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Good, fuck those faggots
Don't care
What kind of shitty social network is this?
>The last Roman
faggot lol
Tommy banned
It isn't just Twitter. All of the major social media and alternate media distribution platforms are currently pushing to shut down things they don't like.
Google is pulling ads from certain sites, people are being shadow banned / throttled. All sorts going on.
>marxist SJW banned from twitter
literally who gives a fuck
stop making e-celeb threads
Was it for spamming gay cuck porn again?
Fuck Sargon.
This is why hate will never win.
The truly creative, intelligent people on this earth are liberals. They have made, and control, the media and social media. We literally control speech and thought worldwide.
If - and it is a huge if - hate ever becomes powerful enough that it starts influencing people worldwide...we'll just shut it down. Remove that voice. Remove that opinion. The haters will cry about it for 10 minutes, and then forget about it. Example: Milo's Twitter ban.
If the scenario were reversed - which it wouldn't be, but let's pretend - we would have 50 news articles about it, trending articles, protests and more.
The left are simply more intelligent, more able, and ultimately...control the platform.
You have no chance in the long term. And I know the more intelligent among you know this. And it kills you. And it gives me life.
Maybe if he'd called out candid for trial running this shit for twitter, something might have been done about it earlier
So why is Donald Trump president then?
The left will die in open revolt.
"WE" fuck off
Sargon is literally a socialist... lol wtf, he only rails against globaliam and SJW
this guy, remember? We won and have the most powerful speaking position right now.
all, twitter is accomplishing is becoming digg when they tried to rig the conversation and got replaced by Reddit.
Twitter is always in shut it down mode.
You realize the Progressives will come after the Liberals next, right?
Oh shit, I forgot about Digg. Damn a decade flies by.
I don't watch Sargon "taking care of his wife's son" Akkad but this is pretty shitty.
I thought all these prominent "alt-right" figures were moving over to gab.ai?
Tommy is nothing but an uncle tom and utterly whipped like a true house nyugga.
I thought he'd be banned sooner for bashing dumb single mothers.
Because Hillary was a right wing corrupt piece of shit
I know, I am fucking old but they did the same shit with Mr.baby man getting free likes and forcing shit. Then everyone was like fuck this place and went to Reddit.
Fuck off, liberal racist
Ok Shaniqua.
He harrassed people with interracial gay porn again?
Interracial gay porn again, he never learns.
Mostly because Hillary was literal poison. Any other Democrat would have beat him comfortably.
And how is the Trump presidency working out for you? 5 new stories every day paint him as either an incompetent fool or hateful demon. We're handing out bluepills daily to the entire world. The left has never been more united.
4 years of a little pain and a lot of laughs in order to make the entire right wing a non electable joke for years to come? Fair trade.
I'm loving it. I've never seen the left so hopeful, United and adding news members every single day.
Ultimately, Progressives become the Concentration Camp Guards they claim to despise, then. You're probably someone who read Orwell in the Cliff's Notes.
>shadow banning
Interesting you should mention that. A couple of nights ago I had switched to my phone since I was sitting outside and I went to go bring up the same threads I was posting in and none of my posts were visible on the phone (different IP/provider). The thread was updating normally, but none of my posts were there where they should be.
I went back in to look at the thread on my PC, and sure enough the posts were visible there. I switched my phone to wifi, refreshed, and my posts were suddenly visible again. Switched back to 4G, poof, gone again.
Really fires the neurons.
Then someone else create a twitter. How hard can it be?
>Sargon of Akkad is actually a liberal
>doesn't like Muslims because of there ludicrously outdated conservative views
>gets himself banned on twitter because the progressive left doesn't think he's tolerant enough
He literally just bitches out politicians and journalists that lie, and that's why they hate him. If you actually listen to a lot of his political views they are very left leaning, though somewhat centrist.
Opinions, and that's all they are, should never be banned. Every tyrant that ever lived has had a cover excuse to ban things he didnt like
>needing to be spoon-fed with 50 news articles of fake outrage and censoring different opinions
>intelligent liberals
Jews control the media and the only reason they allow you a platform is because you support their Marxist agenda.
2/10 b8 made me respond
Libshits are afraid of hearing/reading the truth so they go all RIG THAT SHIT right now.
They have no valid arguments, that's why they simply ban the people.
Typical bevavior of a toddler that gets his lollypop stolen.
>The left has never been more united.
>that flag
>and utterly whipped like a true house nyugga.
this is how you can tell a real racist from a non racist, they're deathly afraid of giving in to their racist desires so they use other words instead of nigger, because if they use that word, then they're showing the whole world their darkest secret, they hate niggers.
Please consider Communism and Marxism as a hate speech. I would gladly support your cause if that happens
>The left has never been more united.
Are you having a fucking giggle, m8?
The moment anyone violates the ideological purity tests, they get fucking shredded by their own.
Here we have leaked twitter's document
Well, why do republicans have control of almost all branches of the government?
It is like you are delusional retard that does not understand that the liberals are out of touch with reality because they are indoctrinated in a false belief a system. So the control you are talking about is honestly just a deluded circle jerk that bounces well off the walls of a few.
>Mfw Being a shill gives you life
the cuck himself speaks
Perhaps in your circle that is how it looks.
Normals look at the Left and see destructive people who are getting in the way of jobs and economic growth.
You don't get that you're in a bubble in Grauniad Land. But then, you didn't get Brexit, either. The scorn and contempt you have for working people, especially for minorities, is actually understood.
