>I was reading something like inbreeding is a huge problem for muslims, and a lot of them are retarded because they fuck their family members
>Hold up, Jamie bring that up, that sounds like bullshit. We need to source this.
>I found something here Joe, want to read it?
>A third of British muslims marry their cousins and are literally retarded?? whoa... who the fuck wrote this... heh
>The BBC
I was reading something like inbreeding is a huge problem for muslims...
Yep, low IQ equals civilizational decay
When did Gavin start working at NASA with shuttle launches?
Was the weed lit?
I loved how joe was going with it after they had a source and how they even laughed about getting called Islamophobe...
This is the kind of redpill the normies need.
Gavin was on JRE?
Is Joe realizing his audience likes controversial guests?
BBC? Aren't they MSM and therefore fake. Shouldn't we be getting our news solely from dubious bloggers and unaccredited websites?
>Is Joe realizing his audience likes controversial guests?
but that's not the case at all
>tl;dr: "waaaaaaaaaaaaaah"
He dressed as the guy from Falling Down.
kek ok I can see that now
bill burr was the most viewed video at 2M views but the alex jones video already has 3M views.
He's been saying this for years. Even conservatives cringe when he mentions it.
I'm mad they didn't dive into how the Milo job was a coordinated hit piece.
I think he was cosplaying Michael Douglas in Falling Down.
that's his falling down costume.
Sup Forums almost ruined the JRE for me, I can't unsee how much of a faggot Joe can be sometimes.
around 1:30:00
anyone catch the Crowder episode?
seemed like Joe was belligerently drunk from the start. the guy is quickly becoming unwatchable.
Why are feminists so ugly?
I think I found the first pretty one though.
Lets just say she got mad like the rest though.
i've always thought rogan was basically a retard. he has basically no opinion on anything except weed. he plays everything down the middle. his position is basically "everyone is right! YAY!". at least that's what i've gathered from watching him when he has a good guest. he might be a closeted redpilled dude.
No, low iq means constant moral framework
an interviewer can never take sides or you get very awkward moments
like the weed thing with crowder
pretty comfy podcast
the jordan peterson one made me think too much and i'm already to intelligent
Gavin dropped some huge red pills on Joe last night
you swithced up your too and to there, you retard
Stable democratic republics — i.e. free societies — are impossible in countries with mean IQs below 90.
Look at that list. Tell me you'd want to live in any of these countries that are 90 IQ or below.
When do they say it
or develop a sense of irony by hanging out with hipsters
>unaccredited websites
you mean CNN?
I think at least part of it is because I feel like Joe genuinely wants to learn from his guests so he acts very open-minded. It's nice because he cares about accuracy and sources and logic, let's the guests talk and questions them about it. On most issues he doesn't have a strong bias and I think that enhances the educational value of the show.
Jesus Christ the dialogue. Was there ever a time in US history when people actually talked like this? And an x-military guy drew his gun like a 10yr old playing cowboys and indians?
The 80s were just a goofy awkward weirdo decade.
>smartest white country
If only most people weren't trying to use their brains to fuck over the rest of the population
My favorite part was Gavin recalling the riots. Apparently he has a group of college kids he hangs around with to shoot the shit and they were fucking up all the antifa faggots in fights. The guy who got nailed by the flagpole was his.
>that sounds like bullshit we need to source this
Should be said by about 6 billion more people's daily
Give me a time stamp
Eh you cant hold everyone to the same standards to be constantly informed. Joe is at least open minded. The problem is when people are arrogant and defensive in the face of facts
He hasn't even been smoking weed for that much of his life. He's just the kind of retard who honestly thinks of himself as "a fast learner" so as soon as he's exposed to something he considers himself well versed in it despite only entry level knowledge.
jews and even christfags do it (so do the rich) -- to corral wealth, power and ethos
there was medical symposium in melbourne, AU about it about a year or two ago -- doctor said that long gone diseases were still prominent in abrahamic faith groups due to said limited gene pools
>mfw godtards will breed themselves into extinction through striving for "muh purity"
>to intelligent
if it makes subhumans look bad, you know it's legit
That crowder guy was a complete jackass and makes alt-right look bad, Joe was right in the sources he brought up and Crowder started crying because Jamie kept shutting him down. Drunk or not joe knows how to fuck a cuck up.
If only. There are simply too many of them.
Rogan was a dick, but Crowder was a pussy and got fucked like one.
Crowder is a beta cuckservative
They were both cunts but crowder is a huuuuuge fag
This is unacceptable
We need to get muslims to breed with white people to fix this
These shows go 3 hours or so. Exactly where is this part?
Guess who commits the most incest in America?
That right, niggers.
Because they never move, they breed like degenerate rabbits, and so many of them do not know who their father is.
For those of you who don't know this is the second time Gavin has done the JRE
It's kinda ridiculous when you put it like this, but the again, Gavin is a clown.
I like that about Joe to be honest. His main issue is his MASSIVE ADD and being too obsessed with weed.
That's hella rad.
You are good with words.
I like that.
Joe is /ourguy/
No shit. I still remember that episode when Andreas Antonopoulos tried to explain to Joe how Bitcoin works and Joe derailed his own show with gorilla videos after 20mns.
Aw, look. Touchy little leaf is mad his own leftist rag agrees with the right side
Protip, Cancuck. In this case it's not about trusting the source, it's about pointing and laughing because even their own bastion of Truth(tm) can't deny it.
