Do intelligence services have backdoor access to Sup Forums?
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Of couse user.
Sup Forums actually runs on a CIA, FBI cross-owned servers
There's that perennial rumor that the FBI actually owns Sup Forums in its entirety
It's allegedly hosted on FBI servers masquerading as Sup Forums's servers because of the sheer amount of CP that was posted there back in the day.
they don't need, the got taps into the fat pipes like at&t does, run MITM all day long, create virtual private network for you to play on
Dunno, but we don't. It would be pintless anyway since most of operatives post sensetive information here anyway and who's going to stop us?
Intelligence and Sup Forums. Never thought I'd hear those in the same sentence.
Freezing an entire site is more the work of outsiders than skinny Sup Forums administrators.
It definitely is.
They also make threads with kik scan codes that say "no rulez" or something similar in hopes of attracting pedos.
People who connect there are logged, those who share are party vanned.
Probably part of the recent pedo arrests.
No we don't
I meant to say slobby not skinny
The ID: translates to information on your IP and browser.
It's external not internal.
But UserID = IP + ThreadID + Seed
remember to look nonchalant
spooks hate teh light
thats not real, isnt it?
some error happened yesterday.
and you say its because of ayy lmao?
I've literally been throwing up for 5 fucking minutes wtf is this shit
Chans are mostly open source, with some degree of customization.
So are IDs and tripcode generation.
Why so small?
so this was it?
got the full size pic?
thats what she said
No it's gone. /x/ has the discussions on this stuff
your joking, right user?
haha yes he is. no, it's a reference to the greetext img above about seeing the almao and shitting yourself. Brrraaapppp
low quality version, looks fake but still, what do i know, and there is something unnerving about it
of course, and front door
you never know.
ive met more crazy anons here on Sup Forums than you would think.
it looks reptillian.
nothing more tbqh
>It's why I exclusively shitpost and never contribute anything meaningful
>can't arrest me for being a faggot
> "back door" == "anal sex"
This is not the original pic. There are no low quality crops. The original was a high quality pic. Whoever saved it wouldnt bother downsqualing it either.
Wake up folks, the real thing was posted back then.
he looks like he thinks we are scum, and I am trying to think how they did the pic, CGI? make up? or its real?
> not knowing the meme
It's old stuff, but thanks to all the newfags influx, half of Sup Forums yesterday was raided by ayylmao pic threads.
What really happened is one of the image servers is2* finally broke down (that was really a shitty server giving trouble for a long time) and everything had to be moved on is* or i*, but something fucked up, and it was not possible to post images.
Being yesterday the day of a big NASA announcement, the LARPING wrote itself,
its like a psychological trick picture.
it has something to it, dont know what though.
>Being yesterday the day of a big NASA announcement, the LARPING wrote itself,
thanks for the explanation.
just found on x/
That's bullshit but cia/fbi have indeed been heavily monitoring us for quite some time and for a fact had full backdoor access since '07 according to moot. There was a huge shitstorm about bros getting v& back then
>Ayyys hacked the election for Trump
now thats a step closer to the truth.
but we know, that bogdanoffs shake hands with aliens.
The ayy is obviously shooped in there
>what are you doing taking my picture you insignificant worm?
The whole picture is fake. The desert, the mountain, the sky, the trees, and the reptilian.
The only real thing is MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.
Can't still believe we're on this great timeline !
I thought soros owned us
I've been party vanned for posting a suicidal troll thread back in the day when I was 18
They took me to a mental hospital over night.
Had to use my charisma to not get admitted
Was pretty awkward I had to explain it was all a joke
''You're making jokes about suicide?''
''Yeah, it's what people do on that website''
I was on probation at the time, though.
*took me to a mental hospital that I stayed at over night
Im beatin my meat m8
What is this, an interplanetary invasion of ants?
good ol canuckistan
What makes you think they're not listening right now?
>implying it wasnt the FBI behind pizzagate, kek, and trump spreading so rapidly
What is happening??