This is type of game that leftists praise. They're really mentally ill, aren't they?

This is type of game that leftists praise. They're really mentally ill, aren't they?

Other urls found in this thread:

it has good music

Have you played Undertale? How do you know about it?

I had fun with it.

The goatmom is redpilled hunting and killing her own food and likes cooking, cleaning, raising children and reading books that contain empirical facts, everything else is garbage.

i agree. but the plot and dialogues are pure cancer.

Other than the shoehorned faggotry I thought it was bretty gud

this is one of the worst games I have ever played

>Game that is highly derivative of 2hu
>Not Cancerous

That's because your a stupid kid. For us real humans, this game brought back a lot of nostalgia, and the battle mechanics were VERY unique and interesting.

>other than shoehorned faggotry
You mean literally the entire fucking game?

The player, in all their autism, can't even be trusted to have fair combat. All the shoehorned faggotry at every turn is really drilled in once you realize you were never really intended to learn the 'game.' Scripted to let you win during the two most important and supposedly consquential moments of the story

t. Tried really fucking hard to find a saving grace here.
The 'game' was an absolute trainwreck from every objective perspective. Not innovative, not consequential, not even a rehash of a successful product. It's a fucking meme from start to finish.

Like FNAF undertale is fun if you play it in a vacuum and then be done with it after beating it

I enjoyed the game, it's the fanbase I despise.

>*hopes and dreams intensifies*
>skeleton porn

Toby Fox is the unfortunate victim of liberal fangirls.

Thought it was good.
Normal -> Pacifist -> didn't do evil because I'm a good guy. =)

Undertale is actually a really good game and you're missing out if you ignore that because leftists were the first to praise it, it's just more bullshit identity politics.

demon's souls is red pilled and right wing

Oh yeah all that inspiration he pulled from
>old rpgs like earthbound
Really got the fucking fee-fees going didn't it? You don't make honest to god humor with tumblr memes. You don't make a comfy atmosphere while simultaneously attempting to turn the entire ride into a comedy. You and your opinions are literal shit.

DORF FORT is the real redpill.

You're a turboautist and can't appreciate anything that isn't spoonfed to them. Why not just only play a console if you're gonna only want to play pleb games?

Low iq mongoloid

It's a good game Ivan, just beat it and never look further into the fanbase

>tfw all my forts grind to a halt after 6-7 years ingame due to lag
>tfw never ever get goblin invaders

Ironic, considering I just criticized it for holding the player's hand like he can't be trusted to do literally anything in the most crucial moment.

This 'game' was made in some faggot's basement, and like the people he surrounds himself with, he abandoned an invaluably unique concept and sold it to a tumblrite horde for extra shekels. Or maybe her never saw the greatness in what he had.

Sold it all for memes and virtue signal points. This is why this game doesn't deserve half of what you pretend it's worth.

Each game deserve its fanbase. Sonic is cancer too btw.

Yeah. The people who created it even had to pay for "social media outreach" to get good reviews.

I haven't seen any good single player games since the Metro games.

Only thing I can critisize this game is that it punishes players for choosing the bad way, if you get the bad ending once, you will never get the good ending ever

You just have shit taste, I'm sorry. I think battlefield or halo would be more to your liking.

This shit is so good.

You must cull your dwarves for the Glory of Armok... and bitrates.

That's the red pill.

>not having ballista practice with your late game (((migrants)))

The only problem I have with Undertale is the So Sorry furry who literally paid out the ass to have his diaper fetish self-insert in the game.

Have you played Everlasting Summer? Spooky Soviet visual novel with animu girls? It is the greatest thing your country has produced since Tetris.

You sound like a nobledwarf.

>muh undertale is pro-left meme
fuck off, the dev even said he was disgusted when his game was co-opted into some tumblr meme.

I thought it was good.

Half-Life 2

Game Theory: Ness is Sans?

>says game is retarded and he even actively tried to find ways to lose
>hurt durr, you're mad because the game DOESNT hold your hand
How moronic can you be

any AAA title nowadays

Undertale is basically tumblr the game.

Source? I can't find anything remotely close to that.

of course jew supports cancer

I don't know about that, Toby was an independent that hit it big once, and now is tailed by the dregs of screeching cultism.

A horrible fate, if you imagine it.
>an endless parade of heavy-lidded, free-bleeding, patchouli-stinking zombies shuffling toward you, outstretched fingers grasping, some in horrifying costumes, barely recognizable and monstrous of your caricatures you created, nobody will help you, not in a "glomp-friendly" culture.
>you flee, but trip over a dildo, these places have become so "diverse" that the furrys got in. You feel a dull painful crack from inside your body as you roll into a display table and everything from your armpits down goes horrifyingly slack, numb, and lifeless.
>The moans of the horde provide an almost sound deadening effect against your wails... until you feel dirty worn teeth sink into your cheek.

I'm not above murdering a particularly pissy noble dwarf in high fashion.


Undertale is basically poor man's Earthbound for extra autistic people who take stupid shit (like videogames) too seriously. I say that as a huge Earthbound fan.

I actually lost count at the amount of times I audibly cringed playing it the first time... that writing, phew. If there was ever a game that suffered from having it's own head up it's ass, it's Undertale.

>Scripted to let you win during the two most important and supposedly consquential moments of the story

if you haven't got more data about this then this is bait

It's not even fair to compare it to Earthbound and I hate how it attached itselt to those coattails like a remora.


It's actually a great game. Although I'm not surprised you didn't like it, Ivan. Your foetal alcohol syndrome prevents you from having the mental capacity to appreciate some of the underlying themes and social commentary. You don't understand something, so it's easier to just dismiss it as "hurr durr SJW".

