Every successful company employees are Indians can't argue with hard cold facts pol
Would technology advances cease to exist without Indian intellectuals?
Inb4 poo in loo
I am here to have a meaningful discussion based on facts
white males invent things and then get shitskins to do the busywork and make slight improvements. this is how tech has always been, you will always be at the back and nobody will care about your meaningless labor pajeet. indians do it because they know they are worthless and so are willing to do busywork for cheaper.
i want a quick rundown on Ryzen
This is Sup Forums. You will only get retards and faggots here. There are no fact based discussions here. Just kys.
I like to eat kids and ommit commas
there are a lot of Indians.
some of them are quite smart.
most of them not so much.
poo in loo.
Citation needed.
Every fucking CEO is an Indian we are running the tech industry
India will be a superpower by 2020.
This has proven that Indians are most intelligent and creative people
name me one thing an indian invented
one thing that doesnt suck
Microsoft's CEO right now is a poo, look at where Windows 10 is heading, straight to the garbage.
A fucking wagon wheel
Or maybe that there are just so fuckin many of you, can't you fuckin use condoms? I actually get mad when I think about it.
The likelihood of Indian technological advances is reliant on the relative proximity of Indians to proper bathroom facilities.
Because of this, Indians only truly excel intellectually when located in the West where street shitting is discouraged.
This then begs the question. If Indians living in the West are no longer shitting in the street, are they truly Indian?
AMD graphics card
Windows 10 is the most popular Microsoft os.
Pajeets make terrible extraneous code that has to be repaired.
Why hire a local when shitskin can do 60% of his work for 40% of his wage? Don't give yourself too much score nigger, you wouldn't exist if you didn't undercut wages in countries you invade.
dumb fucking shitskins claiming things they didn't make again
Every suscessfull plantation used Africans. Can't argue that!
Justin Bieber is also popular, doesn't mean he's any good.
He left prematurely.
Just like all.white people all you do is steal and crate things you need Indians to maintain your country and companies
Sure there are lots of indians working in succesful companies, some of them working in IT and lots answering calls.
He's better than you at life
Here your country, thank me later!
they thought every computer was going to become a big touch screen
wrong! sad
Although he is a faggot, that is true.
whites invented graphic cards stupid shitskin
Yes. Companies have set up infrastructure in India to educate and employ many in technology related fields. India will undergo an revolution similar to the one that placed USA at the top.
The reality is that there are just so many Indians that no other country will be able to compete.
The problem is that the west is trying everything to try and stay competitive on a global scale but their population is just too small. The politician's solution to this is just to import as many people as possible to keep it afloat with no long-term goals.
The only way for the west to survive against the billions of Asians and future Africans is to either massively decrease Asia and Africa population with a holocaust or shut off and become an isolationist country that manufactures all that it needs.
At the moment, the west is inevitably going to fail and people like Trump will try their best to stop it and provide for the working class and the citizens but it is simply impossible as long as the global economic system continues.
I wish more people understood this.
More cores, lower clock, half price. Same formula that has failed for the last decade. Intel has been lazy though. If Ryzen R5 can compete with i5s for
Last I heard, the plan was to prioritize H1B applications by wage, meaning highly qualified people will still get to the US. The situation might perhaps even improve with regards to your argument. The dumbasses on slave wages are perhaps completely pushed out of the H1B program by more highly qualified people taking all the spots. Right now the program uses a lottery to allocate spots and a slave wage job has the same chance as a great job to get a spot.
We made the math that binary systèms are based on.
We were 1 of the first 4 civilizations and the longest surviving one.
Also, white people were the last to the civilization game. Even niggers had Egypt. Lmao
Keep crying, whitie.
They only hire poo in loos cause they will work harder for less money. As far as innovations, I can't think of a single one made by a streetshitter.
win7 is roughly twice as common as win10.
They prevented indian inmigration, and not Saudi arabia?
>taking dump
>notice there's no toilet paper
>remember I'm in India
>use hand to wipe arse
>look for water to clean it off
>grandmothers corpse floats by
You sound like a monkey, trying to say "we invented da pyramid maths" or Arabs with their "you wouldn't have decimal without Arabic numbers"
Take a look at reality, moron. Indians and Chinese and even a few Arabs are in management positions across so many of the largest tech companies.
Actually I take that back. If there is ever a global pandemic that wipes out half the world's population it'll probably come from India because of their heavy overprescribing of antibiotics and abysmal hygiene
Don't worry nothing is too hard for Indian doctors ( American people should know )
Our doctors are the best period
Nobody wanna talk to subhuman shits like indian people
These threads are not political and can be reported
Indians are subhuman retards and should only be saged and exterminated
Fuck indian people and fuck you op
But implying egypt was black....ehhh
3 years to teach unwashed millions to not shit on street, or dont drop your dead in to rivver you drink from.
I wound not bet on this, leaf.
Subhuman shit, you will always be indian, look like one, and people will treat you like shit. The things you claim were done by indian were centuries ago and nothing good will ever come out of that shithole you call BIGGEST DEMOCRACY
H1B is not really immigration. Corporations that abuse it get people to work at lower-than-normal wages without the normal labor rights. People in the program cannot freely hunt for a better job once they are in the US. If they lose their job, they are sent home. In practice, a corporation gets a bunch of people in their twenties or thirties, pays them low wages for ten years or so, then fires them when they are getting old and they get sent back to India.
