Red pill thread.
Newtown was a fema drill. it cost $500M
they had people in the woods shooting so locals would hear gun shots
dismissed the kids
its a clusterfuck
postin what i got.
I'm not really sure if this one is redpilled or not, but it is enlightening for those who like to throw around the word "christcuck"
and to round out the theology segment of this dump
The real redpill here.
fucking hell dude
Trumps a literal like through his relation to Katherine and Johann Jakob kober who were a court Jew family living ten miles from th e popular course Jews the Rothschild
Trumps also owned 93% of Rothschild company resorts international which is also tied to the cia
I can go on and on but the point is that the umpire was put in place by the kikes
If you think.the Jews don't control.both sides and push you back.and forth between them to control you then you're a.fuckin.retard
fuckin spelljewcheck what a joke
out of my /pol vault. Get it? Pol. Vault. Pole vault. heh
It's no wonder the church has devolved into full on cuckoldry. Without any historical context, the translation is very wrong.
The Koreanpill is a hard one to swallow.
That was a top thread
What amount of bullshit.
Funny to read tho.
Is there a reason why everyone seems to hate this image?
If you're a devout christian, i'd say it's worth it to learn either pre medieval Greek or Latin.
Do you happen to have the other parts to this?
Unforunately not, i picked it up from someone who didn't post the rest.
I do.
These redpills threads are the best, they always expand my mind.
Thank you for this one user. I remember it blowing my mind during the Trump campaign but didn't save it.
>H-hahahah those fedora LARPers got it all wrong Jesus w-wanted us to get slapped around like cucks so that we could make the guy slapping us around ashamed!
KYS Christcucks. And you have the "cheek" to attack atheists for being cucks, pathetic.
sheeit, when world war 3 erupts again I hope this kind of thing happens again
Seeing how much influence Sup Forums has, I'd imagine that there are many (((people))) who want to shut this place down. This is in effect our only stronghold, we can't lose it.
I made that yesterday. Neat.
holy shit how have I never seen this? Thanks Spainbro.
>fight like an idiot
>nothing changes
>fight with inteligence
>things change
there's a reason why OG paganism is deader than disco in europe and all that's left of it is dancing lesbians and metal heads.
hah, like i'm one to talk.
The US's recent foreign policy is all about appeasing Saudi Arabia, not Israel.
Irresponsible Fed monetary policy led to foreigners cashing in their USD for gold in the early 70's. The (((bankers))) were in trouble, so a new financial scheme had to be devised.
The gold standard ended, and a deal was struck between the US and Saudi Arabia where the Saudis would sell oil only for USD, in exchange for the US military protecting the interests of the royal family. This is the foundation of the petrodollar system, the continuation of the US debt pyramid scheme, and American global dominance.
9/11, the Iraq War, the impending overthrow of Assad, and the eventual destruction of Iran are all for the direct benefit of the Saudis and the indirect benefit of powerful bankers.
Israel is allied with the Saudis, of course, and has profited from the Middle Eastern chaos as well. But they are not the primary beneficiary of US foreign policy.
It's crazy because I have the same experience. People just ignore you when you say certain things, you have to fucking attack them to get them to respond, corner them with no other choice. At that point they obviously just get mad and ignore you anyway. It's insane.
What can we do about it though?
what King Herod did to the Pharisees needs to be put into context here. Herod was King of the Jews, and when it was prophecied that there was going to be a King of the Jews from the messianic line, Herod didn't like that, so he killed all the "good" pharisees. this is why you had the reaction you did from the jewish community, all the Herod approved pharisees were the only ones that were left, and all the ones that knew who the messiah was were executed, great post all around.
the beginning of this isn't inherently true, the soul is repressed through childhood with common core education and propaganda, and most kids are C sections now-adays, meaning their mothers never had the decency to push them out their cooters. and with the desctruciton of the spirit and the soul is taken through the soles of a newborns feet at born with the black ink ritual, only the husk of the flesh that clothes is is left. there are an infinite number of souls that go through reincarnation and judgement, and a human being can't exist without a soul, its people that don't choose to acknowledge the soul are the ones that are like NPCs
I had a friend who claimed to believe in god, and yadayadayada, but he spent his entire time playing halo, which is extremely violent, and he continues to expose his soul to the massacre of 12 year olds on the internet with no remorse, and thinks "uniting" the community in a circle jerk of death and destruction with no discrimination is a good thing because its only a game.
there is an insane lack of comprehension, what separates a person from an animal is their ability to understand universal law, and how things in this world have an impact on their soul in the above, and the below. people do things and don't even realize its a sin, and they don't realize sins are transgressions against universal law, who's punishment you don't feel until after death. the key thing to repentance is change, not forgiveness.
