Screw all of you who haven't denounced Milo yet. Pedophilia is no lulzy matter you evil hypocrites.
Screw all of you who haven't denounced Milo yet. Pedophilia is no lulzy matter you evil hypocrites
Other urls found in this thread:
>post puberty teens
Words have meaning
What's your position on Bill Maher and Sulu OP?
Australia, please kill yourself. These Milo threads should be considered spam.
Sage goes in the Options field
Why wouldn't you have denounced Milo when you found out he was a gay race mixing jew?
trust me what happened to him happens all the time.
it's a story shared by almost all gays.
think about it, going back to your childhood were you ever approached by an older guy in a weird way, you thought wtf and then he left.
a gay guy who realised you weren't gay so left you alone. if you were gay - milo story.
Alright, Dahmer. I get it, you're a (((Hebophile))).
Still degenerate, KYS.
Rofl...Festering in anger over your keyboard, beads of sweat formulating over your brow as you struggle to articulate your infantile emotions. Clearly my feelings on the subject matter to you judging from the gravity of your response. Meanwhile face carries the conviction of a mature adult laughing as he plays with the emotions of futile shitposters.
You think you can phase me? Even the very thought is ridiculous.
I could crush you with a single keyboard stroke if only I could be bothered. That's how little you mean to me.
Me and my friends have just printed out your message. We're gonna hang it above the fireplace so that it can bring us endless laughs. Not that you would understand what having friends is like. As I write this post, while composing my latest novel in the background [did I mention I'm a prize-winning author? and you're what? a neet shitposter? hahaha], it occurs to me that in years time when you've hit rock-bottom because of your actions today that I'll have no way of seeing you writhe in pain. While upsetting, I'll get over it.
You are so weak. I dismiss you, peasant. Now he gone! Lmao don't bother replying I'm exiting out of the thread as soon as I post this.
[ ] x gon give it to ya
[ ] x is giving it to ya
[X] x gave it to ya
[X] Served
[ ] Not served
>you're a (((Hebophile)))
So is the Christian God.
Mary, mother of Christ, was in her teens when God got her pregnant without her consent.
It's like he has something like Stockholm syndrome with his priest. Is there a name for that?
Don't need to because guilty by association in bullshit. Weak liberal mind games.
>You haven't denounced Milo? You must be a pedo.
>You support Trump? You must be a racist.
Funna that it is always an Australian starting these threads or spamming them with gore if they don't go his way.
Everyone in this thread talking about what he said as opposed to the fact that this was a coordinated hit job are proving to the perpetrators how easy it is to manufacture a narrative for the masses to pick up and run with.
>Get molested by priest
>Crack a joke about it as a coping mechanism
>Get accused of pederasty despite outing 3 pedophiles
I feel bad for him. But he'll be ok.
>Denounce him you bigot!
Lol nice try CNN
Nice shillpost. Anyone with half a brain knows that this is just another witch-hunt and an attempt to make all right wingers look like peods. Too bad they dug their own grave with this though, liberals can't normalize pedophilia now.
What did Milo mean by this?
"In the homosexual world, particularly, some of those relationships between younger boys and older men — the sort of ‘coming of age’ relationship — those relationships in which those older men help those young boys discover who they are and give them security and safety and provide them with love and a reliable, sort of rock, where they can’t speak to their parents,” -Milo Yiannopoulos
Host: "If I knew someone around my age that was like 'I just had sex with a 13 year old' I would be creeped out, honestly." Milo: "What is your age?" Host: "I'm almost 35." Milo: "Okay, well I'm talking about 28 year olds." Host: (sarcastically) "Oh, well that changes everything." Milo: "I'm guessing, because I've never told this publicly that you won't hear this in that video, that we are talking about 13 / 25 - 13 / 28." The entire discussion, by your own admission, was sexual relationships between 25-28 year old men and 13 year old boys.
what? thats not the insinuation, it's more the idea of condoning such things and normalising them that i mind most troubling for the future
Doesn't make it right, shouldn't be normalised or tolerated.
lol you are nu-male as fuck. good job falling for feminist memes, maybe one day your bulls wife might let you sniff her socks.
