The hell is he on about?
The hell is he on about?
>What is Venezuela?
Besides public healthcare, what makes those countries socialists?
Welfare state and protectionist policies.
You're right.
We should all be like China
Get some govt murder vans for dissenters and kill mudslimes with flamethrowers
Isn't that unfair for the people that work?
those nations are not successful because of socialism. they're successful in spite of it.
Isn't Cuba Commie, if they put China they should put them as well.
>#1 Socialist nation
>Has free-market economy and capitalism based blend with state control
>One party state.
Holy fuck does anyone even know political definitions anymore, or do they just repeat buzzwords and make their own definitions?
a marxist dictatorship
Had to wait 8 weeks to get my broken arm taken care of
>Besides public healthcare, what makes those countries socialists?
Not much. They're conflating welfare state with socialism to make the latter look good. In reality countries with the most "socialist economic structure" would be places like North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, China, Vietnam.
This. Our excellent ((state health care)) has the highest wait times in the 1st World. Average wait times in ER is like 4 hours. And surgery wait times are like fucking months to years. Same with specialist appointments. It's ridiculous. A lot of wealthier people here end up going to the US to pay for healthcare because the wait times are stupidly long. And all of our Doctors end up moving South because they're paid higher salaries for working in the Private sector. So much for our ((free)) healthcare right?
We've lived in it so long that we are used to only getting 60% of what we earn.
None of these countries are socialist.
Your list omits Vietnam and Venezuela...
China doesn't even have nationalised healthcare outside a few free clinics just like the US.
What the actual fuck is this list?
Honestly Finland is hell and Finns are fucking idiots. This country is lost and its people doesnt deserve salvation.
Sweden has not been protectionist since the mid 19th century you cunt.
>China isnt socialist
this is true, bernie sanders tried to do this confusion too to make usa into socialist country
its a dangerous misunderstanding. Scandinavia is social democracies its very different and far away from socialism.
They operated private enterprise in China, as the Government allows a mixed market system. They're mixed market in everything but name.
95% of Chinese citizens have private health insurance.
Every country is socialist to different varying degrees. The kike commies in the 40s really did a number on world politics.
Has a true capitalist society ever even been tried?
Without a mixed market to some degree? I guess your best bet would be Banana Republics of the 50s-70s in central America/Caribbean. Even then that's pretty hazy territory.
That doesnt make them not socialist though.
>no trace of Argentina
The author is a retard. Once Norway nationalizes the herring industry, then we'll talk about socialism
>(((socialist))) countries
>none of them outlawed private property and hired labor
Sounds pretty socialist to me
Vietnam isn't very socialist at this point. Neither is China really, although they are moreso than Vietnam.
Wilders got a good shot at PM though but the media is ripping on his non fucking stop
OK, now I have heard everything. Did the term 'socialist' get redefined again? or do I just put this in the millennials are fucking retarded category?
>China same as Scandinavia
This is not a real socialism. Seize means of production!
Fucking kek
Genderfluid now in politics too!
depends on how you define capitalism
Imo capitalism was very strong with mercantilism, it was the state that was the capitalist.
If youre talking about individual freedom to capitalism, id say colonial america
China isn't a welfare state at all lol. I was in Beijing for a while and on the way to a $1000 Beijing Roast Duck dinner at a fancy resturaunt with business associates, we drove by areas where people were utterly destitute and living in partly collapsed rubble homes. I mean, it was some damn good food and I don't give a fuck about the people suffering. But I'm an evil capitalist that's happy to take advantage of slave labor. Odd I have so much in common with Communist party representatives.
Their ideology is to thinly veil a corrupt mob like oligarchy that doesn't give the slightest fuck about it's people or race as long as the people on top can live like kings. The only reason they grew the middle class or are going "more capitalist" is to improve their own status.
>he gets to keep a whole 60% of what he earns
If you make more than $250,000 here the government will literally take more than half of your earnings
They are reforming their economy but it's still one of the most socialist countries in the world.
pretty sure we're not fucking socialists
China gives pensions and various state services to the poor. Well at least in theory.
The economy is strictly regulated by the state.
It is socialist
To be honest I haven't seen poverty like that since I was living in Atlanta. On the south side near the airport no matter what time of day, if you take the red Marta to or from the airport, you can see rubble and old abandoned buildings for miles and dust covered half naked niggers just wandering around in it. Holy fuck, don't let your car break down there they look like they might eat you alive. They are like super mutants or zombies roaming the wastes. I bet some of them out there are totally feral and run around on all fours and forgot how to speak.
One race my ass! Put poor whites somewhere and they modify thinngs, talk, get electricity and running water. Leave poor blacks somewhere and eventually you get Fallout.
do you have any social programs such as welfare or centralized insurance?
I don't know how you passed middle school history.
>I don't understand what a social democracy is: The Blog
Whoever wrote this is a fucking retard.
>social democracy
>not socialist
so trump is socialist?
>no italy
China is the closest to a modern day ancap society. Far from socialist.
>no north korea or venezuela
You can't buy guns, you can't fap to trap, you can't wear black fedoras because of the subversive nature of the Fedora, roads everywhere.
>implying having certain socialist goods in a society makes your country socialist
Alrighty pal
Don't talk bullshit, achmed
Socialism is the future and will become our economic system within the next 20 years.
