Why do Americans hate Socialism?
Why do Americans hate Socialism?
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Because like in eastern europe they know that it's just the precursor for communism. We all know what "democratic socialism" really means.
If you live in western europe it probably seems different. In the US, socialism always comes with the territory that it will involve a lot more immigrants and foreigners, so they can get votes.
if you give the government an inch, no matter how well meaning it was to begin with, some asshole will come and take a mile. look at Obama.
because if is a pit of no return
tax will be 5%, then 20%, 30%, 50%, kill all rich take their moneyz, state fails all go broke, new rich faggots rise
socialism relies on taxation wich is inherently just theft and limits our freedom. To love socialism is too hate freedom and prosperity'
>Because like in eastern europe they know that it's just the precursor for communism.
Isn't this a slippery slope fallacy though? I mean, the countries in Western Europe have socilaist elements in their economy and yet they dont slide into communism.
>In the US, socialism always comes with the territory that it will involve a lot more immigrants and foreigners, so they can get votes.
I view this as a class struggle. American "liberal" elites support letting in more poor people (illegals) who compete with American working class. Meanwhile, they are against letting in more people who would compete with themselves, like European immigrants for exmaple
This is one of the things I never understood. Why are working class people so strongly against public health care, when they would benefit the most from it?
We have a unique problem in America; 'African-Americans'.
They'd turn anyone off of socialism.
there's no waiting line in the US health care system
also in the US you need to pay for gender change, in Europe you don't have to... waste of nation money if you ask me
We've gotten along just fine without it. It isn't broke, don't fuck with it.
This is just the elites turning poor people against each other.
Turning whites against blacks and latinos, so they can stay in power.
They are not interested in blacks becoming wealthy, contributing members of society, they use divide and conquer to stay against us all
The jews told them it's bad.
because look at what it did to America. employers suddenly had to account for healthcare and all these new rules and regulations, it suddenly became extremely difficult to find work. yes, you had public healthcare, but you couldn't afford anything else.
Almost like capitalism and communism are just two sides of the same shekel.
Choose the third way
Well, I am not an American, but doesnt your country basically have full employment now?
Whats wrong with national socialism, except its bad reputation?
kek are you insane?
Anyone have that picture of the liberal posting about how not awful niggers are after only viewing them through the lens of a television while he lives in a safe neighborhood?
Cause this guy could use it.
In the past, the elites imported black slaves to undercut the wage of the white man, and you hated blacks instead of elites
Now. they import illegals from mexico to undercut your wage, and you hate the mexicans instead of elites
FUCK your thread, FUCK socialism and FUCK you.
good point.
Because socialism is incompatible with a large negro population.
because the USA is surrounded by socialist shithole countries
Jokes on you, I hate (((elites))), blacks, and Mexicans.
There's plenty of room in my heart to hate everyone!
>This is just the elites turning poor people against each other.
If you believe there is an elite at the head of the governement, why would you reinforce the governement ?
Cool arguments bro.
I don't trust the government to effectively run shit and we have too many non whites who'd abuse the system, I say just cut regulations and let the free market take care of it instead
oh and to answer your question, because the USA were founded with philosophy in mind - European countries are just accidents of history.
Philosophy denies socialism.
Because it doesn't work
its not about governement.
I want that working class people realize that they are screwed over by the elites, and that they become more able to recognize their interests and lobby for them
yeah I needed to get that out of the way first.
Socialism is degeneracy.
blacks were brought to america as slaves, against their own will
illegal mexicans are completely at the mercy of their employers, and yet the so-called "liberals" support this system of exploitation to undercut the working americans wages
I believe that working people should unite and defend their interest, not fight against each other
>I want that working class people realize that they are screwed over by
what is a "working class" and what do you mean by "screwed over"?
Did you mean taxation? Because that is theft, and only a socialist can claim with a straight face that having a voluntary contract with a business owner is somehoe worse than stealing from people and calling it "solidarity".
socialism is the political expression of judaism. It's identity politics for Jews, just like National Socialism is identity politics for Aryans.
>Why do Americans hate Socialism?
Because we don't want to end up like Venezuela.
No. And even if we did, why should sitting around doing nothing and collecting gubmint gibs be a life that anyone should strive for, let alone be funded by those who actually contribute to society?
by working class people I mean those who are screwed over by the competition of illegal immigrants.