Is Milo literally a paedophile? No
Is Milo literally a hebephile? Yes
Did the media lie in this representation? Yes
Are the majority of you retarded? Absofuckinglutely
Why doesn't he out the one who fucked him? Who knows how many other boys this guy has fucked because Milo won't name him? Yeah but milo cares about children right?
Shut the fuck up.
That's not how races mix user.
This is the sort of thing that i fear becoming a slippery slope, things like this being ok. Milo will be tolerated again. No big deal right? Bad precedent i say
the dangerous faggot has been neutered
>Why doesn't he go around accusing people without proof years and years later?
Do you shills think before you type? Guess not. Very sloppy work.
I am proud to be in the same country as the team of shills assigned to the milo job.
and lol at this hebephile distinction, if you think that shit's alright then I think you got issues.
really propping up our economy.
Don't know who this is, don't know what he did, don't care
If Milo condones these things and you don't denounce him then you condone them too, that is the insinuation.
The only people who differentiate pedophiles and hebephiles are pedophiles themselves. It's a made up term to make you feel better about your degeneracy and is still statutory rape.
He's playing the feminist card.
i like many in our country m8 enjoy a good shitpost from time to time, but this shit's real fucked up. I fear we're going down a dark path of discovery soon.
>he doesn't think there's any difference between pre-pubescent and pubescent
How's about you read a book?
pizzagate is def real but milo saying 13 yr old boys can have "perfectly consensual" sex with men doesn't mean anything
>I'm ignorant and I like being ignorant.*
No, they've only made him stronger while destroying two of their own.
clap clap, nice move idiots!
On the first point, he's describing the (unfortunately common) phenomenon where young gay men seek out older gay men in search of answers regarding their sexuality. This happens more in places where being out of the closet still isn't socially acceptable.
On the second point, he was referring to his own relationship at 13 with an older male.
This! A 13 yr old girl can have perfectly consensual sex with a 40 year old man too.
it was only shit posters and fags that came in with the US election that showed (or feigned) interest in him.
>relentlessly attack a pedofile victim, who didn't do a single crime
>calls other hypocrites
>Pedophilia is no lulzy
yeah, it is...
He didn't advocate pedos.
>but there are certainly some people who are capable of giving consent at a younger age, i certainly consider myself one of them. people who are sexually active younger.
>i think it particularly happens in the gay world by the way... (i hate leftists etc...) this arbitrary and oppressive idea of consent, which totally destroys the understanding that many of us have, the complexities and subtleties and complicated nature of many relationships, you know, people are messy and complex, and actually, in the homosexual world particularly, some of those relationships between younger boys and older men, these sort of coming of age relationships, the relationships in which those older men help those young boys to discover who they are, and give them security and safety and provide them with love, and a reliable sort of rock, where they cant speak to their parents.
>it sounds like catholic priest molestation to me
>and you know what, i'm grateful for father michael, i wouldnt give nearly such good head if it wasn't for him
>oh my god i cant handle it
bald guy talks for a bit...
>you're misunderstanding what pedophilia is, pedophilia is not a sexual attraction to somebody 13 years old who is sexually mature. pedophilia is attraction to children. pedophilia is attraction to people who do not have functioning sex organs yet, who have not gone through puberty, who are too young to be able to understand the way their body works. that is not what we're talking about
>you are advocating for cross generational relationships, can we be honest about that?
>yeah i dont mind admitting that, and i think particularly in the gay world, some of the most important, ENRICHING (lel) life affirming, important, shaping relationships very often between younger boys and older men they can be hugely positive experiences for those young boys they can even save those young boys, provided theyre consensual
Was anyone ever surprised a fag supported pedophilia?
I literally thought this was common knowledge that gays and pedophilia is intertwined.
Video. Fucking. Related.
