If the Pope called for a crusade today, would any nation or large groups realistically respond?
If the Pope called for a crusade today, would any nation or large groups realistically respond?
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Any good nation would.
I would respond and recruit in an instant without a second thought.
eh hard to say desu
> I drive to the Czech Rep. and buy an assault rifle
> Onto Mecca to kill some "Muselmanen", alone if i must
But my cucked country would disavow the pope most likely...
This pope? This pope loves muslims. He's a fucking plant.
>Calling for a crusade
Man, you Christcucks are fucking delusional.
The God damn Pope is the Ambassador of Cuck.
Poland, Spain, most of latin america
miscellaneous individuals from all across the world
Revolutions usually make things worse if you look at history
This post has been too consistently a bitch, no one believes in him enough to do so. Now, a cardinal who assassinated the sitting Pope and ascended to power? Probably got a better mind for war, and worth following into it. Ironically the "good Christians" wouldn't respect God's will in that though, and wouldn't act. It's a catch 22 but the short answer is no.
Fuck the pope
this tbf
I know I wouldnt take part in no crusade
fighting for this cuck religion is pointless.
Only in your dreams cuckboi.
I'm already planning my expedition into the Sudan or Congo for fun, crusader fun.
>le plant
He's a typical pope. Flooding the West with barbarians is a Vatican strategy as old as the church itself. As civilizations age, people wise up to pedophile schemes and abandon the church, so in the remaining time they have left, they mud flood to wipe you out, so they can keep the scam going another century. If you won't worship us, fine. We'll flood you with subhumans who will, cuck.
I'd volunteer immediately.
these guys would go, it's a photo from the Worldwide Catholic Youth Journey.
If Pope Francis called a crusade I'd go just to trigger Sup Forums
>he thinks poland is a catholic nation.
I would sever all ties of nation and man to deus vult.
Probably some African and south American countries
They're the only countries with vast majority Christian populations any more.
Pure coincidence.
Folks, the US, the crusade can start with the nigger Somalis in Minnesota, the sand niggers all over the US, they are here folks, what are we going to do?
How would a crusade even start these days? I can already see the mass protests if the word crusade is even brought up by a figure with authority. God knows it's not going to be the current pope though, the man is a complete cuck.
If pope john paul ii had called for a crusade, we could have at least counted on the entirety of Poland
I'm pretty sure to incite a crusade you just need to tell the pope that the entirety of the middle east does not believe he is white.
False flag or bait a large terrorist attack on the Vatican
Bunch of civilians with rifles(Aka "Crusaders") surely will beat military of Middle Eastern countries ;)
>If (((the pope))) would ask white christians to rid the middle east of muslims for Israel would you respond
No fuck kiketholics. The goal is to get muds back to mudland not out of it
All it would take is American and Russian nationalists steamrolling the Middle-East like the greatest blitzkrieg ever. They would have no chance.
Mother Russia will surely provide aerial back up, no ? You can keep Constantinople as reward
yes, get rid of this pope and reform knights templar
>a cucked crypto jew child molesting jesuit globalist
>calling a crusade against (((their))) own pawns and usefull idiots
you amerilards never ceased to amase me with your blatant unapologetic ingorance
If the pope accepts kykes like me as allies, I will join the Army of the Lord.
I bet there would be quite a few of us
I would sign up right away
arent we tho?
If i was pope id accept your help. Fuck muslims.
Fuck crusaders btw. They fucked up Byzantine.
I can share Jerusalem with Christians, I can trust them to not Allahu Snackbar, unlike mudslimes.
A better scenario would be Holy League 2.0, because it managed to actually achieve something.
never trust the italians
lol retard
NICE Black Lives Matters PROPAGANDA created by George Soros to Divide and Conquer and stir up shit beetween Muslims and Blacks
>stir up shit beetween Muslims and Blacks
why is this bad
not a bad idea tbf just let them duke it out
Kek wills it,
Venice were fucking race traitors. They were friendly with the Ottomans while they were kidnapping Europeans and forcing them into their military. Only because they wanted to make money. Complete kike behaviour.
when you think about it
not bad at all Swen
we should exploit this moar
That's just a beach in Rio Dr Janeiro
dont mexicans view the pope as god
The current pope is a communist kike infiltrator. LOOK AT HIS NOSE...
If he calls for any crusades it will be aficans and muslims crusading against white people and europe.
This is why the Bible calls him the Antichrist.
>Venice were fucking race traitors
Do you realise that arabs and europeans are the same race
Croatia is called second Vatican so I'm pretty sure we would respond, yeah.
Fuck off gay pedo pope
we gonna civilize the fuck out of these monkeys, we already did it once
Oh I didn't know that, Mr. Shekelstein. Please educate me more
No they arent. Muslims are brown peices of shit.
>Do you realise that arabs and europeans are the same race
How about no.
The next Pope will
Arab is not a race lmfao
of course with all these strong men nowadays
the irish would. tho to be fair they'd start a crusade for a packet of hunky dorys. god bless 'em.
Arabs are made up from different groups of semites. None of them are European or ever inhabited Europe. Different from us.
Yea it is you fucking retard.
>my AA circlejerk on normiebook is full of anarchist atheists
>this means that it is a majority in Poland
Not true. There are remnants of the Crusader descendants, and many Middle Easterners of Roman or Greek descent.
They are fucking Caucasian race too.
> None of them are European or ever inhabited Europe.
Caucasian race is not from Europe
>Different from us.
Mediterraneans looks the same as fucking arabs.
Great Murican education
I read a story yesterday where the pope called Nationalism selfish it breaks my heart
>If the Pope called for a crusade today, would any nation or large groups realistically respond?
Against who exactly? saudi arabia? afghanistan? iraq?
either way, every politician would shit his pants laughing at the pope, no one would join because they're all secular
so unless the pope declares the vatican a rogue state and starts selling children and opium to fund his militia it won't work.
Even if he managed to get some countries to fight, they'd still get GUERRILLA'd by some untrained goatfuckers.
TL;DR give it a rest man, ain't gonna happen, even if it did, it'll go the opposite way of what you fantasize about
same race?
Eastern Europe and probably random people throughout the western world.
QUINT 5s? Holy fuck.
>They are fucking Caucasian race too.
So what? Filthy ethopian niggers are often textbook caucasoid, yet still stupid and subhuman.
Asian-admixed semites are different from them and different from us, none of these "caucasoids" should fuck outside his group and stay in his homelands.
>Mediterraneans looks the same as fucking arabs.
If you´re completely blind or cherrypick the mutt-meds that have been raped by moors and Mohamett the last dozen centuries.
Well considering like half of catholics today are spics, a modern crusade would be very "brown".
Skin colour is not what defines the race, and there a lot of facial differences between different types of Europeoids.
If the Pope said, "Hey Protestants, you're all right, we're really fucked here and we need you to come help purge. Sorry about all the shit." Then yeah, I can see America flying in to the Battle Hymn of the Republic and the chorus blaring and shit and raining righteous hellfire down on some Muzzies. Yeah, man. Fo sho.
>So what? Filthy ethopian niggers are often textbook caucasoid, yet still stupid and subhuman.
Wew lad
The current pope yes. Reflecting the current year.
Having to drive out of your country to buy guns
Not geting a rifle, a pistole and military hardware free from your countrie
Not learning how to handel all important weapon systems and military tactica for free
Crusade on Stockholm?
USA, Poland and various E. European countries
I doubt anyone else would come
Any nation?
Don't think so
But we would have some people ready to fight off the muslims
I'd join
Not with that cuck Francis in power. Maybe if the Archbishop Patriarch Krill did. Much more based.