Red pill me on dinosaurs. Did they even exist?
Red pill me on dinosaurs. Did they even exist?
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Yes but we don't really know what they looked like.
The devil put them here on earth
No they were birds and lizards no larger than today. Water got into the bones and expanded them and that's why fossils are shadows int he rock and not real meat and tissue.
>be a kid
>learn that there used to be giant lizards roaming the earth
>some are bipedal and had teeth the size of bananas
>some as big as a 5-story building
>now learn they're all feathered faggots, basically just giant birds
lol fuck science
Yes, but they had feathers.
Lots and lots of feathers.
Fuck your Jurassic Park dinosaurs.
your car runs on dinosaur blood
What he said. Every picture of a dinosaur you have seen is a best guess based on current animals.
The Trex could have been pink with glowing blue circles (like a modern octopus) and purple feathers around its neck for all we know
Has a whole skeleton ever been found? I hear they get a little bone and then guess the rest of the dinosaur. There has never been a entire dino skelly recovered from the earth. If that's the case, this would lead me to believe that this is a massive coverup
Of course they existed you mongoloid.
What you think "duh debil" put their fossilized remains there?
They walked with man
Does this animal have "feathers" ?
The Jews buried a bunch of Bones then claimed they were millions of years old through (((carbon dating)))
They were large chickens
here's some dinosaurs.
simply untrue
imagine this, but 10 feet tall and very hungry.
that was dinosaurs. the dinos in jurassic park were like that because he was dumb and mixed the genes with reptile and amphibian genes rather than avian genes. at least thats my headcannon
Lizards are hardly related to dinosaurs. Paleontologists mostly refer to birds, which ARE dinosaurs, and crocodiles, which share a common ancestor with them, when they can't tell something from bones alone.
No, but they've found some that are 95%+ complete.
They can also piece together complete skeletons by finding multiple partial skeletons of the same species.
You tell me
Modern birds are the direct descendants of dinosaurs
>year of our lord 2017
>he still believes dinosaurs were closer relatives to lizards and not birds
what year do you research your sources? 1950?
>he thinks Iguanas are descendants of dinosaurs
This is what the long line of dinosaurs lead to, there's no denying it.
Crocodiles/Alligators are the only other animals alive today that are truly connected to dinosaurs.
I wish they still did
I want to hunt real life dinosaurs.
What if humans evolved from dinosaurs?
chicken > reptile
no they were that big because the oxygen content of the air back then was 10x what it is today, making everything huge including plants
mandela effect in full force
at least crocodiles don't have feathers
The shrink-wrap thing with illustrations is also a problem. Animals have lots of cartilage and fat and such that doesn't get preserved in fossils.
Thats a good one
>tfw you have bird flapping its wings in your stomach while it slowly digests
Oxygen levels in the mesazoic era were equal or lower than what they are today. Dinosaurs became big guys because of a biological arms race (as in, one dinosaur became a big guy, and to compete, another dinosaur became a big guy, and eventually everyone became a big guy).
> (You)
>What you think "duh debil" put their fossilized remains there?
What the fuck are you talking about?
pretty sure if you ate a live rat or bird it would claw its way through your stomach
pelican died soon after
>Kill all whales
>some million years later monitor lizards evolve back into Mosasaurus
That's because they evolved and didn't need feathers because they spent so much of their time in the water.
Birds on the other hand, stayed on land, and in the air. So they needed their feathers to stay warm.
Also, crocodiles could have shared an ancestor with the underwater dinosaurs. Who knows. I don't, because I don't study dinosaurs.
Fuckin mammals
Do those birds eat snakes? It looks like they had the snake tied with a string so it couldn't escape.
Pretty shitty thing to do, but not so bad if it's the bird's food.
And last but not least
>but they had feathers.
Some in the later periods had feathers. Most didnt
>lets go taunt the birb with sword fingers and see what happens
he got disemboweled didn't he
avckchyually while dinosaurs where evolving into huge it was higher
Its a fake snake, the string is for moving it around
Wait I forgot one
What about that girl who ate a mouse on live leak? Did she died?
Fossils were put in the ground by God to test your faith.
