makes you think really.
A Good Man Will Love Every Inch
It makes me think that I have never been more grateful for the crop tool in photo editors
I love fat sexy bellies on women, and I'm 6'4, 230lbs, and pretty jacked.
a gay man will love every inch too
with the face on brit women the belly is the least of your problems.
If men should be forced to love land whales, then so should women.
I don't understand the implication that it's only men that are revolted by human elephants.
About how lonely you are?
>A Good Goy Will Love Every Inch*
A man who's preference is bigger/fatter women will love that yes. You are absolutely right. But not everyone has the same taste in women/body figures.
That is also why not everybody is beautiful by default. It's in the eye of the beholder. But don't tell any progressive that, you might be called a nazi.
Every inch of a waist without many inches
I'm talking about women in general, not the native women here.
Such a lazy pointless post. You're just distracting from real threads, fuck off.
kek. Based huebro
You could put a big dick there instead and it still makes sense. Must be Jews.
Opinion discarded.
>when you set your standards for yourself so low men prefer cartoons over you
>he hasn't taken the thiccpill
I love chubby chicks. This is pushing it but I would still smash.
Every inch, not every pound you fat cunt
I used to be obese as fuck, There's nothing good about being fat, I'm fucking sick of all this Fat acceptance shit, it's one of the factors that made me stop being retarded, the other was getting redpilled.
Absolutely rekt
Fat bitches don't know about the satisfaction a guy gets from stroking a soft skinned, fit narrow waist. Shit gets me daimonds everytime
Britbong BTFO
i don't have much love to give. So i should avoid fat chicks, right?
nah, women are already disgusting and smelly enough even when they don't sit back and stuff cheetoh's in their mouth all day
>She hasn't reached her final form yet.
>huehue bringin the bantz
Political ideology aside, there is nothing wrong with fat appreciation
I love every inch of a woman up to a point. does that count?
more than 9000...
wtf i love whales now
>This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.
>Off-topic and Sup Forums-tier threads will be deleted (and possibly earn you a ban, if you persist).
>The variety of threads allowed here are very flexible and we believe in freedom of speech, but we expect a high level of discourse befitting of the board.
You were BTFO the moment you were born a mexican shitskin.
Should it be in yards?
Your flag checks out.
>a good man won't care when a woman tortures her own body on the way to an early guy
Yeah, truly ''good''
>not having a bbw fetish
why do you hate fun?
Why is that black guy holding the dough like that?
Does he have some sort of food fetish?
does anyone actually find this attractive? She must weigh like 220lbs, I could never hope to lift this much weight so sex would be incredibly boring (her on top crushing my pelvis), me on top fucking bags of sand, me from behind slapping up against cold wet meat. Is it a mommy fetish? Do you imagine being enveloped by her fat folds and melting away into her?
I honestly don't get it. Give me a regular medium sized girl I can lift and throw around for fun and do activities with.
>Do you imagine being enveloped by her fat folds and melting away into her?
I can deal with a bit of a pudgey belly on a girl, but 99% of women that are already fat enough to have a belly are also fat in many other places that arent very attractive. wrap around boobs and back boobs, barrel chests, swollen watter-wing upper arm flab, double chins with no necks, cottage cheese ass and thys. shit is disgusting.
imagine the fucking smell.......
Fat girls are SLUTS
Just fuck the ones who are only a bit chubby
they are still easy as fuck and often date cucked manlets
Yes. I love it, but I'd like her bigger, like pic related. But they need attractive faces (basically the type of women that would be attractive to all men if they weren't huge fatties).
>All these posts about men guilt tripping them into loving types of bodies
>Realize men who isn't gifted naturally must complete a series of test that determine whether or not intimacy, and how deep intimacy is, is granted. Even then other factors must be taken into account and the woman can leave if the man loses his grasp significantly
Why is there no woman equivalent? Like dating a guy who's average or less than average attractive? Or loving the guy who's shy or fat?
It's fucking true though.
Enjoy your HPV and various other STD's Also enjoy your low self esteem.
This is now a high test fatty lover thread.
That's a regular medium size girl in america mate.
Thick has been stolen by fat people, the whole reason the term thick exists is to separate actually healthy women from fat ones
They should do the same for men and their small cocks,but they dont since they are female.
Too bad most thick women don't have smooth skin like this
most of them have cottage cheese ass, rolls, skin marks/rashes and rub marks.
I don't like fat women, but I neither like the slim ones desu
Everyone has their own personal tastes anyway: nature finds ways to diversify the gene pool. I don't see the point of pics like that.
She would be disgusting and ugly even if she lost the weight.
A good woman will lose 40"
>looking good = healthy
LMFAO get a load of this goy
Your pick related is as big as it gets without being unhealthy. Even that chick is about 10 pounds overweight for her height.
truly the best pill.
Those manatees must have been pretty desperate.
A good woman will take care of her own body
A good woman will try as hard to be pleasing to her man as he does for her
>selfish and lazy bitches
Thicc =/= fatt
>implying my women getting fatter for me and being a lazy fat spoiled princess isn't being good to me.
Not gonna lie, I would hit it.
I do, but it's mostly her skin
Once she hits 30 things go south pretty fucking fast
Yet you posted a pic of a fat woman with the face of a man.
A little pudge is okay but not fat like that. If you marry a fat bitch I guarantee she will be complaining about her joints and riding a walmart scooter instead of riding your dick by her 40s.
>Thicc =/= fatt
>Posts another whale
> Implying there isn't a healthy weight range and women outside of it look fucking horrible
Okay there bud
unfortunately fatness is a political issue these days.
shame isnt it.
Nigga that ain't thicc that's just fat
are you this fucking deluded? go back to /r9k/ you dumb faggot. women settle for dumb faggot chumps like you every day, youre just too much of a little brat to lower your standards and take the fat uggo youve earned for yourself. maybe mommy coddled you too much.
A good woman will take care of their health.
I like inches on the bust and hips and highs, but I have to tell you, inches on the waistline are just gross.
That belly flap is just something you never really get accustomed to.
The hug problem is that there are different body types and the women who store fat in the belly usually dont store it in the ass and thighs, so you get pancake ass, thin legs and then a big flap. It's such a boner killer.
Any amount of fat in the tits and haunches is welcome tho. Sucks to be a woman with an apple body type. They are literally the bottom of the barrel.
The more weight you add to your body, regardless of whether or not it's fat, is bad for your heart. Also, I know plenty of in shape people who are very unhealthy on their insides
This makes me sick...
>He doesn't masturbate to Samantha 38G.
You're really missing out, famalamski.
> The more weight you add to your body, regardless of whether or not it's fat, is bad for your heart
That's not true at all. Are anorexic people the healthiest people in terms of heart health then?
> I know plenty of in shape people who are very unhealthy on their insides
Well considering the nature of the thread it's safe to assume that we're talking about physical and not mental health.
17 year olds need to go
>A Good Woman Will Love Every Inch
nah, she won't lol, fuck gender equality amirite girls!
>that super padded bra
man there isn't anything sadder than a big fat bitch with little flapjack titties
It is true you literal autist. Your heart has to work way fucking harder the heavier you are, even if it's muscles. Holy shit, stopping right there with a response to you
You're literally 15 and don't understand how the human body Works and how thinks affect it
Ok? Not sure what the point is? Anti Fat shaming again?
See this is chubby and cute, most fat chicks jacked up stuff going on with everything below the neck
I have a thin gf, but masturbate/fantasize about huge fatties. Why?