(((He)))'s right, you know

> (((He)))'s right, you know.

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Yea he is wrong we should support ((Trump)), goy.

Doesn't it prove trumps point about immigrants being violent savages if just saying there's a problem in Sweden gets them to riot en masse?

If he had said Sweden is great, would those same dusky hordes have all trotted down to the library?


how the fuck could this possibly be construed as a consequence of Trump's comments?

Even without supporting Trump you can take note of the fact that his statement is retarded and also completely based in finding a fake cause where one doesn't exist in order for him to link it to a figure whom he disagrees with and falsely attack him without providing an actual argument.

He's not though.

..and the policeman on the picture is writing Tickets, right? Thats whats wrong in sweden!

Don't marginalize these peaceful refugees or they'll have no choice but to commit arson.


Trump's psychic. Or his words have special powers. Keep him away from Mad Max movies and those films by the guy that likes blowing up the world with CG

It's true tho, Trumps has powers that should not be trifled with


Was it an emergency protest?



>liberals actually think like this

> Tfw it's not the pope that has a direct pipeline to God but Trump

>State obvious.
>it checks out.
>Ascend to diety.

Bump for truth in Sweden

JEJ fucking twitter
>"Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty. - Kennedy"
>"To renew America, we must be bold. We must do what no generation has had to do before. We must invest more in our own people, in their jobs, and in their future, and at the same time cut our massive debt. And we must do so in a world in which we must compete for every opportunity. - Bill Clinton"
So much lefty bait I can't handle it

Are you tired of winning Sup Forums?

Leftist media is silent as fuck as usual and cucks at sweden are eating dicks.

>implying the people who can do that can even read

mustve burned all the fuzzies off her robe. neat gif.

le signalling maymay

>Robe of Fire Resistance

Wasn't the riot because some drug dealing mudslime got arrested?

>got arrested?

They failed to make the arrest, actually. Imagine that.


Reminds me of that comic with the gay guy trying to figure out how to get people to stop viewing gays as degenerates, so he goes out with a flamboyant dildo costume

>let us show how civilized we are by rioting and destorying property when accused of being uncivilized.

Its not even funny anymore, we're just laughing at the actual mentally disabled now.

Tim "@Timcast" Pool has arrived in Sweden and he is already getting threats on twitter in Swedish.

"You take a look at what's happening in Sweden.

Sweedn !"

How in the fuck is this Trumps fault

Because if you say mean things then you're Satan to the liberals.

lol trump btfo. how is he going to get out of this one?

lol wasn't that caused because some refugee had a chimpout and got arrested?

Nice fucking immigrants if some guy can comment on your country and shit can turn south. Fuck me fucking sideways. Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining. Next swede I see I'm knocking the cunts block off.

>alt-right manchildren voted in a President who just uses ammunition for terrorist extremist's cause

Well done, Sup Forums./s

I believe he meant it in the context of the original slogan, which ironically more was like Germany first

>my country's president wants to put my country first
>depressing and vulgar
How does that make sense?
>All other nations first
Is that what they want?

lying kike
robert (4th) reich

You're one to talk, Raj.

what a painfully obvious israel-first, white goys last ZIOKIKE

Oh very, it's annuda Shoah. Seriously though, Bill Kristol needs shut his traitor mouth.

>Trump's words manifest into reality merely through their utterance


End the Reich!

bill kristol is supposed to be "right wing conservative", but a filty kile like him can't keep the charade up forever

>implying bringing people who riot over negative comments into your country is a good idea

are these people this fucking retarded?

bill kristol needs to be tried and killed by the american state

Fuck off. They purposely don't report things that happen to control the minds of the people.

>tried and killed
judge judy executioner?

Yeah it was kinda nice seeing the numerous articles about swedens reactions to trumps comment vanish once the riots started. In fact haven't heard anything about sweden at all since then. Guess there are more important things going on in the world :^)

Robert Reich is less than 5 feet tall

>don't accuse Muslims of being violent,it causes them to be violent

>immigrants can't handle the bantz
>immigrants chimp out

he deleted it lol
what a monumental faggot

He knew habbenings were going down in Sweden before it even happened

This is fuckin timetraveler shit