What is your Opinion about my country?Do you have any qestions?
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can we see ur dick?
Not without some shekhels that is.
Do you want to come back to the Reich?
I dont know, if you fix your imigration, mybie.
I am but a poor jew.
Im jelous that your people are much more nationalistic compared to us.
Do you fear a Russian invasion? How do the Russians in your country behave?
Russian clay occupied by traitors.
Stalin should have taught you guys a lesson in loyalty while he had a chance.
How many potato?
The Muslim uprising?
Our best neighbours.
but you dont have as many russians..
nice b8 m8
yeah, maybe thats the reason why youre more nationalistic?
How many Muslims are there? Would I be stared at if I visited there?
>How do the Russians in your country behave?
Some good people some are scum.
>Do you fear a Russian invasion?
Not so mutch, becouse we are part of NATO and russians allready felt how world wievs there expansion when they put on a sanctions when they anexed allready russian full area that belonged to russia and they did it in non NATO country, now imagine if they tried the same in NATO country, where there isnt that many russians as crimea had.
could be and the ruskies in lt speak lithuanian, thats what ive heard at least
too many already, please stay out
Was ist mit deinen Farben los, Bruder?
>Russian clay occupied bye trators
You do realise that we had nothing to do with slavs, and russians untill 14th of century right?We where under germans for mutch longer time then we where under you.
Your flag looks like a poor version of mine
What do latvians think of Finland
Why are you not at work, studying? HMMMMMMM??
just normal people enjoying sauna and vodka
People here hate muslims, some girls where driving with bikes near refugees and they said that girls cant drive bikes in Riga it caused souch an autrage that moast of refugees have left Latvia becose they didnt feel safe here.
Only leader of the Islam center in Latvia turned out to have ties or something to ISIS, lol, not even joking
Actually you would need to search for them, if you're talking about citizens, and it should stay that way
But we do have many students from islamic countries I think, idk, cant tell a difference, arr rook same
You're like... some kinda Russians or something, right?
bro tier
i like your language, reminds me of russian icecream sandvich
Based National Alliance Judicial branch and based Rasnačs
fuck i meant not language, but flag***
Poland please.
zirga galvas (sorry i had to say this)
Cool country with cool people
Key of our economic sucess.
Is it because of the gulf of Riga, I still don't get it tbqh
Ex-Commie shithole, just like us
We are Better Potato.
Should put an Estonian flag there
The Alcoholic road goes
Finland ->Estonia ->Latvia
>Based historical Kurlandia
>Low Taxes
i don't know either
we just like to latvians zirga galva (Arklio galva in lithuanian)
I was just fucking with you. I think you're doing great job being a buffer zone. Keep up the good work.
Our true brothers and allies. Together we will stop the Islamic jihad.
i love kangaroos, austria is a nice country
You can also say Žirgo
why say arklio
literally who?
Are you also in the potato business?
The one and only
Žirgo galvas - Zirga galva
well I guess I don't need a dictionary to remember that
I knew a Latvian girl who studied in China with me. She was really depressing and was rarely amused by anything. Friendly enough but a real downer. Is it true that Balts are comparatively more depressing and melancholic? Failed potato harvest perhaps?
not sure if i rememver correctly but why does your language sound slavic and not finno-ugric?
also why are you stealing our flag?
Žirgo galva*
It's the other way around.
Preaty mutch, yes.Soviet era left a good scar.
good goy.. I.. I mean fellow white person, I am loving the multiculturalism go- fellow white person.
Latvia. Honestly, bro, I don't even know where the fuck Latvia is on the map. Is that in what they call the Baltics area? Fuck, who knows? And I have a Masters degree. Latvia. I think some of our shopping malls here in the U.S. are bigger than your country. I think the GDP of Rhode Island is more than Latvia.
Listen to the language, does this sound like slavic to you?
Yeah, not trying to discredit but sun shines quite rarely, no real summers - no real winters, just mud, rain with sudden spikes of seasons that are not spring/autumn
We're like a modified version of UK when it comes to weather
North east europe.
Twice as much actually
How's life?
Is it it a place worth visiting?
Also, I like your language. I think it's unique and not too complicated.
Haha based 3 Muslims tried it and they all got btfo. Nice job latvia
Honestly, it does sound slavic although I can tell its not as I speak a slavic language. Your tendency to swear in Russian doesn't help either...
Even arabic language is closer to us than slavic.
>Is it it a place worth visiting?
idk you tell me (Pic related) 99% white
>Also, I like your language. I think it's unique and not too complicated.
I dont know man, many people who try to learn are saying that its hard to learn, becouse of all the š/ā/ž/č/ē/ģ and so on.
This is what happens when a local Polish market drops the sugar price from 2,99 zł to 1,99 zł for 1 kg. (1 zł = 0,25 $)
Balts and Western Slavs got fucked really bad by the soviets. It affected our mentality in ways you're unable to comprehend.
I don't even know where latvia is.
I literally never think about it.
BASED,also how is Russian 25% minority doing,are they like our 14% serbian minority in 1991 who wanted to join serbia?
Quite possibly one of the few pictures where you can say the city is good, but it's surely worth visiting, the western part of Latvia as well
There are no serbs in Latvia.
i just looked up some finnish and red army songs
might sound retarded but i think it's kinda hard to distinguish, at least in song. maybe it's different in day to day speech
also breddy based song
A true Latvian.
A few are good, some okay, but there's definitely a part that are cunts, we have this city in the East Daugavpils, with like 15% Latvians, the western world should see it as a pinnacle of multi-culturalism and do daily tours, the fucks.
Well yah - we're from a completely different "branch" on the indo-european tree
One of butt blasted Baltic counties. Produce shprotas. Don't know more.
Yeah but if you think about it ,it dosent make mutch sence finnic languages have nothing to do with slavic.
You have a nice country Latbros, Riga is comfy as fuck. Daugavpils is something else though, seemed like real gopnik territory when I went.
balts are surounded by enemies we won't survive this century
This is exactly what I told. I said nothing bad about your country but you are buttblasted about Russia so much that try to bully me.
Becouse it is a gopnik theritory, whent there once, whent to resturount, a bitch that was taking order from me couldnt eaven understand what i was asking to her.
>Says shit about Latvia and when gets BTFO acts like victim
Stop it
>we won't survive this century
Stop committing so many suicides then.
What bad I said about your country? I've just described typical behaviour of your fellow countrymen towards Russia and said that Latvian sprotas are known as good.
nah what i'm saying is russian or jewropean union going to destroy us
but okey i won't commit suicide
At least you got in the door. Went to one with about ten other people and the guy said he couldn't be bothered cooking kek.
We survived the Swedes, Germans and Russians for centuries.
What makes you think this wannabe 4th Reich can end us?
Dude!Lithi is our bro, dont talk shit to him.
>also why are you stealing our flag?
Some warlord got injured in the battle and rested on the french flag. Frech flag was a loot from a battle with Germans (i guess they were supported by french knigits, becouse it was crusade against Baltic infidels). Blood from his wounds colored sizes of the white flag red, while middle, where he rested, stayed white. Soldiers then used a flag in the battle and smashed catholic cunts.
Its not conchitas lipstick, its blood!
Ok. But i won't let them kill themselves either.