Haha pol btfo how does it feel?

haha pol btfo how does it feel?

Other urls found in this thread:


yes. now let us all forget about sweden goyim.


*rubs hands*

Now lets look at the knife crime rates...

Got one for grenade attacks?

How about we talk about Sweden instead?

I don't think Sweden's problem was about gun homicides....

Yes, blacks are a real problem in America.

And how many of the perpetrators were white?

thats a really insightful graph thanks for sharing fellow antifa



The best part about that is "white" is conflated with hispanics. If you looked at aryan/anglo whites, it would be so much lower.

Thanks for that image, really good one

I like TF even though he doesn't support my President; however, he fails to mention that 99% of those murders likely happened in Chicago.

They should let all the immigrants move there, I'm sure that would revitalize the city.

its also conflated with arabs as well, its even lower when you just account for whites

>Duplicate file exists.
Beat me to it. Cherry pickers BTFO.

Now lets look at the race of the perpetrators...

>America has guns
>All these other countries dont

Feels pretty damn good actually. Thanks for noticing.


Footfags truly are the supreme degenerates.

funny how most of those homocides are done by niggers

Talk to me when 1% of the population dies in homicide by firearms each year. Heck come back to me when 1% of the population dies by firearms regardless of the reason for the death by firearm.

> Leftists consider the number of gun deaths a social problem
> The number is high cause nigga
> Leftista consider niggas a social problem

Let's see how Sweden is doing where they are 13% Somalis

I have a shoe fetish does that count?

let's look at the crime statistics for sweden over the last 20 or 30 years
oh shit crime has sharply increased as immigration from nigger and muslim countries increased
>Ein Schelm, wer böses dabei denkt
>thunderf00t is a giant cuck

typical take the real problem, which is niggers, and blame it on guns

Considering the fact that most victims of that gun violence are niggers, it feels fucking good, OP.

>8 years under black president
>blame new guy for negro on negro gun violence

>Gang Selling AK-47s 'Bound For Western Europe'

>They assured us they could supply thousands of guns and crucially the ammunition to go with them.


This thread had been posted twice a day for a fucking week now



That chart is calculated incorrectly. This is the right way.


What happens when you remove the niggers from the american crime statistics :^)

numbers are meaningless without context.

HAHAHAHAHAHA blumpftards btfo pol btfo guntards btfo racests btfo, LMAOing like a drunk Arab over here.


If ThunderFaggot doen't filter it by race he isn't as objective as he like to think he is

Race is a social construct and niggers can assimilate though :^)

How many of those were blacks and Hispanics?

Already established this, no one cares about blacks killing eachother.

Imagine if it was the 60% real whites, not the fake spic white.

gee i wonder who sells these negroes the guns?

Why would you use hypothetical data when you can break it out by race for actual firearm homicides?

Shhhh.... don't talk about how an entire industry is getting rich off of gun violence. It triggers the redneck.

What percentage are black gun crimes? Why tell us a half truth to prove a point?

Niggers don't need guns to be barbaric murderers en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rwandan_genocide


When will you idiots realise that graphs don't work and videos do


because I didn't make the graphic...

Like we have more citizens in our country then half of the EU?

What are you trying to prove that America is bigger there for our numbers are going to be bigger?

What is a redneck, you pussified faggot. Negroids will be violent chimps with rocks and sticks. If anything they're less dangerous with guns because they're so such inaccurate shots.

Now show us grenade attacks per 100,000.

its obviously because there are no niggers in sweden to commit gun crime

What are those. They seem like nice rifles

The graphic is retarded because it considers negroes human, but its per capita, the size of your country is irrelevant. Europe is 700M people depending on how you define it and the crime per capita is significantly less, because we don't have a negroid problem outside of France



The graph isn't even correct. We already had this thread. Welcome to the real world where with or without guns, you aren't safe all the time This is now a gun collections thread.

You can't get more bluepilled than Thunderfart.

Isn't the population of Sweden less than 10 million though? If anyone seriously believes that conflicts between a 300+ million and a 10 million country are comparable as just per capita levels, they're deluded.