>linking to (((Reddit)))
Crowder gave him a tobacco pipe but forgot to tell him not to inhale. Joe was high on strong nicotine.
Scholar on why first cousin marriage is allowed
Dispatches - When Cousins Marry (Channel 4 Documentary)
>Half of pakis marry first cousins
The trick is to only trust the MSM when they publish something that goes against their usual agenda.
Don't be fooled. Joe is a leftist cuck who only lets rightwing people on his podcast because he needs to the views. He'd be nothing without us.
It's actually a big issue in the Muslim community that no one talks about. There's this weird refusal to interact with people you're not related to.
fuck you.
I had a conversation with a Pakistani bloke at work a few years ago , he and his brother had an eye sight problem that meant they required retinal transplants ( or something pretty major like that, it was about 9 years ago). He said that the doctors had explained that the problem occurred because his mother and father were too closely related. He said this completely matter of factly as if everyone married blood.
I thought that a bit odd at the time and googled it and apparantly a massive amount of NHS spending is dealing with genetic conditions in the Pakistani community caused by inbreeding . Obviously it is considered racist to advise them to marry outside their family, after all if they did that uncle Aftab's kids wouldn't get their UK passports !.
I fucking love that look, reminds me of childhood going to military surplus stores off base and finding shit on base during the 90's and early 2000
>those Hyenas will FUCK you up
Take Rogan as he comes, I'm a degenerate so I just zone the fuck out and listen.
What is our opinion on Uncle Joey though?
hes not the smartest dude, hes not a far leftists however and is at least open to hearing new ideas and discussing them
He has no backbone, if he had, maybe he would loose some of his schekels. He said it on the podcast last night, "Im gonna be poor again", regarding his shitty hairline. Looser, faggot, manlet, kikelover. Gas him with the rest.
The CQ really needs addressing soon.
>Hahah its a joke I was just PRETENDING to be retarded xDDD
>pens in pocket
hahaha gavin is really trying to look like a fucking nerd
>and Joe derailed his own show with gorilla videos after 20mns.
>Don't be fooled. Joe is a leftist cuck who only lets rightwing people on his podcast because he needs to the views. He'd be nothing without us.
That's all I implied and all I'm asking for. Exposure is all we need.
Unless its his precious weed, then he starts crusades over it.
top kek bombaklot
Why isn't this in the open post? how dumb are all the OPs on this stupid board?
Jews are the most inbred people on the planet and also the smartest.
Intelligence is a recessive gene. That's why If you breed with a nigger you get mongs.
First and cousin n couples have higher fertility rates and are more likely to preserve the traits of their parents. If intelligence is one you are in luck.
Might want to take remedial biology there user.
Common knowledge, no?!
It largely predated Islam in herding cultures of the middle east, though. It's about not having to divide your flocks and maintaining a strong mutually reliant clan group.
Crowder was telling him to not inhale it the entire time
The problem with the podcast was that their personalities are too different. Crowder wanted to talk about things, bring up facts and have a debate. Joe just wanted to goof off, so he got annoyed and wasted.
When Crowder told him to not inhale it, Joe just got incredibly annoyed that a guy he perceives to have a stick up his butt is preaching him on how to smoke a pipe.
Joe is good show to redpill normies
If it was up to Joe he would just talk about fighting and drugs the entire time while going ''WOAH! WHAT IF LIKE WE ALL SEE DIFFERENT COLORS?''
The podcast is good only in the sense that it provides a lot of different point of views from the guests. You're not going to get one narrative and one point of view.
What's interesting about the podcast is that he can't get A-list celebs every episode to spew their leftist crap.
He gets these obscure less safe people that the average listened has never heard of before.
>Obviously it is considered racist to advise them to marry outside their family,
Yeah, Phil Woollas, a LABOUR MP tried to campaign against it a decade and a bit ago, as I recall. He got scolded over it, naturally. He's a cunt, but he was right to point out the mad resources getting wasted on this avoidable situation.
People on the right don't have to lie. People on the left just don't like FACTS
>Jews are just as inbred as Muslims and are intelligent
>Muslim countries were doing fine until they started getting bombed by (((neocons)))
I want to believe but his argument doesn't hold up
>tfw got redpilled on muslim inbreeding
didn't even know it was a thing, really jangled my jellaba
Joe's audience has become more normal over the years. Initially it was his roganboard fanbase watching the podcast. That place was Sup Forums-lite with very little moderation at first and image uploading and whatnot. Eventually the cost of the board was getting to be too much and I think some idiots even posted CP so he got rid of that.
...Even that Jamie guy, redban or whatever, was just some fag on the board who agreed to help Joe or some shit.
hi newfag
Rogan has single-handedly introduced Gen Z to the dying art of long form conversation, and made Vidal/Buckley-tier discourse fashionable again.
Of course he doesn't go full redpill. This allows him to introduce DeGrasse Tyson fans to Alex Jones and Gavin, and make them feel less candyass about checking out their opinions and work, thus helping *our cause.*
More importantly, Rogan has semi-knowingly thrown a monkey wrench into (((their))) efforts to completely destroy the perception of white men, and their plot to feminize modern men. Hollywood actors don't come on Rogan because they're unable of deep convos in public, bc (((they))) pull their strings and tell them what to say.
Rogan and Pewdiepie are the gateway to Alex Jones, who is the gateway to /pol, along with Nazi anime jpegs