Fuck off you are jealous
>implying managment jobs create stuff
Bruce you are drunk.
>Implying it won't happen in 2020.
>we made the math binary systems are based on
you didnt invent math rajesh
whites live in the harshest climate of all the early civilizations and became the strongest because of it, our lackluster early game is not a point of shame but a testament to our superiority
Fantastic point and digits support you
>working for slave labour wages in foreign countries
There's a reason Indians have to flee to western tech companies to succeed. There's no doubt that a ton of them are fairly intelligent but the only ones actually worth a shit have a good work ethic to go along with it.
Then again, the entire tech sector has been going downhill over the last decade, so maybe they aren't as smart as we thought.
Tech companies would have to pay higher salaries. Indians are "good enough" and cheap.
He said something that doesn't suck
You're not wrong.
Successful company employees actually poo in the loo
Indians shitposting ITT won't be able to name a single indigenous Indian tech company that outperforms any US/EU/Asian one.
>invented the flush toilet
If this isnt some history-revision bullshit I don't know what is
And you can't argue with cold hard porcelain.
They invented fibonacci numbers.. So what did fibonacci do lol
Indians are subhuman retards
But poo in the loo states a fundemental fact about indians.
Lol, don't get your panties in a bunch, Chang. Or do you think you are white now?
Haha, and let me guess, you think Egypt was white?
Dream on, Skeeter.
Yeah, India has 1.2 billion people. A lot of poor people. And a lot don't have toilettes. Haha
How does that negate the fact that most of history's geniuses come from India?
Haha, piggy backing on the inventions of others doesn't make your superior. We invented civilization, while you savages were living in caves.
Everything you know, including the grammer you use to form your sentences comes from India.
Lol, try again.
>How does that negate the fact that most of history's geniuses come from India?
why do you have to flee to white countries if you're so amazing?
you're posting as a FUCKING LEAF
>indian intellectuals
I noticed and wondered about that too! How the fuck could the indians claim ownership of an italians work? Which lead me to pic related. They don't even know when the shitskin lived, but he surely invented it! What a load of bullshit.
i don't know if you are talking about the ryzen chip, but you might want to do some light googling, mr. poo
Flush toilets were a british invention weren't they when they had water tanks on top of the toilets that could be filled with rain water and you just pulled the rope to open the valve to let the water flow?
Been a long time, will look it up right now.
Fucking mongoloid indian i am an EU guy living in hong kong because i can afford it
Your kind here get USED LIKE SLAVES
Everyone HATES shit indians
Keep being proud about your shithole while the world use you as the subhuman shits you are
This is the only time i will not report a bogfaggot post
You are right
>jim keller needs to monitor the production
Where have you been hiding? Collected.
Intel went full jew over the last 5 years, now it will cost them dearly.
> Would technology advances cease to exist without Indian intellectuals?
I don't know. Let's kill every single one of you street shitters and find out for sure.
Intel are becoming a bunch of lazy Jews
The i7 7700k is hardly faster than the 6700k, they most likely hit a limit with the transistor. They need to move on from silicon to something else already.
It's funny going to a yellowskin restaurant with a poo in street. The staff will really ostentatiously check the toilet immediately after they've used it.
If you pick a new material, and it doesn't work out, the company is finished. So, the government would have to fund the R&D, but then the Jews can't patent it. So in the end, we will be stuck here for a while.
>post yfw indians figure out how to make semiconductors out of feces
Indians are rape culture, smell like curry and onions. All the Indians I worked with in tech were fucking moronic. Go ask them how much they like to shit in fields, they will tell you its the best thing ever. How can you be any good at tech when you are busy picking shit out of your teeth. We need to eliminate H-1B visas.
Fuck off chink
Aww Tubby why so angwy? Did the smart Indian kid at school or the Indian boss humiliate you?
Pick one shitskin
no like I said Indian's are dumb fucking rapist. I've had to ship a few of you molesters home last year
>Multiple rants by this ID
Ooh Mr. Salty Cupcake, I guess my previous post applies even more to you
Yeah, they can save on wages thus invest more into r&d
Yes. In terms of the closest concept to the modern flush toilet: its a bong invention. The greeks also had working water-way sewage systems, although they didn't "flush" them like the modern systems. Indians are literally WE WUZ KANG tier with their history revision
>He left prematurely.
He was the architect due. He designed it all, and before the dirty work started, he left with the money and them bitches.
By the way, the dirty work afterwards, CPU and GPU related, are done in China.
Crazy CEOs aside, I am not aware of complex development done in India. You export some (very few) competent people, I agree, but internally, that's another thing.
>Indians still skirting around the fact that they have zero competitive indigenous Indian tech companies
You literally have a huge anus in the middle of your flag lol
Aww Cletus. It's alright you can have your welfare check payed by Indian taxpayers
They are shady too, caught a few farming out their work to people outside the company and country, major security leak. Indians are fucking idiots. I love shipping them home.
the whole H1B pyramid scam was devised by globalists as part of their race replacement scheme, it has nothing to do with worker shortage, skills shortage, or other smoke screen excuses
it is a corporate migrant smuggling scheme, as implemented with the migrant refugee scheme
Reminder that the "skilled labor shortage" is a sham.
Come on poo, shilling on Sup Forums doesn't give you enough money?
Why is India such shit, Poolooman?