99% democrats doing the shootings

>getting $3500 back from the government this year
>HEAVILY considering building a budget AR

Yes haha we will ban the gun industry from areas with niggers, it has greatly helped haha

I am salivating over your freedom

>Localized Bans do anything
It's almost like roads don't exist into major cities.

Well now you have better graphics to save

Leftypol attempts at memeing always falls so short. I'll take my guns and enjoy my non-existant crime. Because I recognize the true problem


Get triggered by the inarguable fact that Niggers are the problem. Niggers will and always have been subhuman violent chimps. Niggers are what's wrong with America. Niggers are what's wrong with Africa. Niggers need to be kept isolated in Africa or cleansed.


Why you people allowed the gov't to steal your means of defending your self is beyond me.

The fuck does that even mean you retard?

He's a leftypol nigger. Just filter his ID and move on.

>that Ferguson effect we're seeing

why are you linking a genocide that most definitely had guns as a playing factor in the genocide.

Yes, guns cause gun deaths. Good job goyim.
Now show the linearized data for overall deaths.

>per 100,000 citizens
American education everyone

it means areas that dont have this ban can easily waltz in with guns and sell to the inner city, its that simple you mutt. Its kinda like how people in NY obtain guns from states like PA or any nearby states where its easier to buy a gun and then bring it back to the city for a resell.

nice bait

>These forces recruited and pressured Hutu civilians to arm themselves with machetes, clubs, blunt objects, and other weapons to rape, maim, and kill their Tutsi neighbors and to destroy or steal their property.

Negroids are more than capable of setting them selves on fire, hacking each other to bits, or just beating each other to death without the assistance of European high technology.

>Above 50% gun ownership
>No crime

>Sub 50% gun ownership
>Tons of crime

Difference? Negroes.

Don't listen to him. Niggers are beyond saving and I'm pretty sure he is one.


yes videos are better than graphs but they need to have a title that fits with content, where are the 4 guys i only can see a white male fighting 4 monkeys here

It means every time you dumbfucks bring up localized bans not doing anything. Well no shit, they don't do anything. Anybody who thinks localized bans will ever do anything is retarded. All it does is just create a market for illegal guns.

My bigger point is that the Gun industry makes billions on gun violence, in fact the LAST thing the NRA the gun lobby or gun manufacturers want is a peaceful America. If we all felt safe, why would we need guns (other than for sport) But scared people buy guns. Scared of niggers, scared of muslims, scared of your government.

Just like the military industrial complex duped America into the "Scary Soviets" in the 50's The gun industry has scared people into buying more and more of their product. Hell its the perfect "Le Merchant" ploy.

Ironically I am a gun owner I have a .45 Colt Series 80, I have WW2 vintage Walther P38 in its original Wehrmacht holster. My wife has an LCR in .38. I have a Remington 1187 shogun, Winchester 30-30 rifle, vintage Winchester Model 1897, and an antique Sharps rifle.

I have no illusions that I will fight off the government with them I have no illusions that I will stop a mass shooting in a blaze of glory. I own my guns because I enjoy shooting and its a tradition in my family. But I dont' go around waving it around like a faggot swinging his dick at a gay pride parade.

The funny thing is that I know Thunderf00t doesn't have an excuse in this. He knows The Justicar personally, and even commented on that channel during the whole Brexit debacle (During which Justicar laid a fucking smackdown on him).
I'd fucking pay money to see either him or Sargon debate this with him.

>by gender
Is it
a: they actually count transwomen as real women in that statistic

b: some fuckwit thinks its politically more correct to say "gender" even though it should clearly be "sex" in this instance

tell me Sup Forums

The correlation is between population density and gun ownership you literal brain dead Drumpf supporting white trash rural and suburban retard mongoloid nigger Jew.

>get killed
>not by a gun though so its okay
thank god


Well others weapons don't kill with the same lethality and permanency..

Other weapons are more liberal and less scary looking and don't make scary sounds.

