How do you even live

What does it feel like knowing you had a fifty fifty chance at being a qt but were born male instead? I would be pretty sad if I were male desu, I don't know how you guys cop

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I looked like a girl until my 30s. It's not that great, but funny sometimes.

Being strong, respected and having total control of my emotions is much better than having an ATM between my legs that bleeds for 25% of my life.

I rather have an advantage in intelligence and strength rather than in emotions and curves. If you are born either of those and don't like it? JUST DEAL WITH IT.

And what about the loser males who aren't strong, respected or control of their emotions?

I'm anti white because there's no reward waiting for me in Sup Forums's world

Why should I bother. Why should I fight for a cause that excludes me based because I'm not alpha

Nah. Fuck that. I'm not fighting the race war so Chad can retire with his white family

I would rather jamal had her and the race goes extinct

Non white/ race mixed couples don't trigger me like white couples do

My uncle got out of prison a month ago after being in there since the 90s. He asked me why are there so many trannies and feminine boys walking around these days, and in the media. He told me back then you can only find a tranny if you went to a special show, like you really had to look hard to find them. Now they're everywhere. Guy was completely shocked. I didn't know what to tell him.

Being a qt boi is fine too.

>And what about the loser males who aren't strong, respected or control of their emotions?

Well, you will go extinct, you may think it's unfair, but it's your own fault for losing the game of evolution. No one's born alpha, you become alpha, stop getting intimidated by people and women, delude yourself to think you're great until you actually become great.
It's hard when you're at the bottom, but when you get out you'll realize it was so easy.

That or you could just keep weeping until Darwin erases you from the genepool.

Leave this shit on /r9k/. You fucking weirdo.

>tfw 6'4 but a feminime face
>tfw too tall to become a trap
Why am I so cursed?

Dude ffs. Everyone at one point was a failure. The only males who take it easy are those who are born with ultra rich parents but they too at one point understand their emptiness. It is not about being a loser it is about overcoming being one. If you see that you are one that is good because you witnessed the problem and can do something about it. The real loser doesn't stop being one and doesn't acknowledge of being one. You can turn your life around but it won't be easy.

I would rather my entire race is extinct

Then I can't feel jealous because there's no common factor

I dont mind black men being superior because to me I see them as an alien, not something connected to me.

I resent successful white males too much

Seeing A confident smiling white man makes me wish for more immigration

>I would rather my entire race is extinct
>Then I can't feel jealous because there's no common factor

Have you read about communism? it's made for complexed people who can't stand others having more than them even if they deserve it.

I'm not one for structures

I just want non whites to take over the UK

After that I don't care what happens so long as the arrogant smug show off whites are all gone

I hate them so much

Shemale streaming on Youtube:

That girl on the right sure has a manly jaw.

Just become successful! Of course it depends on what you call successful! I view success as being fit, well cultured, educated and being in a position of positive change and having financial security for me and my family. I am currently studying medicine but still not financially secure (I can shitpost on Sup Forums because end of semester is only in 3 months so I still have plenty of time). Just do something! Find what interests you and pursue it maybe even open a business on the basis of it!

Has it ever ocurred to you that your situation is your own fault and not the white man's?

I know when you're complexed you need someone to blame to shift the burden, but ultimately it's all your fault, every other person started on the same ground as you, they developed and you didn't.

Get out, get a grip on your life or kill yourself.

I was born 6"4 male with above average intelligence and good looks. I've capitalized on it by lifting weights. I'm married to a sexy woman and have my own house and a shitload of money and I'm long way from 30.
Why anyone would want to be a woman is beyond me. Pathetic faggot.

Are you totally dumb?

White Sup Forums's world is: one man have one woman like it was in past.

You wouldn't look like the one on the right unless you apply tons of makeup.
Most people only look ugly because of bad skin, eye circles, a bad posture and bad style.

So that means the white race is pretty much doomed to be extinct since the vast majority of whites are betas these days.

An insecure man has no place on society, but an insecure women will probably be seen as "normal" and even cute. That's why complexed and insecure faggots think becoming a woman would be so great. And that's why most of them kill themselves after doing a sex change operation.

