"Google fights online trolls with new tool"

>Now Google is zeroing in on the problem. On Thursday, the company publicly released an artificial intelligence tool, called Perspective, that scans online content and rates how “toxic” it is based on ratings by thousands of people.


The gig is up Sup Forums surrender immediately.

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Would I be possible for us to do the same thing we did with Tay to this shit

Fug. If only there was a way to manipulate it into doing our bidding like we did /Tay/

But we're simply talking about Googles and Skypes. Sup Forums is a Sup Forums colony, and also a religion of peace.
Nothing to see here, rabbi! :^)

This. Exactly what I was thinking. Maybe if we buttfuck it with cookies or extensions somehow.

Fuck you moot

>based on ratings by thousands of people.
So when are we gonna get together and rate all the porn sites as the best and every social media site poor?

>artificial intelligence tool
>based on ratings by thousands of people
wew really amazing AI you have going on there, google

i feel like a rat, nay a frog that's been chased into a dead end. if these fucking burgers dont start bombing shit with autonomous cars soon we are fucked.

there are sooooo many fucking shits we have to kill if we want to remain free.

and most of it are just machines.. fuck man
its all so tiresome

>Google will destroy trolls...except if they banded together and rated toxic material as acceptable

Jesus fucking christ!

It's like Pajeet is not even trying anymore.

>based on ratings by thousands of people.
So a few thousand google employees are the authority on what is and isnt accepteble ideas and opinions for billions of people throughout the world.

Fuck this shit, Heil NoScript

everytime we crash or hack something they improve it or wall it off somehow,
theyre literally using us as alpha testing.

when the grand control scheme finally roll out, it would be with our help

tay and then they proofed it
now this and they will proof it ....


I don't see what that will do.

Can we tank google's stock price and have their executives die of diseases using meme magick? This is a declaration of war.

Pretty obvious - the "toxicity" sounds like it's going to be based on user ratings.

We just fill up the service with fake accounts and rate thousands of benign things as being incredibly "toxic"

SOMEONE in EU should have some lawyer look into this, the EU laws are done to fuck this kind of shit up

get 100,000 signatures to label tumblr, twitter and google.com as toxic.

Or maybe they are measuring our strength.

And this is another reason why a CHARLIE HEBDO operation on google offices and families would be perfectly fine

>We need to shut it down

How will a bunch of neets ever defeat the billionaires internet weapons?!?!?

Oh no, this is a blessing. Imagine when our autistic hordes are turned loose and tumblr is rated as a toxic shithole. Followed by leddit while Sup Forums is shown as a shining utopia.

Rate google as toxic

let's attack google

>spend billions on fighting virgin basement dwellers in argument's you can't win through logic

>neets leave internet and start redpilling irl

>problem solved 3 years too late. Gamergate was the last chance they had to avoid this. Even if they shut Sup Forums down it's too late.


>we use it against them

Lets bot it to make MSM toxic websites.

scenario 1:

"toxic" will just become a badge of honor like "deplorables".

scenario 2:

"toxic" will end up being used like "fake news" to refer to mainstream news sources and the establishment narrative

This site is probably level 9000 or something

If this worked I wouldn't rank number 1 for alt right porn

So it's only taken them a decade to realize that we are the Final Boss of the Internet. Maybe in another decade they'll figure out a way to stop us.

Why isn't the titl;


Jenna? If so, thank you...

>user ratings

Google is literally making TrollTrace

fuck off FBI

also satan

Or you could label leftist racisim as ""toxic"" material.


every """""""""""AI""""""""" has a human behind it

this is why you shouldnt use google

>3 C.Y.
>using google

Is "Toxic" is the new "fakes news" term?

>[artificial intelligence tool]


Hey I've got an idea, just switch the search engine!!

Just spam some mad shit like metal detecting websites or german scat porn databases... In the end they will implode

Its gonna be based on ratings by other people?
Seems to me we can easily manipulate this stuff.

I'm glad I'm not using google anymore

> booooo all this toxic free speech on internet


Start giving them all kind of feedback. Block their pipes

Google say "Let's play Whack-A-Mole"
Dopey cunts

Isn't this what that whole niggers = googles, skype -kike supposed to circumvent?
It did die down, but it would work I guess.

i'd say we're already pretty good at dodging filters and faggot mods, while sjws will pull their colored hair out not knowing why they can't comment "fuck blimpf and fuck white people" anymore.

