Redpill me on weed
Redpill me on weed
It makes you stupid and irritating to be around.
Its fun
How bout you redpill yourself on the sticky?
An edible herb.
If you're an irritating moron, probably does.
Theres nothing wrong with it
Turns you lazy and destroys all motivation to do anything productive
t. pothead
R E A D T H E S T I C K Y.
this but it makes all your problems melt away
It's for lazy fucks and losers. But not dangerous, and should be legalized.
THC is bad for your brain
Cannabidiol and other cannabinoids are awesome for your brain
If we could have a plant that is 99% cannabidiol it would be a real medicine, and ironically Israel has it already.
Probably less harmful than alcohol for the purposes of sleep and escapism
>when you gone off the chron an u jus watchin dog the bounty hunter
Why is this man allowed to hunt people down? Isn't that what cops are for?
All in all it's not too terrible, people on it are generally annoying and smell. That being said it's not very dangerous and shouldn't be illegal and has some interesting medicinal uses. Certain marijuana-derived cannabinoids look very promising as anti-cancer agents.
stupid drug for stupid people
And if you need to scape reallity, just kill yourself.
It is way more effective
Helps people with ADHD like me to focus and control their impulses so that they can actually do work
i vape weed erry day since over 10 years. My work collegues doesnt even know that i vape weed. And they would never think i would do.
> Cannabidiol and other cannabinoids
CBD and most cannabinoids aren't even particularly psychoactive, what are you talking about? There are specifically low-THC brands of marijuana or extracts made specifically for medical use to avoid the psychoactive effect.
This, I gave up weed in the name of the god emperor this year and to better myself, it sure has
Was made illegal because spics and niggers liked it, and everyone hates spics and niggers.
Was kept illegal because every law creates a constituency that benefits from it in some twisted way.
While the economy was actually growing we could afford bullshit rent seeking like that but in this new era of austerity, just can't afford it any more.
Do some acid and then smoke but a lot of hip hop sample it it's something great girls love the smell of you
After smoking weed for 4 years, i can safely say only degenerates smoke weed, if they are smoking it for recreational purposes.
there are dangers I think people should know, such as date rape when high.
Other than I love how it makes me feel, it also can make one feel horny and lose inhibitions. Be careful who you get high with.
lol for every fucker that says it makes you lazy:
I've been smoking it since i'm 15 years old, every day.
Now i'm a succesfull restaurant owner and i live on a tropical island together with my wife and kid.
If you get to be lazy and annoying and disfunctional all together from weed, then weed is not for you lol. Stop prjecting your own flaws on other people dipshits.
Not as bad as the right says and not as good as the left says.
Can cause/exacerbate latent psychological issues. I went through a bout of pretty bad panic attacks for a few months. Not sure how or why, but it just turns on you out of nowhere.
Not implying it'll happen to everyone, or should be illegal because of it.
i smoke weed every god damn day and i'm doing better than i ever have before both in work and personal endeavors.
Nothing wrong with smoking once in a while as long as you dont become a 420 faggot. Just treat it like you treat alcohol and keep it in moderation.
What exacly is your definition of psychoactive bud?
If you bought Harbor Freight instead, you could afford more weed, yo
what is wrong with 420 faggots lel?
Hence I said not very dangerous, it isn't anywhere close to as dangerous as alcohol and yet we don't treat that as particularly dangerous unless done to excess, which you can't really do with weed or you basically become too lethargic to move or pass out.
It's fun to get high and whack it to some hentai.
Stop paying for overpriced Snap-On shit.
Yep. I used to smoke it every day, that sucked. Got lazy and complacent. I stopped smoking it completely and then started to miss out on social shit and looked lame in social situations. The only patrician way to smoke it to just hit blunts and joints that people pass you, nothing else.
nice trips, CBD is anti-psychotic drug. the opposite of psychoactive. I think that is waht the other poster was saying?
I do it on my days off. I tend to avoid doing it if I have class or work the next day.
I love cannabis thoughts, and it gives me more empathy, but I can't smoke it round people, I cant follow a conversation. The downside of weed is that you start smoking more and more and getting less out of it.
It really makes me want to clean.