Have you ever noticed that all the "enlightend" reddit users support illegal immigration, yet they are against H1 B visa, because they dont like competition when it hits them
t. I want more money
funny how socialists are as materialistic as capitalists
They enjoy freedom and socialism can only be imposed by force.
Because the main reason for socialism is to transition into communism, which has never been able to happen because of the greed of man.
Socialism is the notch down before communism and all of it sounds good on paper but in practicality it never works. It breed laziness and a dependency on the government.
because you cant allocate resources to millions of people all with different needs or predict market developments without free-market price signals, and any attempt to do so will inevitably fail and cause human catastrophe.
read mises and hayek.
and don't forget it's immoral!
Socialism has a lot to do with culture. Its not just a politcal system
yes, the illegal immigrants and legal economic migrants are attracted by the welfare state. If there were no welfare state, no problem.
The problem is that you and I are not in s voluntary situation. We can't just say "well fuck this shit, I stop paying taxes because this politics of immigration are retarded" - no we can't do that because taxation is theft and there are consequences. What I'm saying is that the problem is the welfare state. The problem is socialism.
Americans hate socialism because they've been brainwashed to make a connection between Socialism and Communism and they believe anything the Fed does, the private sector can do better. All evidence to the contrary of course.
What's funny is a lot of people crying about socialism are the same people who have medicare.
It doesn't matter which political system because nothing will work in a degenerate culture. We want civic virtue and prison / death for financial fraud. Also, socialism is for faggots.
because socialism IS social engineering. It is an invalid moral theory.
America is the last, best hope for freedom. Balk and laugh all you want, but when America tanks, the world will fall to darkness.
Good goy
Why does Germany hat winning world wars?
Socialism in its wider definition is part of culture and a trait in every people.
Look up prussian socialism. It has nothing to do with Marx
Fake news. Welcome to 2017.
Because they have had a taste of freedom and that you can have all the nice things you want if you just go out and work for them, and that the state should not have control of their lives.
Sadly they lost their way some time ago. Used to be a country of great freedom and opportunity though.
Better than any shithole socialist state even now. I would know.
not really, but it would cause a lot of suicides, that is true
Seriously, you come to /pol not realizing how much we hate international finance and inferior races?
USA is dead since 1865 desu
Because socialism is counter to a constitutional republic, and counter to human growth and development. It's also a violation of Our Lord, Jesus Christ's Gospel principles.
And yet it seems to me that the international finance is pretty good at making you lash out at other races and ignore the real enemy who opresses both you and the other races you hate so much
>This is just the elites turning poor people against each other.
The same elites that control the media and distribute race mixing and anti racist propaganda 24/7?
Try paying attention to the world around you for once faggot and stop parroting leftist lines like a zombie.
no, socialism is a system of economic management. even if it were cultural, socialism is forced altruism, which isn't altruism at all. only in a capitalist society are the values of the people truly represented.
/pol sees a future of celebrating virtue.
after we death squad though
>public healthcare
Forcing people to buy healthcare from private companies and fining those who don't isn't public healthcare. It's theft.
Yes, because the values of the people are obviously LBTQ!0123IOQE rights and mass migration amirite?
Dude, I know that. A child says "I am entitled to free food, moomy gibmedat" that is natural, because a child is dependent because of its biological properties.
When adults never grow up and say "I am entitled to free stuff, daddy State gebmedat!" that's socialism.
Socialism is an ideology of manbabies.
For comparison: socialists refer to me as a "worker"; capitalists call me a "person"; constitutionalists call me a "citizen"; pro-abortion advocates call me "one that got away."
Think about that.
The electorate voted against free trade and free movement. The electorate hasn't made the racial connections though. They will though in civil war. They will.
the elites dont care about race mixing or such stuff. Only thing they want is cheap slave labour.
Before, they used literal slaves (blacks), now they exploit illegal mexican workers, and they want to see whites and blacks and lations fight each other
I agree in regards to marxist socialism.
For Europe I would prefer national socialism, for the US white/hoppean libertarianism
>entitled to free stuff
fucking baby boomers
won't give up their gibs
they think the privileges of the GI generation are rights
There is truth in what you say, and that's why I don't hate muzzies, I hate socialism.
>for the US white/hoppean libertarianism
why not for us?
In large part, but why do you think they call it cultural marxism?
>want to see
we all do
civil war 2.0
Venezuela's economy failed due to policies of economic isolationism. Not because of socialism.
