Chancellor of Germany

Chancellor of Germany
Leader of the free world
Most powerful man of the EU
Founder and Godfather of the everlasting Mediterranean Union

Martin Schulz is the future of Europe, the mediterranean and thus, the world.

Other urls found in this thread:


He doesnt even know the differerence between the EU and europe.


Please don't forget the 48%! And we'll return one day, (first we must genocide the brexiteers).

I'm so fucking glad that we're no longer a part of the supposed free world.

in a perfect world there would be none.

Kill yourself, disgusting globalist kraut fuck.

Hmm, I sure wonder why everyone on this planet hates germans

outside of your Sup Forums safespace literally noone.

How much is this fucking kike paying you retarded neets to spam him here?

yaaay funnay thread!


i don't trust this jew
he is the same as merkel

I think there is an AfD general up. Sage this crap.

thoughts? This is what Europe will look like in 2018

How about... nein?

At 2pm it starts everyday because the schulz shills come out of school

well the "old" Germans are literally irrelevant for an election. Only the new Germans count.

>jewropean union starts adding african countries

bruh this is cancer


and they are obviously here on /pol waiting for a pro eu pro gloablist anti trump idiot :D

>this is what germans tell themselves


this is the future, it has been planned since like 20 years.

Eu wants to destroy european culture

there is "european" culture.

Hello, hello is this Sup Forums?

Please help. I am trapped in the Schulzniverse.
Martin Schulz was voted in as Chancellor of Germany a few years ago and everything is wrong.

He gave voting rights to all refugees and asylum seekers in Germany and they proceeded to form their own microstate in the heart of the Rhineland and Schulz and the German people gave their blessing!

It is 2020 now. One billion refugees have flooded into the heart of Europe, even the definition of Europe has changed as Schulz as successful in extending the borders of Europe to include most of North Africa too!

Schulz has declared that ethnic Europeans must make way for their new arrivals and his Special Police Force made up of former Refugees and their kin are busy enforcing the implantation of these millions of invaders straight into the centre of every village, town and city in Eastern Europe. No neighbourhood or street has gone untouched. White Europeans are now outnumbered 3.1 in their own countries - they are vassal slaves to their new masters in Berlin.

There are millions dead. Schulz and the Greater European Union have set their eyes on Old Albion. They are trying to destroy us on our ancient island fortress once more. They won't stop sending parachute refugees to machine gun us, and they won't stop sending boats of suicide bombers to blow us up on our streets.

Not even Trump was able to stop the meteoric rise of Overlord Schulz. Nor the Bogdanoffs. Everything is lost. Please, Sup Forums, you have to let me into your universe - the one where everything is right.

Send help. Please.

you're probably the only one who thinks this pasta is bad.

i hate germany for this
>oh poor refugees
chose refugees over their people

there are no "german" people.
"German" is not bound to any ethnicity

i hope you get stabbed to death by a mudslime rapeugee

>Founder and Godfather of the everlasting Mediterranean Union
with germany?
don't even fucking think about it

As if you had a choice.
You leeched for half a century, now it's time to pay back.

You're fucking insane and you probably know that. You're an imperialist and an oppressor of the working class.

If i catch you saying this in public i swear to allach i will kill you for this
you betrayed your own nation , do you think refugee care about you?
do you think refugees won't rape your daughter?
stop doing this faggot

this is not about classes.

We will never let Germany place the yoke of tyranny upon the people of Europe once more.



Oh it's one of those deranged EU faggots not living in reality, no thanks.

>Martin Schulz is the future of Europe, the mediterranean and thus, the world
>Martin Schulz is the future
Yeah, but certainly not a bright future


Even more poor countries in the EU
Way to go fucking lefty shit du HURENSOHN!

Politicians arent sworn in to serve the German people, but Germany. It's not a bait.

do you have any idea how much we pay the EU and how little we get from it?