Weed is for niggers
I've done research into the topic senpai, psychoactive means it elicits a consciously determinable change of the state of consciousness itself, basically it changes your sensory perception of things. With CBD and many similar cannabinoids you can take them and your consciousness won't be altered, you're reflexes will stay the same, you'll think the same way you normally do, won't hear things differently, etc. With THC it's much different, it slows reaction time and causes obviously perceptible changes to the way you feel things just going about life normally.
I smoke a joint every time we sucesfully end some project in work which is one in 2-3 months, it's my treat, my reward. I make me some playlist, cook food I love but can't eat all the time if I don't want end as jabba. Then I just throw away one day of my life for working hard last few months. I love it but I can't imagine how someone can light up one or few every day.
I have bronchitis and I have some sativa oil. I always get super dry feeling in my mouth ad sinuses after getting high.
I wonder if it would actually help my bronchitis or make it worse?
It should only be recreationally used when a person has established a good medium. It should be treated as alcohol and tobacco in the respective sense that there is an addiction, but it reverts to mental escapism.
It should be decriminalized and studied further so better tests can come out that measure it on a more short term basis so that tests can be used by cops or employers, and if at the time you are at a % of thc in your system then they can do what they want in regards to legal action.
It should be a new frontier for the free market and would cause another boom. But hey....lets get bottlenecked into only supporting oil and it's many hydra like attachments.
its a complete waste unless you smoke it once in a while. I don't understand how people can smoke this shit everyday after a week the effects are pretty neglible.
America will never be great again until cannabis is completely legalized.
Its a pain killer you can grow anyone who says its for degenerates is a corperate shill working for big pharmacy and want you to keep taking 1000mg od ibprophen to even come close
weed is degenerate
That depends on you mostly. I make sure to smoke weed only when I have no more responsabilities on a given day.
Like a little reward at the end of the day for being responsible and doing what I set out to do (studying, going to work, exercising, etc.).
Whoever says marijuana isn't addictive is fucking kidding themselves
Not psychically addictive, but certainly mentally.
Waste of money and it makes you lazy and unproductive
no way I would just use weed for a tooth ache though. hydrocodone is way to go :P
but i'm not a pleb
There are experiments that show that changes in CBD levels will affect anxiety like mental states, so you are wrong.
Anti psychotics are psychoactive
>studies show that CBD affects psychotic behavior, so you are wrong....
no it just means CBD is working lol
It makes _a person_ really creative and inspired, and _some_ even feel really really comfy in their chair for 3-4h, however _some_ people can be really sleepy, hungry and lazy the entire next day. I've also heard it makes food taste really really good.
I do not condone or support of use of illegal substances.
> Weed is the Will Killer
It does a lot more than that you know ...
Most of the drugs we use just change the levels of already existing substances in our brain, yet we call them psychoactives
What do you cook?
It pretty well researched at this point. I have read up and tried CBD, it is very healthy and can be used to eliminate skin cancer.
I ordered an ounce of wax for 500 dollars off the darknet and I'm still puffing on that shit after 2 months and still have a months supply left.
I'm quitting after I kill all my wax.
which restaurant? I need a vacation.
watch bill hicks skit about the truck driver.
>Implying it wasn't made illegal with LSD to get hippies to fuck off
that's a great idea user, i'm gonna go pick up some wax at lunch
I love these little infographics.
Essential oils are so amazing, if you don't believe me just buy some high quality Oregano oil and take next time you get a cold. Weed is no different, it a powerful herb that grew up on the same planet as us humans.
Question for the autists for scream HURRRRRR DEGENERATE anytime weed is mentioned
Ok first off, I hate everything having to do with weed culture, I don't condone being lazy at all if you smoke everyday, I hate stereotypical stoners and I hate people who go to work high. Now, I go college, I have a good paying job, good grades, I pay my own tuition and I have a large offer of jobs set up for me after i graduate. I only smoke on weekends after I get off work to relax and watch a movie. Do you have a problem with that? If yes, you're a fucking loser who literally only hates it because some Chad who used to bully you in school smoked pot
It runs you into an aimless fucking retard, the cat is coimpletely out of the bag on this topic by now
Que stoners in denial spouting the "moderation" meme, which is completely fucking bogus since THC accumulates in fat cells.
Also there will be people in this thread claiming how weed isn't sapping their productivity or cognitive ability, but i urge you diregard their anecdotes since they are almost always embellished.
t. recovering habitual toker who quit cold turkey
Nope. Read the history of the prohibition. Original laws all happened back in the 30s and it was about keeping them spics and niggers away. Murica hates niggers, always has, always will.