Libertarianism does not work in Europe.
Too much tradition and too many people on small space.
My point is that capitalism and communism are just two differend sides of the same shekel.
And with capitalism I dont mean trading and stuff.
god bless you Sir. God bless America. If it weren't for you, all hope would have been lost by now.
I live the socialist nightmare every day. It consumes the soul.
>My point is that capitalism and communism are just two differend sides of the same shekel.
Excuse me.
communism / socialism: "Theft is sometimes moral"
Capitalism: Voluntarism.
How is that the same coin?
>Libertarianism does not work in Europe.
says who?
>Too much tradition and too many people on small space.
that makes libertarian principles even more necessary for us
You have great history in Austria. Your nightmare will be over soon and Europe will be born again. Either as Muslim or Ethno-Centric. God speed.
In the sense of having as small a state as possible, I agree. But in terms of economic management, not at all.
If those same values were held by the majority and we were under socialism, we'd all be fucked and there would be no other ideology on the market just like there would be only one brand of toilet paper. It's bad enough as it is.
Because both are used to decimate and enslave Europeans, its just a different approach.
In your libertarian paradise a George Soros can fund BLM, own all the media and turn it quickly into a jewish dystopia like it is now.
You think that freedom can beat nature, it cant.
All of todays degeneracy roots in english liberalism.
Of course they are economically different.
But both are purely materialistic.
Life is not only about goods but about spirituality and value and tradition.
I dont want to be the richest man in Brazil
All of todays degeneracy roots in english liberalism
all evil roots in he state. The state is a central agency of coercion that is constantly being used to force, like in your example, soro's interests upon a de-weaponized population of tax slaves.
what we have today is closer to fascism than libertarianism. In libertarianism Soros can't simply undermine governments since any form of government would be limited to administrative bodies without own power and budget.
>All of todays degeneracy roots in english liberalism.
How many times have you read Edmund Burke?
What is a state? A state is institutionalized authority.
A state always exists, if you abolish your state now you will just substitute it with a state of natural authority.
Libertarianism cant maintain itself because always, over time, a state will be build even if does not call itself a state.
Lol, I like how retarded capitalishits trying to deffend their oligopolistic slavery.
Free market is a meme.
>I want that working class people realize that they are screwed over by the elites,
That's pretty hard to do as long as the working class living standard is maintened or keeps getting better, see mainland china. Also the more you add socialist redistribution the more you increase the working class dependency to the whole system which makes it harder for them to overthrow.
Another thing to consider is that the most cost-effective immigration in such a system is the illegal one because they don't benefit from the redistribution, but ironically it also makes them cheaper to hire so it fucks up your citizens
>Why are working class people so strongly against public health care
Cancer survivor here and I thank God every day I have private insurance. A regular visit to a specialist costs me a grand EACH. I only have to pay a 40$ copay and my private insurance pays for the rest. I can only imagine how much I'd have to pay if I have niggercare.
You dont realize that Soros goal is not to undermine the government but to exterminate the aryan race.
He and his kind could just continue doing that in your libertarian state. And you cant do shit about it without becoming a statist hypocrite.
Do you have any examples of communism actually working?
Oh wait, there aren't any examples of REAL communism.
Libertarianism does have a state. I think you meant anarchism?
The worst-case scenario if anarhy is the formation of a new state, albeit that requires a series of circumstances. SO if the wort case of anarchy is the formation of a new state, where's the argument against it?
And I agree that Libertarianism can't maintain itself, because if you have a state (as small as possibole in libertarian utopia), it WILL grow. That is inevitable.
Also the problem with libertarianism is the NAP - Libertarians see the NAP, but somehow they still allow a central agency of coercion that violates the NAP. What is it now? Make up your minds, libertarians.
I think you have a problem with the word "goods".
If someone values it and can trade it for something, it's goods. The point of capitalism is that those things have nothing to do with government, and cannot be compelled.
I think one thing that would help working class Americans is to forbid illegal employment and make it easier for mexicans work legally here.
That way, they would earn more money and not undercut American workers, thus stopping the race to the bottom
I am not opposed to it per se, I was libertarian for a couple of years myself and know how to argue for it.
I just outgrew it.
The only way to keep a libertarian state would be to have a bloody revolution every 25 years.
But how to organize that? Because once you organize having a bloody carnage to remind you of your liberty every 25 years, isnt that statism par excellence?