Isn't that just brave new world?
What are some historical examples of this?
Yes it is. That is what brave new world is.
Yep. Aldous Huxley was a member of the Tavistock group funded by Rothschilds.
>"There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution."
Just find it funny it is described as 1984 on lsd
Whoever did those beaver ones is a brilliant genius and frightening autistic at the same time.
Oh, that. I capped it in the thread and the author described it as 1984 on LSD and steroids. The title helps me remember in context.
Haha. He truly was. I have like 10 more I'm going to try to post before class.
But none of that proves the existence of the christian god. I know some of the teachings of the bible are good, but as far as i know, it's all made up bullshit. And even if god does exist, why the christian god? Why not the thousands of other religons that have existed?
This beaver poster is really giving me something to chew on.
moar beaver
Aether, Brahman. Yahweh, Ginnungagap are all different names for the same being. Jesus the Christian god, is the Son of god, not the Father. the values of christianity are found in the roots of what you think are pagan rituals, but if you trace their mythology back far enough all have a similar supreme being who has an unknowable form, and is unknowable himself. Aether is the source of creation in the entire greek mythos, not Kronos, or Gaia, or Neptune, or Uranus. Brahman is the source of creation for the 33 million hindu gods, and Gunnigagap is the source of creation for the entire greek mythos. the bible doesn't discredit the scriptures in other cultures, those are the church fathers who destroy the validity of other scriptures. the value of marraige, being good to eachother, and the "government" of the unvierse seem to be similar. Homosexuality is generally frowned upon, and all mythos eventually goes back to a monotheistic god who doesn't like it when you fuck animals, quite frankly the iliad, oddyssey, 4 vedas, bhagavad ghati, norse mythology, have the same divine inspiration that the bible does, the same universal laws, and the same symbolism.
>But none of that proves the existence of the christian god.
Christ had one of the most well documented deaths in the entirety of the world, and his resurrection was equally well recorded, this is why you had large populations in rome put down their lives for the gospel for a few hundred years before Rome started cucking christianity into a pagan-esque religion.
> And even if god does exist, why the christian god? Why not the thousands of other religons that have existed?
Christ makes several references to eastern mythology.
take this, its dangerous out there.
Probably because they don't want people to think that we actually believe that bullhsit (a time machine? c'mon), and because some of the predictions already failed to come true.
I've decided to write a book taking hhis writings as inspiration
thats all i have on here from the Beaver user. Best of luck Anons i gotta go.
Saved all of them, just reading the ambition one has peaked my interest in this individual. Thanks friend.
Thanks dude, will read
Now this is a good screencap. I havn't read this one and i'm definately adding it to the collection. Thanks!
Don't worry. You don't have to believe in God for him to believe in you. The adversity and the anxiety you're feeling is a good thing. It shows you who you are. It helps you identify the most important thing in the world...yourself.
You've been given the greatest power in the world, free will. It is up to you to decide what to do with it.
Remember, god wants you to repent. Not be perfect. Not be understanding. Not be tolerant. Yes, these are noble qualities, and undoubtedly necessary to witnessing to others, but your primary responsibility before you can help anyone else is to help yourself.
Keep asking questions.
Can we archive this? There's so much good stuff here and I don't have time to read it all.
i'm gonna kill myself thanks to this post
anyone have that book as a pdf? Been looking for it for ages
I saw a meme/inforgraphic on here once on Google racial hiring, showing how getting hired by Google if you are Asian is like a 1/million chance, or while black is a guarantee. It actually had stats on how many Blacked applied in 20?? and how many were hired (100% I think).
Can anyone find this for me?