Good once in a while, but do it often and you will go full retard. Don't believe dudeweedbros, getting stoned and going WHOOOA SPACE SHIT does not make you smarter. In fact the opposite.
>disregard anecdotes!!!
>offers anecdotal evidence
Although you would have to admit, it's probably less damaging than, say, Krokdil?
faggots use it to be even more pathetic
the original laws were so hemp couldn't replace cotton, nothing to do with the active effects or people smoking it.
the constitution is also made from hemp. I wonder how many americans ITT didn;t know jefferson was 420blazeit.
less damaging than water really
>water make me lazy, all I do is drink
It depends on my taste but my favorites are roastbeef(which isn't as unhealthy as it's expensive), I love beans with bacon, eggs and 90%+ meat sausages, duck with red cabbage and homemade bacon dumplings(pic related), and basically everything that has bacon included
and for something sweet I make pancakes with all sort of shit on it
look at this triggered stoner calling the established fact that THC stores up in fat cells (which includes brain tissue) "anecdotal evidence"
pls tell us some more stories about your fantastic life with 6 figure salaries that's not impeded by your addiciton to a psychoactive depressant in any way
look at this triggered stoner with memes from 2010
All in all, it's your funeral. It's sort of a frog boiling in water situation, so you'll learn this lesson on your own. It isn't a most severe addiction too, since you don't do shit that tweakers, dopefiends and alkies do. So your "rock-bottom" will be pretty forgiving and if you have an ounce of self-awareness you'll get out of it pretty quick. Best of luck.
oh lawdy you dun degraded a forefather, we all goin to the electronic ghetto nows
Same. It's cheaper than my old ADHD meds and my apartment gets clean. I also like to plan the next few days out while stoned.
Also you can't get stoned from industrial hemp.
Honestly, I disagree vehemently with drug use, but I wouldn't mind it being legalized and regulated on a state level, kind of like Pennsylvania's Liquor Control Board
honestly a waste of time and money
>paying for weed
>smoking weed when you have shit to do
There's your problem, desu.
cheaper than tylenol works better than tylenol, doesn't destroy digestive tract like tylenol.
It does the exact opposite...
If you have ADHD what you need is an stimulant, modaphinile or adderal
>t. ADHD fag
I like it. Couldn't give a single fuck what some bitter loser on Sup Forums thinks about it, most of the strictly anti-weed people i've met are also fearful and narrow minded guys who think like sheeples.
You are projecting your own failures on others pretty hard. Yes I was one of those who smoked weed 24/7 for a long time and yes the rock-bottom is forgiving as you say but I never blamed it on weed, it was my fault. I was "clean" for a few years and now I smoke as a reward few times a year and as I'm older and got my shit together I don't waste my time and life smoking all the time. It was my own immaturity that kept me smoking all the time.
I don't see how that degrades him, from all accounts they were all pretty smart dudes. why does your opinion dip if herb is involved?
>not understanding the difference between sativa and indica strains
it's shit
yea if you let it, you have to have discipline. keep it moderate. once or twice a week at most
I wish I hadn't developed COPD so I could smoke more desu (COPD is from tobacco)
I was being sarcastic, that is how most americans think when you bring up George washington growing weed.
>omg Washinton was a christian
>Christians don't do drugs mmk
Yes. Amphetamines are awesome.
Just googled it, didn't know about the sativa strain.
Maybe I will try it someday and see if it works
i started smoking weed when i was 23, and honestly it was fun to experiment with, but if youre smoking every day or even every other day you'll notice they it can fuck with your brain chemistry.
while constantly smoking it several times a day for months, youll enjoy not caring about your life, get really into a fuck, and space out for long periods of time.
it makes you worse at almost everything.
those who claim they see cognitive or performance increases only lack a true muse and true inspiration.
>tfw thinking about how the universe is held together by inseparable atoms after listening to neil tyson while high
>muh discipline
>muh moderation
see, i told you, these people are legit fucking stupid
what part of THC accumulating in your system you are in denial about
you'll keep it moderate once or twice a week at most until you will develop MDD all of a sudden
keep sapping your cognitive abilities my dude
You sound like a loser my man lmao
Hopefully it turns around. Weed or not
> u r a looser :^)