It's not like you haven't been in power for eight years. The difference is that here, Trump isn't a cipher like Cameron was.
gr8 b8 m8 i r8 it 8/8. now go and flagell8 yourself you masturb8ting prim8.
It's a good thing too. All these intelligent, creative people that aren't haters are responsible for human trafficking and sex slavery, for the greater good, of course. What compassionate and benign people they are to sacrifice some people's happiness for others! all this greed is just a clever ruse to make a believable cover story for the reasons why it's happening.
Why do jews not realize this is what got them put in the ovens last time round?
>more Intelligent
>have to censor their opposition because their own ideas don't hold water
Non-racists reserve nigger for a specific class of Black Americans. Racists think it means all Black people, so they absolutely refuse to use it
if you haven't seen through his bullshit by now I cannot help you
they can't see the difference between a GANG GANG nigger and a black guy being prepped by yours truly
hahaha no. not when obama created millions of jobs and fatty bankrupt had to give away tens of millions of our tax dollars to secure a few dozen that wont last 3 years.
normies have the ability to view things without fanboi trump-dicksucking-blinders on
A few months/year ago I made my first ever twitter account. I made two posts saying we shouldn't import more muslims and it was banned.
Should I make another account on twitter or just keep ignoring it and let it slide into oblivion?
Why don't these people just use something that isn't twitter?
Really hoping Twitter goes bankrupt in the near future.
>Any other Democrat would have beat him comfortably.
bernie "pay up for californians' arts degrees, goyim" sanders would never win the rust belt, and thus lose the election
The human beings are talking, chimp.
probably because of the wider use base, dumbfuck
Who gives a fuck?
The Quadroon of Mossad is probably the biggest fence sitting fuck around. Good riddance. Take him and the Fat Pig Amazing Atheist and all their e-celebrity douche bags to the trash.
Nothing of value will be lost.
You're now manually realizing why corporate conglomerates buy-out competitors to/and corner the market.
Underated desu
>house negro
He sounds like my kind of black. He knows his place.
I honestly feel sorry for you.
Not even a bit. Lurk moar.
>the biggest fence sitting fuck around
As much as I detest Sargon I think that title is still held by this fat swine.
>fence sitting
thanks for giving me the mental image of boogie sitting on a fence
poor fence
God damn stinking British wankers, go fuck yourself Jahans.
>fatty bankrupt
reddit pls go
all he seems to be good for
Underrated post
Where are his other toes?
>private site
no it nots
Kek, when the platform rewards you for shitposting
>that pic
I-Is TJ gay again or something?
Twitter can't keep getting away with it.
We get it you are on a proxy, we read your post already. Thanks for sharing
>private site
>is actually publicly traded
This management decision is very much against the interests of the shareholders and as such Jack and his groupies should get BTFO. This isn't fun and games people have real money I. Twitters future and Jack is using it as his personal toy.
It's bullshit.
Anyone have the twitter pic of his ass being bruised so bad from falling in his chair? Also, wasn't Boogie cucked?
The majority shareholder of twitter is actually some Saudi prince
Fucking nu/pol/ is cancer
Fuck Sargon of Cuckkad.
Bronze Age Pervert has been banned. That's infinitely worse.
The market is ripe for someone to make a competing platform without the censorship then.
>British leftie
>'the left has never been more united'
Theresa may is a literal unelected uncharismatic snake and Labour has literally 0 chance against her because they're so disunited. How does it feel that the greatest thing to happen to Labour in the past 50 years was Tony Blair, Bush's lap-dog?
I actually wish the left was more competent then the tories might at least have to pretend to care about British people in order to win.
Lol guess what
You are a NIGGER
for people like me, our win condition isn't a dramatic lurch to the right.
simply curbing the contemporary , insanse left is progress.
If you think the left wing = creative/intelligent therefore infallible then why did the intellectual , creative left's greatest cause, communism, lose so badly?
it's because capitalism and efficiency are right wing and stronger forces in the world than far left idealism , and because the left gets subverted by the far left with batshit insane ideas which the middle rejects resulting in strong corrections despite media control.
We're going through a strong correction now.
Ultimately you people are sabotaging your cause by following the far left and pushing for insane ideas too strongly
identity politics, pronoun nonsense, constant victimhood. you're going too fast without hte gradula cultural normalisation that worked so well for you post WW2 as the media started normalising homosexuality for example.
in the end the future will be some compromise between the dominating forces of capitalism and left wing progressivism filling in some of teh gaps, but you're currently losing ground and undermining your position because your fringe lunacy is being exposed and gaining a larger and larger voice within the left in general, which will drag the left further ot hte extremes and alienate the middle more and more.
Why all this hate on Sargon?
This mentality is what allowed the corporatocratic takeover of nations.
Yes, public forums with private owners can be censored; but when all private entities enforce the same political hivemind then it overreaches constitutionally guaranteed freedoms as private institution is basically 99% of all venues in an infrastructure. It is racketeering especially so when you consider that the heads of all of the institutions are working in tandem, not separately reaching the same conclusions in their own vacuums.
I know this is a troll, but the DNC is in total shambles as evidenced by the leadership debate last night. Identity politics and infighting between the crony corporatist establishment figures and the more progressive Sanders crowd will continue to rip the party apart for years to come. They're going to lose even more ground between now and 2020. Maybe they can turn it around after that, but I wouldn't be surprised if they become essentially a 3rd party.
the tories are the left, and labour care even less about brits
Touche, but this fat fuck will die of a coronary soon enough.
What do you think?