Uh, guys

uh, guys

get in here


Other urls found in this thread:

search.wikileaks.org/?query=When we began the pizza arrangement I thought we were going to be more careful than this. Operating from the whitehouse is not what I originally had in mind.&exact_phrase=When we began the pizza arrangement I thought we were going to be more careful than this. Operating from the whitehouse is not what I originally had in mind.&any_of=&exclude_words=&document_date_start=&document_date_end=&released_date_start=&released_date_end=&new_search=True&order_by=most_relevant#results

looks completely legit

>Affleck, B

Fake and gay, just like op


So fake. Where is email ID or link to Wikileaks please.

fake news news pushing out dis-information, nice try shill

she signs her name -H. fake and gay

Lets see you Drumpftards try and defend this.

kek but people are taking it very seriously

check out this scoop, look at the comments


>“I want everyone to know I had nothing to do with this. To prove this, I am willing to testify with the information I have, if necessary.”

>but people are taking it very seriously
Someone somewhere will fall for something. It means fuck all.

sucks, but the freeze obviously needs to be done for the first budget in years. maybe if obama hadn't been putting that off for so long it wouldn't have created a huge problem down the road

>people are
no they aren't, don't be a fucking retarded nobody's ever heard of your shitty site

Not Fake Nigger, Ive seen the emails

>implying i have the intelligence and money to make a website

come on, look at the flag

Where is the ID?

>search.wikileaks.org/?query=When we began the pizza arrangement I thought we were going to be more careful than this. Operating from the whitehouse is not what I originally had in mind.&exact_phrase=When we began the pizza arrangement I thought we were going to be more careful than this. Operating from the whitehouse is not what I originally had in mind.&any_of=&exclude_words=&document_date_start=&document_date_end=&released_date_start=&released_date_end=&new_search=True&order_by=most_relevant#results

>0 results found

fuck off click bait aussie

There are a million different reasons why this is fake, but Hillary starting an email with "Dear Barack" is the most hilarious of them


where is the link or email id?

this is fake shit. this is some CIA psyops shit. they are trying to plant fake evidence to confuse us



Wiki leaks has a word filter that allows you to search for specific phrases or words. Plenty of anons including myself were searching through them on release.

The terms were never used in such an obvious manner. Nor were such activities spoken about directly through this particular e-mail server.

You can go and search yourself. You will not find this message in the archives, because it was never there and is a facade.

>inspect element
>insert shitty story

>no link to wikileaks
fake and gay?

post link