Do you distrust each other because that is what happens in forced multiculturalist societies? or because your government can't stop lying?
Maybe it was the bullshit and lies they taught you in school that made you so wary now that you are an adult?
Do you distrust each other because that is what happens in forced multiculturalist societies? or because your government can't stop lying?
Maybe it was the bullshit and lies they taught you in school that made you so wary now that you are an adult?
I personally loathe and distrust the Government for the abominable Babylonian hell it's made out of a formerly white country here.
But I'm not sure this poll is real either. Most Canadians I see (95%) are bluepilled idiots.
>But I'm not sure this poll is real either.
Canadian polls are dodgy as fuck m8. I don't trust them.
The only redpilled and positive place in the whole country is Alberta.
All the socialist faggots (Ontario, Quebec and others) leach off of it while trying to mock Albertans for being into industry and oil and male-oriented shit in general.
I live in Quebec and it it deeply hostile territory for anyone who isn't a feminist faggot pink-collar cuck.
Because the majority of the Canadian population has never been for multiculturalism and rampant degeneracy. It's being forced up on us by our corrupt libtard government who doesn't listen to us for the last few decades. We were one of the most Christian white countries for the longest time and we're being told to put up with faithless chinks, violent sandnigger cults, backwards pajeets, immoral feminists/libtards or else we're bigots.
This is what happens when a leaf snaps
Would the RCMP getting away with bombing hospitals factor into this at all?
>we're being told to put up with faithless chinks, violent sandnigger cults, backwards pajeets, immoral feminists/libtards or else we're bigots.
>else we're bigots.
literally every op-ed in canada calls those who disagrees with it's multculturalist proclamations a bigot
>Here's my opinion and why it should be your opinion too, and if it's not, then you're a bigot
The CBC, our tax-funded national outlet, is spewing horrifically biased COMMUNIST propaganda fucking 24/7.
I was just checking out their headlines in an elevator:
"UNSURPRISINGLY, Conservative motion to suspend hate speech law struck down"
"Montreal mayor receives widerspread praise for his sanctuary city initiative"
You're in a nation-wide virtue-signaling death spiral.
The only way to get poltical power is to virtue deathspiral even harder than your opponents. It gets worse every year.
Also the reason why you never hear about much right-wing/conservative movements in Canada is because leafs are literally afraid to speak their mind. A lot of right-wing viewpoints can openly get you fined and arrested in Canada, unlike in actual free countries where right-wing viewpoints are treated just as equally as left-wing viewpoints.
This is why the vast majority of Canadians define themselves as centrist instead of left or right, and ironically those centrists are the most Christian, and proud people in the country. I guarantee you a huge chunk of these "centrists" are far more right-leaning than they let on.
Hey, I express my far right views loud and clear. But I don't have a job to lose because I'm self employed and my business is hard to destroy even if you know who I am.
Most people keep their mouths nice and shut, you're absolutely right.
Nothing will happen in this piece of shit country before a major, MAJOR economic downturn. Even then, I have much more hope for Europe than for North America.
People here have never seen how good life can be in a homogenous society, so to them my racism is incomprehensible. They have no basis for comparison and to them Babylon seems fine. It's like a redhead bursting in and claiming that only single-hair-color societies are acceptable: we'd have trouble believing him because we'd never seen such a thing.
>Hey, I express my far right views loud and clear.
That's because the average leaf won't report you because the average leaf either doesn't care, or are in the same position as you.
If you're openly far right and the wrong person hears you and gets offended, you can be fined and arrested.
Chinese in the Vancouver area are intentionally pretending to be offended over everything to get whites out.
CBC radio every day
>le evil mr Blumpf
>refugees and their plight
>this week on why it's good to cheat on your husband
>muh native womynz
>muh stay at home dads
>muh gender roles
Our state broadcaster is a giant marxist propaganda machine and it makes me fucking sick
>Chinese in the Vancouver area are intentionally pretending to be offended over everything to get whites out.
So sneaky. So evil.
The great big hearts of Canadians are their greatest weakness. Canadans are great in a war but are absolute shite at peace-time.
Yes, the Chinese women especially are a problem.
They have caught on to the outrage/offense machine and how effective it is in this piece of shit noncountry if you use it against white men. I notice the student-age women with the worst attitude are lately the ASIAN ones.
The Chinese adapt, organize and conquer.
