Communism general

Hello Comrades. This general is for the discussion of Marxism-Leninism, the ideology of revolutionary socialism and communism.

Communism is the next stage of humanity following the capitalist stage.

What exactly is communism according to Marxist-Leninists:

>Communism is a stage of society in which the productive infrastructure is socially owned, and goods are produced not in order to sell for profit, but in order to meet a social need.
>Communism in it's full form is a stateless, classless society that follows the maxim "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need."
>To achieve such a society Marxism-Leninism teaches us that we must replace the capitalist state, which is controlled by the capitalist class, by a socialist state, which is controlled by the working class. Then, a period of class struggle follows in which the capitalist class is liquidated by the working class. When the capitalist class has been completely vanquished, there will be only one class, the working class, and eventually the functions of the state will become indistinguishable from the functions of the society as a whole, and the state as such will 'wither away' as Marx said.

ML uses a philosophy called dialectical materialism, see here:

It is recommended that you read some of the critical works of Marxism-Leninism so you can make an informed assessment of the ideology.


Other urls found in this thread: general/

here we go again
it's the same thread every time
communism sucks

Do you even work? How do you have time to post this consistently multiple times a day?

Rofl...Festering in anger over your keyboard, beads of sweat formulating over your brow as you struggle to articulate your infantile emotions. Clearly my feelings on the subject matter to you judging from the gravity of your response. Meanwhile face carries the conviction of a mature adult laughing as he plays with the emotions of futile shitposters.

You think you can phase me? Even the very thought is ridiculous.
I could crush you with a single keyboard stroke if only I could be bothered. That's how little you mean to me.

Me and my friends have just printed out your message. We're gonna hang it above the fireplace so that it can bring us endless laughs. Not that you would understand what having friends is like. As I write this post, while composing my latest novel in the background [did I mention I'm a prize-winning author? and you're what? a neet shitposter? hahaha], it occurs to me that in years time when you've hit rock-bottom because of your actions today that I'll have no way of seeing you writhe in pain. While upsetting, I'll get over it.

You are so weak. I dismiss you, peasant. Now he gone! Lmao don't bother replying I'm exiting out of the thread as soon as I post this.

[ ] x gon give it to ya
[ ] x is giving it to ya
[X] x gave it to ya

[X] Served
[ ] Not served

How's the paranoid personality disorder treating you?


Most latest theoretical update from Russian Communists:

Democratic centralism as a source of opportunism in the Communist Party

The problem is still not solved

As you know, since the collapse of the First International, all created communist parties declined after a while and left the historical stage. However, one fallen party was replaced by new ones and, in spite of repressions, terror and persecution, the parties with communist names exist today all over the world, except those countries where European colonialism and religion do their best to stop the cultural development of people. The European experience of the last decade shows that the expansion of red flags at demonstrations of European workers is caused only by capitalism itself, and, especially, for a wonder, by American one.

Anticommunists do not understand a simple thing. The complete destruction of the communist movement needs liquidation of its cause: the institute of hired mental and manual labor, i.e., the exploitation of man by businessman.

Actually it would be great if communism directly comes from capitalism as capitalism directly comes from slavery and feudalism, being another advanced form of parasitism. Communism is a product and dialectic negation of capitalism and all types of exploitative, parasitic social orders. Historical originality of communism, its fundamental difference even with primitive communism makes the fight for communism quite complicated in theory and in practice, destined to the intense resistance of all parasitic forces.

The classics of Marxism, in due time, made a lot of research work, specified some historical reasons of the Internationals collapse. Certainly, decisions and organizational arrangements were made, but none of it led to the desired result. Collapse of the communist parties occurred long before accomplishment of its historical mission...

I certainly want to liquidate the bourgeoisie, paranoid disorder or not.

It is... inevitable. (not accounting for nuclear extinction) general/

Daily reminder to sage the Spain cuck.

>mfw Fransisco Franco killed every commie and his family

Communism is paradise on Earth and beyond.

>mfw Franco raised Spain from communist hellhole to first world tier

Daily reminder to kill yourself, cuck.

it's the same fucking guy posting this again and again, holy fuck get a life dude

what, are you 12? utopia is impossible. i know for a fact that you've seen what happens to animals when they are put in utopia

This is now a roll thread. Post what you get. Don't forget to sage.

You live right now in something that would be considered absolutely utopian 200 years ago.

but it's not a utopia is it; not like the one the rats went mad in.

You are not the rats, you are monkeys that went mad in the different system.



but were still animals and if animals don't have competition they go mad. weather they are rats or dogs or people

This. I fucking wish.

You have to bring a little from the website now

I agree that you are an animal and there is many of you, yes. But you can be guided by human.

>what was the Spanish Civil War
>what was the Republican faction


oh get off your high horse you autistic faggot, you're an animal to

Some people have different qualities from another. Some are more animalistic, some are not. You are. I'm trying to be not. You can be guided by me.


>we must defeat classism!
>i am superior to you

communism 101

what decides what is "animal-like"? humans can't because they were born as animals, and i personally don't know any talking plants, so where did you get the definition of that word?


>be commie
>starve to death
viva la revolucion comrades!!!1!

Class has nothing to do with superiority. It has to do with not exploiting people if you are superior to them. And even helping them.

>what decides what is "animal-like"?
I do. And you too.

>class has nothing to do with superiority
>he ascribes to a superiority theory while simultaneously following Marxist theory which admonishes all forms of inequality among peoples
>the most retarded ideology on the planet is too much for his hare brain

tell me more about how stalinism is real communism, commie.

