So Sup Forums 2 days ago I had this heated debate during dinner with my parents (try to stay neutral but feel bad for "refugees") and my brother who even helps refugees settling down here. My brother is someone who I used to look up to. There is quite a big difference in age between me and my brother (12 years) So I never knew him how he was when I was his age. But in the last few years he became very leftist while when Pim fortuyn got killed he went over there to pay his respects etc. So he really changed. My brother is atheist while my parents are christian and I personally don't know what I believe in probably agnostic. Anyway I gave harsh facts about Sweden (malmö), brazil and a few others. I also said a shithole like Poland (dutch people look down on poland a lot) has a better safety rating than the Netherlands or Sweden and that says quite something. My brother tried to laugh it off and even resorted to "So just because you got born here it gives you the right to be proud of this place" argument. He tried to laugh it off quite some times when I pointed out harsh facts. I think this is the leftism in him now. Anyway I am sure I made my parents really think about this. Eventually they wanted me to stop talking about this and I stayed serious the whole time during the discussion.
They said if I wanted to let them know what I think and want to show them I should make some presentation. I accepted the challenge and want to show some before and after pics and info of south-africa, how brazil is some shithole while it could have been some USA 2.0 and of course many things about Sweden especially recent things that happened when the media tried to cover it up.
Hope some of you can help me and let me redpill my parents so they vote PVV
fuck off cuck because of people like you Europe is shit
Jayden Diaz
you people are assholes to poles, I've seen it in person. enjoy becoming part of the caliphate while the poles fly home each weekend to their pure untainted homeland.
Josiah Robinson
>how brazil is some shithole while it could have been some USA 2.0 Due to the republican coup d'etat in 1889. I don't know good sources in English, but this short texts sums up about Dom Pedro II.
>It was politically stable, guaranteed freedom of speech, respected civil rights and had fast economic growth. Brazil was victorious in three international conflicts, as well as in international and domestic disputes.
I have seen it before. Will probably add it but I want to show them the hard truth with statistics first.
Logan Sanders
When discussing immigration with people who actually care about refugees, you should always use pragmatic arguments and never nationalistic ones. Not only is it more efficient, I personally genuinely believe in it.
It's impossible to take in all refugees in the world, there are too many of them and your country is too small. Everyone would agree with this unless they're super left. Tell them that you care about the refugees and that you want to help as many of the needing ones as much as possible, and to do that you need to prioritize. For every economic immigrant that the country receives, that's one less refugee that the country can take in. If your country receives 50,000 people who aren't fleeing their country for fear of their lives but because they simply want a better quality of life, then those people have essentially doomed 50,000 people who actually needed help to their deaths. From this standpoint, argue that extreme vetting of refugees isn't just some safety practice, but it would be immoral not to do it.
As for the actual number of refugees, you need to inform them of the actual magnitude of the refugee situation in the world. There are 50 million refugees in the world. Clearly, the Netherlands can't receive all of them. There are refugee camps in neighboring areas of war torn areas in the middle east, but those are desperately underfunded. The Swedish government is on its knees due to the refugee crisis. They had to decrease the amount that they give to UNHCR's absolutely vital refugee camps in order to finance the reception of refugees in Sweden. Helping a person in Sweden costs almost a thousand times more than helping someone at UNHCR's camps. Ask the people around if they think it's reasonable that receiving 10,000 more refugees to your country takes away food, shelter and medicine to 10 million people who need it the most.
Asher Collins
Thanks for the informative answer. I am not necessarily against Syrian refugees which are real refugees and should be send back when the nation is stable again. I am against all these "refugees" from nigeria, eritrea, afghanistan and albania. Which are the majority of the current "refugees" and they know that too.
Yeah I heard Sweden took in like 160k "refugees"
I really need some good statistics about Sweden if you have any please share them
Ryan Ross
Many of the statistics will be skewed. Most countries are now defining migrants as any citizens who are foreign born. Therefore the migrants that have been settled in that country for 40+ years is considered a migrant in the statistics.
Adam Peterson
>give me le red pills guise xD how bout no. as a rule of thumb, 90% of content of this board is ranging from grossly misleading to blatantly false. example: you cant even back your own opinions up when asked to. clearly youve just knelt down and swallowed all those salty "red pills"
fucking kys
David Anderson
Immigrants are not a real problem in our country, just the fact that you think it is, show how poorly informed you are. You know the funniest part? Wilders wife is also eastern europe, yet his party hates eastern Europeans.
Benjamin Sanchez
Ahmed please. You mad you don't get paid enough to shitpost? Cause that was a terrible pos
Non European immigrants or non western are a problem.
Wow so funny ha-ha you're a funny guy. So if my wife was British and my family hates brits it would be funny? hahahaha slechte humor man
Noah Lopez
Kill yourselves, have the mental capacity to look into the future where you will be a minority in your own country, and Europe will never be the peaceful, free society it once was.
Adam Morales
Hurrrrrrr durrr islam wil take over europe
Andrew Nelson
You're bad at this.
Charles Butler
Western europe deserves to burn I hope you are going to get lynched
Ryan Perry
Haha, I know right? Average birthrate of seven can never turn the demographics around, haha. Haha, two million of young males migrated into Germany in one year, haha, can you imagine the diversity and strength if they chose any other smaller or poorer country as their destination, haha?