If Canadians can't tame their whore daughters and say no to unruly Haititans and teenage Arabs, they can forget altogether about resisting the Chinese. Really, it's not even a match.
Pathological altruism at its finest. Halp
Halp yourself, fag
We can only save ourselves
>The great big hearts of Canadians are their greatest weakness. Canadans are great in a war but are absolute shite at peace-time.
This. Canadians have always prided being kind, moral, and helping others for over a century now and that's fucking us in the ass. The mudslimes take advantage of it. The chinks take advantage of it. The natives take advantage of it. The niggers take advantage of it, and soon the Mexicans are going to take advantage of it. The smelly awkward pajeets are just there being strange (ironically I've never met a libtard or SJW pajeet, they all give a rapey autistic vibe though and smell like shit)
The Chinese are taking advantage of this. They're playing the role of the "poor innocent immigrant being bullied". Virtue signallers and our government look at those chinese and think "Oh my god that's so horrible :(((" and punish Canadians who didn't even do anything wrong.
The Chinese are making up fake stories of racism now to get people evicted. Chinese are now officially the majority in Vancouver and the surrounding suburbs and towns and they're still driving whites out of neighbourhoods by getting them arrested.
Canadians have the same chance against the Chinese as a fawn against a wolf, even on their dumbass soil.
>absolutely shit at peace-time
We did just fine when we were a homogenous, high trust society.
Kinda right up til Tr*deau senior.
Makes me sad bro.
3 canadians on my facebook have committed suicide in the past year. 1 veteran, 1 business owner and 1 sick person who couldn't get medical treatment (so much for OHEP or whatever they call your NHS).
Sounds about right. It still blows my mind that his idiot son could be elected.
>We did just fine when we were a homogenous, high trust society.
We did, but our code of being kind, helping others and shit really fucked us in the ass when the opportunity came for us to accept foreign shitskin immigrants with Cuckdeau senior. Most Canadians blindly think they're making a difference and being heroes by accepting every shitskin with a sob story.
Giant hearts, maybe. Not so much brains.
Import 2-3 million Slavs from the Ukraine and they will set the shitskin problem right.
But no, white immigration is strictly capped.
It's the daughter-raping, the mosque-building crowd that Canada really needs.
We've been fed generations of propaganda telling us about tolerance. Cultural Marxism/relativism is fucking cancer.
>It's the daughter-raping, the mosque-building crowd that Canada really needs.
I'm fairly certain I saw a clip of Trudeau converting to islam at a mosque.
Don't get me started on how our shithole government treats our veterans. It makes me furious. There's a reason less and less people are joining the army, and a bunch of soldiers even left the army with Cuckdeau's policies. Our veterans are thrown aside for rapefugees. My uncle (he was a chef at a military base in Labrador) got fired simply because he was against giving the military base to rapefugees as a shelter.
>Giant hearts, maybe. Not so much brains.
This describes Newfoundland in particular, it's terrifying. It's a miracle the island hasn't been hit by shitskins at all but if Newfies were given the opportunity they'd open the floodgates and scream "COM RIGHT IN BY AND HAV A CUP OF TEA"
I know this is 22 Minutes cancer but it unironically describes how Newfies would react to shitskins down to a fucking point.
He's dumb, he didn't realize what he was actually doing at the time.
I'm not going to say much about this here, but they are the key to how things will play out in many places.
Fucken tell me about it famarinos
Is it the fat drunk guy going off on McDonalds workers cause he can't get a mcchicken?
Someone needs to make Canadian synthwave featuring classic Ytv, Teletoon.
See this is why I hate non-whites
I like how liberals try to make it "just about skin color"
No they are enemies of me, my family, and my future.
I don't know.
>classic YTV
This video cracks me up
A lot of Christians are sympathetic toward MusLims because "at least they aren't degenerate" ... many see amoral chinks and secularism as a bigger threat especially because a lot of them believe mussies can be converted
CBC is red pilled eh?
I only get my news from trusted red pilled canadian sources.
They talk bad about america a lot and I like that eh?
Hilary shoulda won too eh?
I'm red pilled. I'm a hard working roofing laborer.
I like beer, pot and being red pilled eh?
CBC is red pilled.
Don't listen to these whiners. Just pussies
Not red pilled.
Probably couldn't even climb on a roof like me eh?
what year is the current year?