>there are anons posting right now who weren't part of Operation Renigger
If you notice your captchas only require one correct answer sometimes, you can feed incorrect data into the AI and slow its progress.

south park were right.

Would be a shame... If someone redpilled it.

>Would I be possible for us to do the same thing we did with Tay to this shit
Yes, just change our language and we can get google to attack the big add buyers the same time they attack us.

Watch this


>Enter a sentence into its interface, and Jigsaw says its AI can immediately spit out an assessment of the phrase’s “toxicity” more accurately than any keyword blacklist, and faster than any human moderator.


>Take a bunch of collective intelligence—that will keep getting better over time—about what toxic comments people have said would make them leave, and use that information to help your community’s discussions.”

so it looks like if the website is using the API, users can report a comment that would make them leave the website, and i guess if enough people report SJW comments then it might start blocking them.

we probably red pill it quite quickly

lmao AI btfo

We need to get a copy of this do we can objectively score each other's posts. It can be used for good as well as evil, desu.


Aiming for a nice high toxicity score in this next one, you anal Jew bender (caveat - test)

>rate Perspective badly
>it kills itself and google

win win here boys

You can add feedback to every comment written in Writing Experiment at perspectiveapi.com/. Just write a comment, click "Seem wrong?" and choose whether the comment is toxic.


>it is based on ratings by thousands of people.
This gives me an idea

I find CNN, Buzzfeed, Kotaku, Salon, etc. to be toxic.

>well golly if Satan thinks it's a good idea ...

Sup Forums general on rating things as "toxic" when?

Make fake accounts and target googles highest paying keywords


I miss the Internet-- the Internet before Jews stole it and turned it into a spying, propaganda and pornography machine.

hmm it's almost like we did this with the coincidence detector

>User ratings
This is going to be easy

at work so didn't watch vid, sounds like a good idea though.

>...pornography machine

I know not about the first, but be real user, the internet was ~90% porn back in the 90's.



Holy shit it's what happened to piewdiepie and the HEHE guy.

How is noscript gonna stop this tho???

I'm not a computer geek

Is Jewgle gonna use a Javascript to run this shilling shit?

i think i understand now what kek is trying to tell me.

Or we could all just migrate to yahoo

Let Jewgle have its information sandbox and shill inside it till they go bankrupt

Fuckin kikes

I dislike Yahoo more than Google.

>based on ratings by thousands of people.

How can we raid the rating system?

That will actually happen without our input.

What should I use for searches instead?

>Every time

Isn't that rabid feminist that proposed to genocide all men named Dworkin too?


Kikes. Every. Single. Fucking. Time.

>you're no longer going to be able to find hate facts
Jewgle is our enemy.

Force them to advertise alternative search engines like Microsoft was forced to open up its browser monopoly.

Bing is better for porn.

Not sure about others.

>one of the most powerful companies in the world announces an intention
>a handful of autist on a Taiwanese basket weaving chatroom casually discuss which method they'll use to fuck them up

This sites power level has become absolutely astounding and I love it.

Lol inb4 we change Googles "perspective" to see Huffpo, WSJ, and other SJW crap as toxic

>rates how “toxic” it is based on ratings

a new reason to live
how toxic can you be rated?

it isn't just on google search engines, it was just developed by a team of google employees. they are going to release the API and let anyone use it.

>The New York Times is planning to use it as a first pass of all its comments, automatically flagging abusive ones for its team of human moderators. And the Guardian and the Economist are now both experimenting with the system to see how they might use it to improve their comment sections, too.


Yeah, probably. Or we will do the same shit and call niggers Google. All you literally have to do is just find consent on a new word and then you Apply the old meaning to it. We can meme niggers into Google and the leftist will rate it as toxic and effectively censor themselves.

we have superpowers that normies can't even comprehend.

My visceral response to reading something like this is wanting to make people swing from trees for treason

This is a perfect opportunity to get google's own logo and site be associated by their algorithm as "toxic" along with all their products.

These poo in loo programmer faggots actually think we can't reverse engineer their algos? Hahahahaha

This is great, now normal fags won't find out about muh safe place