>no lulzy matter
everything is lulzy matter. Remember where you are
A 13 year old girl can have perfectly consensual sex with a 200 year old man
Sup Forums supports our liberal mass media overlords!
If they call our guy a pedo then we will too!
Thank you liberal mass media for telling us what to do!
we are drawing the line at gassing millions of jews!
Milo is a jewish plant, and he did exactly what he was suppossed to do... make the (((alt-right))) looks like we support pedos.
That is why the jewish shills keep on starting threads about still supporting him. They want everybody else to think we are pedos.
Quit falling for jewish tricks.
Milo was always a disgusting jew faggot who is now a pedophile too.
Here's an idea: you should all hate MILO because he's a faggot kike.
wasnt her 14?
thats hoooot!
It's a big fucking difference. A 14 year old boy having sex with some hot 22 year old chick is NOT the same as a 5 year old girl getting fucked by a 22 year old guy.
Agreed. Degenerates.
The point is it's basically the same shit and saying "well he was mature for his age" isn't going to save your ass in court.
Well said.
Milo dindu nuffin
yes he's a degenerate faggot, he admits it, but he didn't actually defended pedophilia
That's it. I'm ordering Dangerous the day it gets a new publisher. Anything to support the victim of this diagusting smear campaign.
What's that got to do with anything?
We're talking about definitions and what they represent in reality.
Milo is finished. Gonna have to face accusations of pedo advocacy everywhere he goes.
Milo is going to be rich after all of the fame and growth of supporters thanks to this publicity.
The way you type makes me think you're either retarded or using a proxy. Where you from faggot?
>being such an ageist pedophobe in the current year 2017
Why do you hate young love so much?
But he craves mainstream attention. Look at how much he loved being on Bill Maher. He thought he'd made it and had crossed over into the mainstream.
2 days later and it's all over. CPAC, his book, Breitbart and respectability within the highest conservative circles. The quadruple slam.
Gonna be left ranting into facebook.
Doing the same thing to trigger leftists, didn't even know he was writing a book before any of this bullshit.
He did his job.
He was a jew plant. His JOB was to gain our trust and then to get us all in his defense of pedophelia.
He was a jewish plant to make us look like pedophiles.
Notice how all of the 'leaders' of the (((alt-right))) are jews? This is damage control for the jews in power in America.
These jews will try to destroy our movement when given orders from higer up.
Same for (((Lauren Southern))). She will probably be openly fucking niggers soon as a way to discredit us and make us look bad.
Jews ALWAYS infiltrate their opposition movements.
weak shill
hebephilia is natural outside of whatever some faggot kike says
It was clearly misrepresented and misunderstood by people about what Milo actually said. I suggest you watch his original podcast without edits and see what he was talking about. He was clearly not defending paedophilia obvious he has denounced it in the past. He was talking about his own experience of how from his point of view he does not see problem with relations between a young male who reached age of consent in short coming of age teens and a older male which he himself was through. But he was not advocating for 13 y old children and older male. It (the twitter video) was clearly edited a little bit to appear as if he was talking about 13y olds, in the original podcast soon he was talking about he himself going through that when he was 17 and was trying to defend it for himself. Ofcourse there was one thing that was his fault, which he himself later acknowledged, using the word 'boys' to refer to the young adults or those who passed puberty and reached the age of consent. To ordinary people the word boys next to him talking about 13y old boys, which was edited a little portion to make it appear he was referring actual children, freaked people out to believe he was actually depnding paedophilia.
So what was he on about when he talked about 13 year old boys?
He said:
"We're talking about 13-25, 13 -28. These things do happen perfectly consensually"
hebephilia and ephobilia.
And even then, that it can be consensual, not that it always is or is a good thing.
13 year old boys are stupid and horny. Just because you can get them to consent doesn't mean you should.
1. There are paedophiles who have done nothing wrong yet need treatment
2. There are paedophiles who have crossed the fucking line and possess indecent images
3. Then there are the scumbags who supply the demand for the likes of #2
This is also true.
>hebephilia and ephobilia.