God bless Britain and Nigel Farage


Now I am interested in that two.
Got any valid sources?

yeah, you have no idea, we lose about 6 billion euros each year to the EU

in return we let you play first world export nation.
be thankful. There's hot water comming from the tap because we allow it.

you let us?
give me a break, your nation is collapsing faster than a castle of cards, in two years you will all be either niggers or get balkanized.

>third world lets italy play first world

>your nation is collapsing

not really.

by having Italy in the EU you gain 2 billion euros each year, we lose 6
if we leave the EU goes *pop*
you depend on us

>russian satellite state #0815

go be irrelevant somewhere else.

>you depend on us
lmao, without EU and Schengen laws your country has 0 anything. Now go make some pasta and yell at each other or whatever you consider culture. You will pay for the atrocities of the roman empire.

>bruh irrelevant
>russian satelite

we are most anti russian people on earth
Do you like big arabic cock in your ass ?

This isn't even a good meme, it's just so forced.

I don't even let out a "heh" when I see it, it's just very disappointing.

>we are most anti russian people on earth
because russia enslaved you for several centuries. lmao

compared to what? Digging up Pepe the frog again and putting some Warhammer 40k slogans on him?

Sup Forumstards shouldnt dare critizing memes when they're incapable of making OC.

Guys... You're all taking the bait really hard. This guy is obviously trolling and it's kinda sad you can't see it.

Not that I don't think there aren't idiots out there like this but he's clearly just taking the piss

Lies mal die Zeitung, Achmed.

1 century and like 70 years to be accurate

0 anything?
oh silly silly nordboy
we're the third largest EU economy and eight in the world, our biodiversity is the most vast of all the landmasses in the world, we posses 70% of the world heritage sites, our exports are valued in all the world, "made in Italy" is sought after by everybody, and most of all, we're not as cucked as you are.
so no, my boy, we don't have "0 anything"


Haste unseriösere Quelle finden können? Tichys Einblick oder Piss news?

Streng dich 1 mal an.

Also we should hope Schultz gets in and Marine LePen is elected and France. The hostile isolation of SuperCuck Germany and the rest of Europe swept by populism will only result in the EU collapsing as opposed to it being reformed

it's okay, this is Sup Forums, you can roleplay here all you want.

sure, keep shutting your ears and going "LALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU", go back to tumblr, it's more fitting for your kind

why should I go to a pornsite?

you are Jewish aren't you

i don't know, maybe you want to pay a visit to your sister


wow rude

Why is it rude, he's probably a Pakistani and that's part of his culture and he was simply making an observation of what he would visit a porn site to see.

You fucking racist trash fuckboi. Get some more mayonnaise, KYS

i'm actually mediterranean non-white, get your facts straight whitey

that's called a north african.


Schulz is a dirty Juden who needs to go into the oven. You're not taking over Germany a second time.

it's not the correct term for it you cishet shitlord
ugh, i can't even

Ignorant! I'm actually 100% transnigger and your post literally raped me

do you really believe that?

FUCK OFF Sup Forums
now i'm more oppressed


Looks like Captcha triggered the fuck out of you. ;^)

it wasn't even captcha, the spamriarchy is out to get me

Germany must fail to serve as a warning to other European countries.


But we're on the right side of history for the first time and this time we'll win.

Sweden and Germany should hold a competition to see who can surpass Somalia first in violent crimes per capita

thousand times this.

Christ Soros' Human mask is decaying worse everyday. He looks like a fucking ghoulish lizard

Danke Sir for this nice meme

That article is fake news.
Schulz wants to let them vote in LOCAL elections, which they already are entitled to in many counties. He just wants to make it a federal law, not a county specific one.

Leave my country, Verräterpack!

Do you want to take shelter this fucking jew?

It's not yours, it belongs to everyone who lives here.

If you let (illegal) immigrants vote on the municipal level you can throw away the country 10 years later because then we'll have an actual AKP offshoot in federal parliament.

Schultz should just get to the point and declare it illegal for any German citizen to accept any other God but Allah and that they must accept Mohammed as his messenger.