nigger. Now pay up our billions of "aid" money or we might give a nuke to ISIS.
Can you deny the holocaust?
I can, but it can also end up very expensive.
>We are a conservative country
That's an extreme exaggeration.
Not yet but maybe soon...
Absolutely pathetic. Gather ten thousand people and simply march in there and get him out. Once the masses realize the strength they have in numbers it will be over quickly for these elites and libtards. Muslims out of europe. I cant wait to vote in March.
And so he should be
France will be the first majority nonwhite EU state
not as long as there are eastern european countries, Swedenand germany in the EU, kek
I can deny the holocost while burning a koran with no consequences beyond a weird glance from a stranger. Get rekt.
France has something like 8x the amount of nonwhites of either Germany or Sweden and the amount is rapidly increasing.
considering the amount Sweden and Germany take is exponential and is rising steadily you're talking out of your ass but again you're an amerilard so whatever.
you'd never give away your only nuke
Whatever you say, pal. You're deluded if you think that's an actual Pakistan national and not a white man
>traitorous American siding with eurfag
You have to go back
>it's impossible to know either way because it's literally illegal for the """French""" government to collect statistics based on race
So instead of holding your government accountable, you're just going to partake in shitposting on a website made possible only by American freedoms?
Europe deserves what it gets.
You have to go back
lucky guess on the german, guy
>Libtards and leftists rally screeching by the thousands to defend the burning of the US flag as a constitutional right
>MSM backs it up
>meanwhile Dencuck gets fucking arrested for burning a book that, yes, calls for his murder as a disbeliever and the conquest of the world
It's pretty fucking crazy but he hasn't been convicted yet. I think this could go all the way to the Supreme Court because it's a very unique case and I think there will be a political uproar as well. The law he's charged under has not been used in 48 years IIRC.
>he lives in a country where blasphemers against the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) are shot
When will there be a war that would eradicate all traces of religion?
You got massive niggamigrants from your colonies aswell over the last years thanks to the new naturalization laws.
So: no. And you literally have race riots all over your country atm. - If SHTF it will be in your country or Italy.
it was called World War II
fuck off commie
Not in your country, no.
Sorry, but you religioncucks are ruining it for us actual humans and deserve to be exterminated.
the reason for this is to see where the laws stands today.
If convicted all religious feelings get extra protection and freedom of speech suffers.
if not convicted the law against blasphemy will be removed.
its just politics. Shame a guy might have to pay a fine because of filthy politicians and their stupid games.
Why are Europeans such beta cucks?
That statue wasn't his propriety, he was violating propriety laws by fucking with someone else's propriety, even worse if it was public propriety
never because it's human nature, retard
чe eбнyтый?
Please do oh sweet kek do. That's the big thing we need to massacre the Middle East. That's the permission slip for genociding Muslim's. Also since we will be scratching ur back by sending you to Allah do us a favor and hit LA? 2 birds one nuke deal?
>Eternal Burger cancer
Have a look at your own shit
The difference being that Americans have been almost entirely Christian for our entire existence and our culture is overwhelmingly shaped by Christianity while Islam is completely foreign to Denmark, which has a state Christian church.
Punishing someone for attacking your country's traditional values is literally not even remotely comparable to punishing someone for attacking a religion practiced by a small minority of immigrants.
True humans don't need religion. Only theist animals do.
Haha this desu also nice
>muh we will glass the Middle East
>can't even take down some rice farmers and goat shaggers
Okay sergei
Not when it's attacking Islam it isn't, Abdullah.
Vi havde en afstemning til et forlæg om; hvilke værdier der er vigtigste i Danmark, Ytringsfrihed kom ikke på top 7 ud af 30.
You have to have aesthetically pleasing nipples to pull off that shirt.
Yeah, pandering to Islam and enabling Wahhabism while Oil Sheikhs buy your politicians is truly alien to the United States of Saudi Arabia.
yes America is cucked we all know that but you didn't address my point
Oh, neat - a new Assassin's Creed game
>blasphemy laws
>not in shithole Arab country
Our government have just announced today that they will "discuss" this, where they have in sight to change the law so it doesn't become illegal.
Probably won't affect the charge, but still
That would be great news.
I need a link for that friend.
>Justice Minister: We should discuss blasphemy paragraph