Alberta went full libtard and are now in some of the most significant debt in the country.
they cant even afford to pump oil anymore because the Arabs export it too cheap.
This is what happens if you push a red pilled leaf too far eh?
Ok, but this is after the worst oil crisis in decades. Give it a couple of years.
Check that video lad.
Red pilled leaf tells it how it is eh?
have a shitty government, have a distrusting nation
Yea because immigration was always meant to be beneficial for our economy by bringing in migrants with skills and talents to work for our country. So basically immigration was always meant to be about economic benefit
So what's the economic benefit to opening the borders and our asses for the entire 3rd world that commit a lot of crime and won't work + study?
Rob sounds like a fine lad.
He smoke the crack?
I only on weekends. Responsibility eh?
Gotta work my job on weekdays. First one in 3 generations of canadians to have a job in my family.
My family been In Canada 150 years. I got a shack i own from inheritance
Ok, everyone slow the fuck down and watch what happened in this video.
Watch how EVERYONE either turned on this guy and then the passive beta cucks join in on him.
First the feminist hypersensitive haritrigger WHORES raise a stink, then, the white knight enforcers BOUNCE THE FUCK IN to suppress his dissent.
>So what's the economic benefit
There is none, but the virtue signaling economy is going strong. People in Canada value virtue signalling more than economic prosperty. Virtue signals are their own currency.
Unlike in America, government powers here are only kept in check by arbitrary wording and arbitrary tradition. Very vauge terms like "good governance", "human rights", and "free and fair democratic society" rule the courts about what the government can and cant do. The Supreme court here haa much more power becuase they can overturn legislation and any other government doing FOR ANY REASON THEY DEEM FIT, as long as you can bullshit it with "human rights", "democratic society", what ever the fuck that means that particular day to those particular Judges.
Conservative governments pretty much get fucked, the court legislates from the bench (literaly they have that power to make new laws), Liberal governments lately do fuck all but promote feelings and immigrants, arbitrary "Human Rights Tribunals" fuck over normal people and business, and as always, ONE FUCKING PERSON can ruin a thing, if they cry about "muh human rights and feeels".
Fuck this country, America please invade and finish the job. Ban niggers and spics from comming here if you do tho.
Fatty at McDonald's can't get a mic chicken so he throws a temper tantrum
Red pilled leaf eh?
Something to be proud of eh?
Sit down, faggot
His temper tantrum isn't over the sammich, it's over feminism, you simpleminded fool.
Is it safe for my kids to go for a swim at the west edmonton mall yet?
Have they got the forced finger fucking under control?
>can't order mcxhicken at 2am
>feminist are to blame
Country of redneck inbred 2iq white trash
Fuck you nigger, we look down on your kind.
What's that lad?
Wanna wrassle me?
I was a canadian hockey lad in my days.
I'm also Scottish. That means I'm a fighter like brave heart eh?
Seen that movie?
Good movie eh?
Wanna wrassle me?
I'm tough like the lad in the video so watch out eh?
>Globalist fucks shove their circumcised cock down your throat and call you a racis xenophobe for objecting
>B-but why don't they like us?
I'm white dipshit
90% white country remember?
You really proved your point with that temper tantrum
I heard they can now open your letters in canada without a warrant.
Pretty fucked up. Curtains are next
>The Canada Border Services Is Getting Authority To Open All Cross-Border Mail
Dissienters btfo'd
>implying they haven't been doing this for years
They put it on TV for Christ's sake.
The media keep saying "Diversity is strength"
Now you have been so cowed that they can do it out in the open.
Memes and Curtains are next.
Ok Mr. CCTV coverage of every square meter of public space. Don't pretend you have any civil liberties left either friendo. We're all on the same slippery slope.
You are using a fallacy. I forgive you because you probably don't know what you are doing. You think you are clever and witty.
It is called the Tu Qouque fallacy. In the UK we are taught not to use it when we are 5 years of age.
>not an argument
Refute my point that CCTV coverage is ubiquitous in the UK and constitutes an erosion of your civil liberties.
>Refute my point
You mean:
>Refute my fallacy.
You have no credibility. You use fallacies and ad hominems. You aren't worth anyone's time and are the type of poster that has made your people hated on /pol.
>still doesn't present an argument
It's all so tiresome.jpg
If I ignore you, do you declare victory?
In Canada, a man can have an abortion at any stage of his pregnancy