>brb executing 75% of my cabinet because the bedbugs bit me


how can you accurately describe how animals behave if you are an animal? you might be doing something animalistic and not even know it because you think it's "civilized"


>Marxist theory which admonishes all forms of inequality among peoples
You know nothing about Marxism. Marxism is based on dialectical materialism and contradictions. Contradictions are not equal they are different to each other and thus different between each other.

Buy using a standard of logic called "dialectics".

Nietzsche talked about will to power, and that innate human flaw is what would fail within a totally socialist or communist society, unless you consider killing off people who failed to connect tribute to the building of society.

>Marx copypasted Hegelian dialectics onto economics to hoodwink his victims into a promise of "inevitable" socialist revolution
>mfw retarded commie can't distinguish between post and pre-revolution theorems of Marx
>dialectical materialism is a big word for him
>what is objective and subjective factors of classification as per Marx
>no reference to production dynamics

How does it feel being absolutely fucking retarded, commie? Oh wait, that's redundant.

even then some one can't examine their own dialect, only the dialect of others

How it refutes the point of our superiority?

>not democratic confederalism



>prove to me that i'm not the most perfect person

You can examine even your prostate if you know how.

What a bunch of retards
These kids probably didnt even experience it


>behaveural traits are the same as symptoms of a disease
nice job derailing the conversation


Clearly you haven't read Marx :^)

If you ascribe to socialism while maintaining a theory of individual exceptionalism and/or aristocratic principle of Nature, you are a National Socialist.

>your average communist is this retarded

Go back to kindergarten, babby.

Behavioral traits are very well measurable. Read about marketing for instance.

I disagree. We need a vanguard party.

Échale un vistazo a la entrevista de Losantos con Escohotado

>psychology is real science
>behavior is quantifiable


Both Marx and Engels were far superior to the most of the proletariat.

Do real communists speak esperanto?

La voz de losantos de por si me da repulsión, puedes resumirme de que va un poco?

in very small demographics yes but you'll be lucky if you can find a single statement that accurately describes the behavioral characteristics of the entire animal kingdom

All science is real.


I agree, but the fact that you, a Marxist, who VEHEMENTLY opposes class differences is admitting to the fact is proof that you are retarded, your ideology is for similar fools and doomed to fail because of its inherent paradox.

>all men are equal, but some are more equal than others

>this is what commies actually believe

But you can find few books on the topic. Which is better.

>pseudo-science doesn't real

We will win!

You have been visited by the Based Poo of Accountability

emphasis on "few" and even then every rule in those books has at least 3 exeptions

We will make communists geat again

I do not oppose class differences. I'm just working for the resolution of them.

Such is the complexity of the world.


Los comunistas son todos unos chalados sanguinarios que no saben de lo que hablan, empezando por Marx.

Look at this fucking picture. This is your future.

Many of the contributions to evolutionary psychology require further explanation or elaboration. For example, stating that children acquire a behavior because they are in a "critical period" is similar to stating that they acquire conservation because they are in concrete operations stage (Miller, 2001)
Identifying a "critical period" does not explain why humans are more sensitive to certain experiences at certain times.
A common critique is that evolutionary psychology does not address the complexity of individual development and experience and fails to explain the influence of genes on behavior in individual cases.
Evolutionary psychology has trouble developing research that can distinguish between environmental and cultural explanation and adaptive evolutionary explanations.
Dr. Heather Adams when discussing evolutionary psychology stated "Good stuff gets buried under crap." This quote is indicating that while some evolutionary studies may be beneficial for the field, many evolutionary psychologists do not take the time to make methodologically rigorous studies and give evolutionary psychology a bad name amongst scholars

>he posts made up shit thinking I won't read it
>the title of the article clearly cites this article is pushing an agenda and is flagged for non neutrality
>commies read only commie propaganda and gush about their incapability to comprehend

Comrades. Russia is not the geat place today. People already talk about rev-on in 7.11.2017. It's hard time to us

exactly my point. you can't describe animalistic behavior because you are an animal and we can barely even define the term animal because it describes too broad a demographic

>Marxist claiming he is a Marxist and does not oppose classism aka class differences
>his cognitive dissonance is so strong he can rationalize anything in a masturbatory manner


Sabe un poko, comarade.


Some of us are elitists.

Communism doesn't conform to human nature. It's a failed ideology

Fuck off podemos. Putos rojos.

so you are the ruling class?



Really hammers those sickles.

Explain why he jumped.

Elitism is not about the class. Proletariat can have its own elite.

Lenin is our Sup Forumsro

To further clarify, what if I decided to start an ideology that insisted humans wash their scales every other Sunday.
Well, humans don't have scales. Therefore this is an impossible imposition.

Humans are not naturally equal. You can't cram every single shape through a circular hole. Therefore insisting on equality is an unreasonable demand.

Communists love to pretend that all they want is democracy and open voting on every subject. But this is a smokescreen. If the democracy doesn't go their way they will recoil against it. For example, if people elected to have a strongman leader.

Human nature does not conform to communism. It is a failed program that needs to be replaced by genetic programming.

>being in a classifiable hierarchy isn't about class

Classification can be done by the matter or by the human brain. Marxism is based on materialism and classifies things by matter.

Fuck off from Sup Forums already you fucking rojo de mierda.

Did you read communist litrecure to think so?

So your solution to build a society for humans is to fundamentally alter human beings?

Sounds like kind of a crap ideology. If my society only works with martians, what's the point of it?
And why should I desire to change my own nature just to fit some arbitrary ideological whimsy?

Rojos are worse than niggers.