Fuck my country up senpai
How is Venezuela not on top?
If you have alot yes
If it's based on market economy than it's not socialist.
>socialist goods
>based on market economy
Most social democratic countries operate are base on market economies and therefoore are not socialist by definition.
>market regulations
>public healthcare
>public schooling
>market based
The way taxes are spent doesn't make country socialist. What you described is called welfare state.
Those are paid through high taxes
you are taking two different concepts and insist that they are the same for no reason. why even
i saw a graphics once that had the whole spectrum of political systems, think the order was communism -> socialism -> democratic socialism -> social democracy -> center -> ...
watched too much burger edutainment on youtube
Except for China, all of those countries exist under the protective umbrella of the US military.
That means they don't pay for their defense. We do. If the US military did not exist to provide a stable world order, those countries would have to spend much more on their defense against Russia, China, and others.
Therefore, when they spend their tax dollars on education, health, etc., it is because they don't have to spend their tax dollars on defense, because we do that for them.
Thus, when US taxpayers pay for the US military, Europeans don't have to pay as much for defense, and that allows them to have social programs that they could not otherwise have.
This means that European social programs are being subsidized by US taxpayers.
So when people say Europe is socialist, it is not. It is subsidizist, living under the protection of another country, and thus has extra money for social programs.
European countries are like children. They have extra money for luxuries like candy and comic books because the adults in America are paying for their food and shelter. Without the adults to pay for food and shelter, the kids would have to put all their money toward food and shelter, and it still wouldn't be enough. There certainly wouldn't be anything left for candy and comic books.
So remember:
>US taxpayers subsidize the welfare states of Europe
>European countries are children. The US is the adult.
Welfare states are socialist in nature, and socialist in practice, since the state literally takes command of all those things
>$1000 Beijing Roast Duck dinner
Was it even worth it?
Can't imagine a $1000 dinner to be that different from a $100 one.
>Welfare states are socialist in nature, and socialist in practice
Except that's at odds with definition of socialism where the utmost importance is placed on structure of ownership of means of production. If most of the capital is in the private hands than country by definition is not socialist. If the pensions were financed through government-owned factories than we can talk about socialism, but the way taxes are spent doesn't make country socialist.
>any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
>a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
>a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
>muh dicktionary
Totally untrue. Especially in Northern Europe we have a strong market based economy that's in many ways more capitalistic than the supposedly "ultra-capitalist" USA. Our societies depend on private property and free trade, the very hallmarks of capitalism.
Did you know our corporate tax is about ½ of the average US corporate tax(state+federal)?
>no South American actually-socialist shitholes listed
really activated my brazil nuts
not an argument
But your income tax is higher
>i dont accept wikipedia on the internet
If you think there is something supporting your argument in that article then quote it.
Some People view socialism as the government providing (((free))) stuff. Look at Bernie sanders and his crew. They always talk about socialism as handouts.
The definition of socialism changes constantly depending on who you're debating and how extreme of a socialist they are. That's why it's so confusing for people because socialists move the goal posts and change they definition at a whim help their argument. One minute socialism is seizing the means of production and the next it is giving free hand outs. All depends of the audience a socialist is trying to win over.
Not really.
>top bracket marginal income tax in Finland: 31.75%
>top bracket marginal income tax in USA: 39.6%
(our municipal taxes are higher than US state taxes though)
Also, while we're on the subject of taxes, unlike in USA, our capital gains tax is a flat tax(also, it is tax free until 50k€ and people usually end up paying next to nothing due to various tax deductions). We're taxed differently, but the real tax rate isn't that different in the end.
>"Socialist economic systems can be divided into both non-market and market forms"
>"Public ownership may refer to the creation of state-owned enterprises, nationalisation, municipalisation or autonomous collective institutions"
Precisely, that's why I'm trying to dispel the idea that the success of the Nordic countries is a result of socialism, especially when the level of economic freedom is still very high there.
>no venezuela
>"Public ownership may refer to the creation of state-owned enterprises, nationalisation, municipalisation or autonomous collective institutions"
A small part of economy being publicly owned doesn't makes country socialist.
>"Socialist economic systems can be divided into both non-market and market forms"
Read a little further and you will learn that market socialism is something differenet than what you think it is.
You sure about that
Oops wrong country here finland
They are literally all heavily reliant on capitalism though.
If course the whome country isnt socialist nobody said that.
Its has socialist elements, the more elements it has the more socialist it can be said to be
Certain "socialist elements" are present in all developed countries, the only way to accurately gauge how socialist a country is, is to measure the part of economy that's government-owned.
He's just taking rich white nations that have socialized policies and propogating them as """"""socialist"""""".
Literally everything but China should be nuked from the list.
A corrupt dictatorship.
Nice meme
That seems to be state+municipal tax for the top bracket(31.75% + average municipal tax of ~20%)? Comparable numbers would be US federal+state tax for highest earners. Far as I know, some states don't even collect income tax, but the numbers should still be comparable with many states.
US healthcare has horrible wait times for a lot of serious procedures as well. There's absolutely no issue with wait times for Botox or infant circumcision though.
Except in practice it's not.
All of them countries are social democratic or progressivist (except China, which is only socialist in name).