Indy trash that only nerds and fags like

Stop acting like this game is highly intellectual, it is just trash and low class references.

I'm not sure if you guys are being ironic or not. Even the creator said it was a parody more then anything and disliked/made fun of the autism, especially the furries that resulted from it, although he's not above taking their furrybux.

Example was that stupid butter dragon guy who paid a certain amount to make his character a boss in the game, and he did pull through and put the stupid thing in game. Albeit in a very isolated and specific manner to ever encounter it.

And for the price it was a nice ride(s) while it lasted. It's like hating on the OG Sonic games just because of the how the fandom has been for the past 2 decades.


>you have shit taste, go play shooter games

>plays undertale, a mlp-barbie tier baby game

"B-b-but it's a good game guys! It doesn't punish you or let you lose!"

I played it, was alright but the fucking community. My Summer car is far better though

What about it was intellectual.
They went straight to ad hominem.
Shame, sir.
Give us an example, would you kindly?

Fucking shill thread. REEEEEEE. MODS!

>I have no actual reason to support this game so I'll attack you personally

Libtard logic at it's finest

>tfw leftists are too pussy to play smt so they rip it off and turn it into faggotry

Again, how about a source?
Looks to me like he sucked tumblrs trans dick from start to finish

The Internet needs a punch button.

>Big Bad steals your save file
>you die
>deus ex the player into the same fight when the game is reloaded
Developmentwise, he really had no choice, but plotwise it was "he wants to kill you again just cause he's evil."
For a game that suppoaedly boasts such in-depth characters (wrong), this is very uncharacteristic of the antagonist. It also saves all the progress you made before you died.

>The 'hidden final boss'
>Struck down
>You survive
>It's so epic!!!!
>repeat as many times as you're hit, literally until you win
There's no basis behind this, or the prior example, no plot devices, nothing. These are the endgame bosses and you're not allowed to lose. You don't even start the fights over. It takes your hand and drags you to the end regardless of your ability. It really takes away from the fact that the antagonist is practically usurping your only defining power. In other words, the highest-tension point in the game both in terms of gameplay and plot fall flat on its face. Unless you are tumblr. It was a fantastic piece of shit-- and for many more reasons than weak bosses.

>Sup Forums anons still play video games and argue about them

H-hehe, d-deus vult guys :D

>not having a rugged laptop and pertinent technical knowledge
You're going to die alone innaoutbacks.

Ah, right, forgot about that.

>You need to play games in order to use a computer optimally

What the fuck


getting your roo, cunt.

Is anyone tired of the meta narrative in gaming?
Oh man, the developers are so clever for making a statement about how your choices in the game are limited.
Finally, games are art and I cam feel so good about myself playing them.

>stop having fun and get a (((mature))) hobby.

This. As much of a meme as it is, I feel like GamerGate really pushed politics so hard into the gaming industry that it quite literally ruined everything. If you don't have some aspect of your game pandering to lefty politics, you will get jewed.

End the strong independent warrior women meme please

They do? I see them prasing shit like Gone Home or shit.

>that lesbian going to the trash

>toriel redpilled
>left her husband and later dates someone out of her species

>your a stupid kid

Why do people pretend Undermeme's music is good? Trashy AAA games with ebin soundtracks are better.

Literally everyone, with the exception of Papyrus, deserved to be murdered.

>create a perfect girl
>make her a lesbian

But it was good. Probably the best part about the game. (Which says a lot about it.)

She literally put that fatass into the trash.

not only is she a lesbian, she dates the ugliest, most annoying, and objectively worst character in the game

Sup Forums incarnate?

I like the soundtrack desu, game looks like pretentious unfun schlock though

I played it and had some fun.

Couldn't beat the last boss after a few tries, put it down and never came back to it.

It's a good game you mong.

how so?

You can have fun with literal trash. That doesn't make it any less smelly.
You can like whatever you want, but acknowledge it's flaws. That is to say, acknowledge that it's a train wreck.

Making Sup Forums Bandwagon faggots cry the Thread.

Keep politics out of video games. All you will ever achieve is shifty and preachy video games.

I struggle to imagine what it was about Undertale that offended your political sensibilities so much.

It's a cute little RPG about friendship. If you're this high-strung you should probably just go and live in the woods where you can completely control your environment for anything that might be perceived as potentially liberal leaning.

For all your whining about snowflakes, triggering, safe spaces, and political correctness - you sure are a little bitch that needs everything to affirm your beliefs to feel comfortable.

It's pretty obvious you're just conflating Reddit with liberalism here anyway.

Oh what a surprise, looks exactly like Homestuck.

>baby crazy mom hates children being killed and does something worthy of a beating in the Quran which is haram in progressivism
>second part didn't happen faggot kill yourself

But all my posts have been strictly from a game design perspective when criticizing undertale. It's a bad game, I'm 99% sure it's didn't have the impact it promised when the kickstarter first hit the internet.

>not the right board
op is a faggot

>lefties like it so its bad
Undertale is a genuinely good game. You should probably stop basing your opinions on the political opinions if its fanbase and focus on the piece itself.

i luv undertale, i killed everything was sweet.

Programmer reporting in, it's worse than you could even imagine. The fucking game is locked to 30FPS and the music, if I remember correctly, runs to 130kbps. The fact that it was made in Gamemaker is also disgusting. The story was bland, the gameplay was tedious and unfun, especially genocide route. Absolutely overrated trash.


They're just dumb, have you ever noticed how there isn't a good fan game yet? They're too basic to understand that there's only two difficult battles in the game. Heck, they're too dumb to even understand that you can't lose to 2/3 of the final bosses.