Oh, so fucking 13 year olds is ok because we have different words for it. Got it.
Whew, that's a relief!
It's not generally OK, but there are levels of fucked up. Pedophilia is far more damaging both physically and emotionally. It's like saying "I got stabbed in the arm! That's just as bad as that guy who had his face skinned off and eyes gouged out! Totally the same!"
Fuck you, it's not.
>why doesn't he just run around committing slander and hope something happens because of it other than his ass getting sued off
I personally do not think that adult men should be allowed to fuck 13 year old boys. No sir.
you are retarded
>you are
Uh, yeah. Both murder AND torture + murder are bad. And both are illegal, with good reason.
The point you thought you made. You didn't make it.
Isnt age of consent in Germany 14?
No shit.
And by no shit I mean most people (myself included) agree that it should be illegal.
How is he a pedophile if the guy he was fucking was older than him?
So why did Milo say it could be "perfectly consensual"?
Are you saying humans are so dumb at the age of 13,14, etc. that it is IMPOSSIBLE for them to make an informed decision on what they do or do not like? Do you really think humans are that dumb? Because based on that logic, no teenager is even capable of choosing their favorite movie, since understanding what sex is and the social implications of it are just as complicated.
No shit both are illegal for good reason, I never said otherwise. lrn2read faggot.
>Isnt age of consent in Germany 14?
§ 182: "(2) A person over twenty-one years of age who abuses a person under sixteen years of age, in that he: 1. commits sexual acts on the person or allows them to be committed on himself by the person; or 2. induces the person to commit sexual acts on a third person or to allow them to be committed on the person by a third person, and thereby exploits the victim's lack of capacity for sexual self-determination, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than three years or a fine. [...]"
>Well, he's a murderer, but at least he didn't torture the victim, so let's keep sucking his dick!
You make me sick.
Because it CAN be. But the risk of them being manipulated and it not being truly consensual are so high it should remain illegal, which he said.
Milo was right.
Age of consent laws are absurd, but necessary. Probably everyone here remembers being a teenager, and I'm sure we also remember being able to decide whether we wanted to do something or not.
Plenty of teenagers have sex at young ages. This is why parents sit them down and give them "the talk" and these days, even help them get birth control. Teenagers also decide whether they want to have sex with other people their age. They're capable of saying "yes" or "no." The idea that this isn't true is just a convenient fiction which is also necessary in order to protect young people from adults who want to sexually exploit them.
What Milo was saying is that there are many situations where young gay men are raised by people who are not accepting of them, and the only way for them to find "acceptance" is to lead a kind of double-life. So this is what motivates many young men to seek relationships with older men. By the way, that doesn't make it okay, and that doesn't mean those old men aren't criminals - but all Milo was doing was describing something that actually happens.
The moral of the story, which he didn't go into (and perhaps should have), is that families that are not accepting of their gay children are in fact PUTTING THOSE CHILDREN AT RISK by marginalizing them and forcing them to seek asylum outside of their families.
>murder and torture are both bad
>How can you think murder isn't so bad?
Again, lrn2read. I very plainly said both are bad, both should be illegal, but one is worse. Drop this strawman bs.
>Milo was right.
>Age of consent laws are absurd,
Accept he said he was in favor of the current age of consent laws.
hes a kike
Considering their bomber for likes like trump,Alex Jones, Stefan polymer, Shapiro,etc I.don't think.pol gives a fuck about the.kikes who.are trying to.wipe out the white race
He said they are necessary. I agree with that. They are also inherently absurd, but there's no better legal mechanism for really enforcing the wrong at stake.
Boner for kikes*
He is a far lesser of two evils.
>but one is worse.
What functional difference does this distinction make regarding the question if we should condone or condemn Milo's statements?
If it doesn't make a difference, why raise the point in the first place?
I agree with most of what you said in your other post. Teenagers can give consent. However most have very underdeveloped self control and decision making skills. And considering the inherent risks associated with sex the age of consent laws should stay.