>tfw ugly fuck

it doesn't really matter to me either way my dude

Also white countries for whites, Asian countries for Asians, black countries for blacks, Muslim countries for Muslims. If everyone went by this we wouldn't have this PC, libtard, multiculturalism bullshit we have today.

Well if your demographic of white race are Sup Forums and reddit posters for sure, we will go extinct.
Get out and see real life and you'll see how not true that is.

I'm rich, fit and still unsatisfied

Nah I'd rather drag the rest of you down with me

That's shit and I would rather niggers rape them

tits or gtfo you know the rules

It has rarely been like this in the past


So you're saying that it's pols toxic masculinity that creates trannies

>What does it feel like knowing you had a fifty fifty chance at being a qt but were born male instead?
just trap up faggot and join the new master race


Serious masculine white men trigger me beyond belief


Nah. Fuck you

Fuck your race. Fuck you culture. And fuck our country

Hope subhumans rape and destroy everything

No, but these places attract a certain demographic of people. People who have been rejected by society and developed many complexes and traumas find their place here. Women's success is measured on a diferent way that men's, it's ok for a women to be insecure, to be mentally unstable and have no control over their emotions, because they've always been like this. When a man fit in those categories it's much easier for him to give up on his manliness and "try" to become a woman than manning up and getting their shit together.

That's transgenderism 101

I'm pretty average. Wouldn't say I'm ugly or good looking but have no issues in life related to my looks. Only meneed have ever said I was ugly and I don't give a fuck.

y-you too

Pic related is why I came here.


man up faggot
its about getting to a level where shit doesnt phase you

not "dealing with it"

Spotted the little baby nihilist that says edgy things from mommies house

they're coming for you first, you unarmed, rotten-toothed nonce.

>I would be pretty sad if I were male

Wearing panties doesn't make you a girl, you fag. Your shithole is not a vagina, you homo. Cutting off your dick doesn't make you a female, you queer.

If you were trying to prove something you didn't do it very well


Wrong. They will get you working class city dwelling shitstains first

At least I'm superior to this tranny

His before pic is the kind of guy I hate

Masculine and arrogant fuck. So glad he's a freak below me on the ladder now

Nah (((mate))) even the trannies are above you.

>anyone that isn't a little pussy like me must be working class!
All of the great intellectsfrom as far back as the Greeks valued bravery and strength. Aristole, Plato, and Socrates all wrestled in their youth. Socrates died for his beliefs.

You're a spineless passive aggressive coward.

I seriously think that this transformation was caused by hormone imbalance.

>Left pic
>Goes to the middle east
>Starts vacationing to places with kids

You're only saying that cause your holding a grudge

If this was another thread you would take my side

Yes, by injecting exogenous hormones.

Only fetishfags want to be girls, the female thought process is the equivalent of mild mental retardation to a man.

Enjoy the migrants mate :^)

This tbqh
Doubt it. I've seen a few trans people like this and they always have wanted it forever but tried to avoid it by "manning up."

Well this would apply if these countries got their shit together rather than get free gibs me dat and wouldn't run to Germany, Sweden and many more to leech off the system.

>Not being full chad mode
How do you fuckers even cope?

There are no migrants in Cumbria.
And I'll be leaving the UK this year, for good.

Mate, if that sort of man upsets you, you're still worth less than the freak.

No, OP. I did not have a fifty fifty chance at being a qt. I was made of a spermcell with a Y-chromosome, any daughter of my father's would not have been me. Twit.

Nah, pol will always side with me over a tranny

That man has no value now since he was always a tranny deep down

Being trans does cut a chunk out of your social worth, but a lot of trans people still manage to have more than you do many times over even with their disadvantage. You know the whole stones and glass houses thing.

I wish i looked like a pretty girl but still had full dick functionality and non sterilization.

>get called passive aggressive
>respond passive aggressively

I'm superior to any tranny

I have the virtues of being real

Stay mad

>he was always a tranny deep down
>I have the virtues of being real


Sounds like delicious finnish boypucci
Come to the border, we need to talk in private