>Assault weapons not protected by Second Amendment, US appeals court rules
>The US Court of Appeals for the Fourth circuit ruled 10-4 to uphold Maryland's ban on assault weapons, a law made in response to the massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, in 2012.
>"Put simply, we have no power to extend Second Amendment protection to the weapons of war," Judge Robert King wrote, referring to the "military-style rifles" that were also used during mass shootings in Aurora, Colorado, San Bernardino, California, and Orlando, Florida.


Looks like guns do kill. Say bye bye to your guns amerisharts

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People who only see killing machine probably imagine what they would do with it



End us please

Fourth circuit is full of liberal activist judges, so yeah.

And Maryland's "assault weapon ban" just says an AR has to be "featureless," which isn't really a ban but just a pointless regulation.

>military style rifles
Is this the new assault weapons meme?

Judicial activism has really ramped up since trump got elected.

No pistol grip, no barrel shroud, no crane stock and no muzzle break right? it's just to make the gun look les triggering

The US Court of Appeals for the Fourth circuit ruled 10-4 to uphold Maryland's ban on black people, a law made in response to the massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, in 2012.
>"Put simply, we have no power to extend 14th Amendment protection to black people," Judge Robert King wrote, referring to the "military-style hominids" that were also used during mass barbecues in Aurora, Colorado, San Bernardino, California, and Orlando, Florida.


Black Guns Matter!

This court judgment is clearly racist.
>black guns are intimidating and make me nurvous

The US Court of Appeals for the Fourth circuit ruled 10-4 to uphold Maryland's ban on Catholisim, a law made in response to the mass in Newtown, Connecticut, in 2012.
>"Put simply, we have no power to extend 1st Amendment protection to Catholics," Judge Robert King wrote, referring to the "papal-style doctrine" that were also used during masses in Aurora, Colorado, San Bernardino, California, and Orlando, Florida.

(((Judge Robert King))). Every fucking time. It will be overturned.

>A lower court in a single liberal infested circuit finds that weapons defined by a liberal meme word aren't a right.
>Implying that every other pro-gun state or county will give a shit about what some cuck federal judges think.
>Implying the SCOTUS will not overturn the shit out of it.
Stay mad Nigel. Americans will always enjoy their right. In fact, for the first time in decades, they now have a chance to restore some of its original content (getting SBRs, silencers and maybe FA back). All this while you are sitting at home wondering which brand of rape whistle you should buy for self defense.

>"Put simply, we have no power to extend Second Amendment protection to the weapons of war"

Weren't the original muskets a weapon of war?

I hope some lefty judges will hang for this treason burgers, what kind of meme-court are we even talking about here?

Gee, what about the M1 Garland, 1911, Beratta 92, or any number of bolt action "sniper rifles" the military uses.

That is our take. Living in middle America. The fun switch will be had for all! Not just Type 7 FFLs

> Britbong cannot into conflicting circuit court rulings
Just what you'd expect from defenseless subjects of the queen and her fascist regime.

Just bring the rust meta to real life

M1911s all round

>banning high power weapons while escalating the conflict with the mexican cartel kingdom
Why do you want to die so bad america?

death by a thousand cuts or rather death by a thousand regulations. see California gun laws.

>while you are sitting at home wondering which brand of rape whistle you should buy for self defense.

"Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed, as they are in almost every country in Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force -=SUPERIOR=- to any band of regular troops."
- Noah Webster, An Examination of the Leading Principles of the Federal Constitution, October 10, 1787

>tfw when my Czech Mauser is now more frightening than an AR-15
Feels good mane

We used to have similair gunlaws before the mayflower or something set sail to america, we have been cucked ever since.
reminder that vid related is still seen as a pistol by the law

>Nicely presented summary of "assault weapon" BTFO

Devastating pasta bantz

Yeah, just watch out for those type 7 FFL guys, or for everyone else that spent tenths of thousands of dollars to buy pre-ban full autos. I got the feeling that when the time to repeal things comes, they will be the first ones to be vocally against it, even more than libruls.

That moment when Preach brother!