>Ironically defending soviets
>I have no illusions about fighting off the government with them.

The point you dumb fucking knuckle dragging nigger IS to fight off the government if they go full retard. That was the fucking point from day one. To fight off the government or some other foreign entity that wishes to invade, these weapons are to help the people defend themselves.

You are also forgetting how banning guns wouldn't really stop too many mass shooting seeing how many countries where guns are banned, they still have them. And in that case it wouldn't help us to ban guns because people can them smuggle them from mexico.

Not in a single post did I support a ban on guns. My point is that your being duped by an industry making billions off of fear.
>Fight off the government
That ability went away with the passage of the NFA 80 years ago. And honestly isn't even remotely a possibility today. Anybody who thinks the Army would be on your side after you blow some of there buddies in a guerrilla attack is deluded.

>smuggle them from mexico
You mean from Mexico's massive gun industry, the one dwarfed by US's
>banning guns wouldn't really stop too many mass shooting seeing how many countries
I won't stop them completely, but the US still has far more of them than any other country. I but again, I never mentioned that I support a ban even once.

I grew up in a farming town in rural Arkansas. I am fully, 100% pro 2A. However, the "new breed" of gun owners isn't quite what I grew up around.

I'm not knocking their reasons for firearm ownership but the whole Molon Labe bullshit didn't exist in an area where duck, deer, squirrel, dove, and rabbit hunting was something almost every high school boy did on the weekends and after school.

A lot of us had AK's, AR's, and all the fun guns but the work horses were the Rem 700's, Benelli shotguns, and similar fudd guns. You're right, the whole prepper, fight the power, survivalist thing has created a boon for the gun companies

Sounds like me, Indiana here, I own 186 acres (I don't farm them I rent it out, I'm an engineer) Everybody owned guns around me growing up but we didn't make a big deal about them. Ironically the crime rate was FAR higher in the 70's and 80's than now. But I never felt the need to CC and I still don't now (if you do that's you're right and I respect that) Open carry? I never got that. For a cop who has a very good chance of having to draw his weapon sure, but for the average civilian it literally screams "Hey look at me, i'm billy bad ass carrying my gun around like Waytt Earp at Starbucks"
In the 90's I gave up my NRA membership when I didn't like the direction they were going. It became more about money, less about what the NRA was founded on, basically a club for people who like shooting sports.

>fudd guns
Ok you got me to laugh on that one.

That's because you are a drunk Arab sand nigger kys

>And honestly isn't even remotely a possibility today
Except it is. Vietnam,Afghanistan and Iraq have many things in common.

>I never once said I would back a gun ban
But you are for stopping people who make them.

Why yes look at these simple farmers with their picks, antiquated rifles and.. oh wait, Latest Soviet Surface to Air Missiles.

Do you know anything about the history other than memes?
>But you are for stopping people who make them.
Nope, i'm not implying that either, I'm just pointing out how many people are being played by them. Just like people who are played to think that diamonds are actually very rare and valuable by Debeers. By all means, if you want to keep thrown money at them its your God given right.

Did those anti air missile kill us ground troops?
Did those soviet anti air missiles help the taliban kill our servicemen?

Also if guns being more expensive because of the industry means guns still stay in circulation in America then it's a well enough sacrifice.

>Did those anti air missile kill us ground troops?
Nope but they protected the capitol that was helping supply the NVA and VietCong war effort. Who in turn did kill american ground troops. Who by the way won every military engagement. But also this wasn't US soil. The the US government wasn't committed to its own protection.
Again, military defeated, however again foreign country, not threatening the US Government.

If you want a far better example. Look at Syria now, or the American Civil war. Are you saying the south wasn't well armed? And even then the average person owned pretty much close to what your average infantryman owned. But didn't stop Sherman from buttfucking Georgia and South Carolina.

There is a big difference between a no hold bared civil war and a foreign occupation.

how about gun murders by rate of gun ownership

do it.

visit /k, lurk a bit, you'll pick up some pointers.