Kek a semi-automatic rifle is considered an "assault weapon"?
>No full auto or burst feature
>Purely cosmetic

Anyways Maryland is a lost cause, nothing good or fun happens there like New Jersey. It's just there to "exist".


"military-style rifles"
Where not muskets military-style rifles at the time your constitution was written?
That would mean that the amendment was written for the purpose of possessing the military-style rifles.
the higher court will shoot that courts ruling down quickly (is it 9th?)

You don't need guns when you have your fists and martial art knowledge dumb pasta

>Looks like guns do kill. Say bye bye to your guns amerisharts

You have tried to take our guns before, how did that work out cuck?

WTF is going on with the anti gun shilling here past couple days. Is Skippy podesta's Center for American Progress behind this?

yep totally not biased


Lads remember, whatever else happens, for 8 years, nobody is going to touch our guns.

The fact that any official uses terms like that is a sign of huge incompetence.

no niggers no problem

The problem is that you are likely not going to have fists attached to your forearms when you live in a Sharia law country, Nigel.
And the only "martial art knowledge" you can hope to learn is the one required to successfully overpower a 9 year old girl, in order to rape her in the ass, Nigel.

Go fuck yourself

I dont get this .. what i mean by that is that i have no problem with banning assault rifles but BUT is still dont get it .. isnt the overwhelming majority of shooting victims caused by handguns? Or is it more like they start with assault so they can later say "well now we have to ban handguns too cause they kill even more?"

Checked and keked bro, keep up the good fight!

Way longer than that actually. Especially if someone between the few remaining liberal cucks in the Supreme Court does you a favor and croaks in the next 8 years.

Well I would NEVER wish for something like that to happen Guiseppe.

Yes, see
Rifles of all types are far less deadly than hammers, fists, or knives

>military-style rifles

Not actually military rifles, but military style!

looks like britbongs are gay. say bye bye to being heterosexual.

wow lefty courts who have a special version of the constitution that says the right to bear arms except for those scary black rifles with pistol grips. whodathunk!

"Muzzle device" you can't even have a flash hider because it makes the bullets invisible

good thing I already got mine

>Britbong BTFO
Luigi bringing the bantz

One of the majority opinions. Was that the courts aren't for a minority to change laws they don't like. That these people should use the legislative process.

Well gee. Then wtf are federal courts for then?

Imagine if this ruling opinion had been made on gay marriage.

Good start

Why is the left nowadays so hell-bent on banning guns? The american left could get a world of benefits if they made it clear they wouldn't confiscate anyone's guns.

>"Put simply, we have no power to extend Second Amendment protection to the weapons of war,"
By the judiciary does have the power to level taxes like Obamacare?

>The problem is that you are likely not going to have fists attached to your forearms when you live in a Sharia law country

Tanned-lyme BTFO

But they do. Courts at that level can say what is covered by the constitution.


because many of their voters, the minorities kill each others with them


Explain to me where in the constitution where I am forced to buy a product from an individual.

Also by all accounts all weapons are banable because all weapons at one point or another derived from a "weapon of war"


Are you a re-real g-g-g-globalist?

Oh no!

Better get started now on rounding up all those "assault rifles", there's millions of them and this logistical nightmare will take years.

I just checked the "sign up to be on the gun round up squad" and it's completely empty, zero names. Why doesn't anyone want to be on the gun round up squad?

But what about my silencer so that I can assassinate people in broad daylight without being spotted?


The left doesn't give two shits about niggers killing each other. That's just a useful talking point for them. What they care about is control and dependency. They want unarmed subjects they can control and depend on only the government for security.

The left wants subjects, not citizens.

More proof that if you live on ANY American coastline then you don't live in the US.

I think it has more to do with a split Supreme Court emboldening lower courts to make more controversial (or just blatantly wrong) rulings since they know they can't be overturned right now. Once Gorsuch is confirmed and a few of these retarded rulings are slapped down, expect things to calm down. Except the 9th circuit, they'll continue being retarded until such time as they are purged and replaced with actual judges rather than SJW diversity hires.