We wuz Dinos
from kings to tendies
if you buy from pet store its claws are clipped
Pretty much it.
Your assumption about crocodiles and aligators are right, there's probably a lost link between the two, or, if my memory don't fail me, they ARE the lost link, as they're primitive as fuck on their own.
A dinosaur wouldn't behave much diferently from a crocodile.
That's jews
>graphs shows oxygen levels throughout the mesazoic era having lower levels than today
And regardless, the "oxygen = size" rule only applies to invertebrates. It's why bugs were huge in the Carboniferous and Permian periods.
That doesn't explain their size. Eventually they would grow too big and the smaller, more efficient hunters would outperform the bigger ones.
There must have been something fundamentally different about the composition of the biosphere.
If they existed then why did we only discover fossils starting in 1824?
(((Pure coincidence))) that we never discovered them for millenia then all of a sudden we find over 2,100 complete sets of dinasaur bones. That's not even counting the millions of bones that belong to incomplete sets.
Not everywhere is like Australia m8
The mouse would suffocate pretty quick. Although it would be really fucking stupid because they claw and bite. But whatever.
Yes, there are over 2,000 complete sets.
You can buy dinosaur bones on ebay. Look it up. Also, real viking swords.
>how does evolution work
the period before spured the increase in size, they didnt magically become fucking huge straight away it happened over millions of years.
in regards to your other comment dinaric alps is home to the tallest humans due to oxygen levels
Oh fug i loved dinosaurs when i was young
I can stay hours on wiki checking Trias Jura Kreda or other periods of earths history and lurk for different beings.
Whem i realize some roided lizards ruled earth for 256 million years i get mental boner.
Don't you learn in school that God put the bones there to test your faith? Geez...
The jews probably put them there actually to undermine the self importance of humans.
No.It's important for the shadow jew agenda that you believe they did though.
you can buy real anime swords, sephiroth sword, squalls gun blade, pretty much every fantasy blade is done. contact these guys and ask for a commisioned work of whatever you want.
That... explains everything.
we did discover them, but people thought they were dragon and/or demon bones or the bones of mythological creatures.
Ancient people found fossils but thought they were the bones of dragons.
I didn't mean "everyone's a big guy" literally, there were still plenty of smaller dinosaurs and other animals alongside the huge ones.
The Permian period ended with the largest extinction in history and any particularly large animal was killed off. From there, archosaurs diversified and eventually gave rise to dinosaurs, which didn't became huge until the Jurassic period. By that point, oxygen levels had remained low for at least 50 million years. Oxygen had jackshit to do with their size.
being bigger means you have less enemies that pose a threat to you. It has to be sustainable though. If you're a starving giant it would've been better to be more vulnerable and live.
So, they get bigger as long as the resources allow for it. When they don't they die out.
no it didnt. all the extinction events are on the graph.
Shut it down, the goyim knows
Then that graph is retarded.
>ThePermian–Triassic(P–Tr)extinction event, colloquially known as theGreat Dying,[2]theEnd Permianor theGreat Permian Extinction,[3][4]occurred about 252Ma(million years) ago,[5]forming the boundary between thePermianandTriassicgeologic periods, as well as thePaleozoicandMesozoiceras. It is theEarth's most severe knownextinction event, with up to 96% of allmarinespecies[6][7]and 70% ofterrestrialvertebratespecies becomingextinct.
Sweet Jesus, I fucked up that copy and paste, but you get the idea.
you have your time periods all wrong
just look at the graph, its title and the caption idiot
this shit is basic knowledge
Yeah but it's kind of like deleting a file from your hard drive. The file might be gone from sight but it's still in there and can be accessed.
not rly
your file system will mark the blocks in the mft bitmap as free and override them first basically ( on ntfs ) , on fat even faster. or u just override with null bytes to perma delete.
Read the fucking sticky before posting again faggot. I hope you get banned.
No, beasts have existed and some may still exist but they were nothing like what we are told at school, Earth isn't 4 billion years old and Evolution is complete bullshit.
Yeah a lot of them still exist underground. Deep underground. And they have lots of eggs.
How the hell do I have my time periods wrong? I read every inch of your graph and it doesn't prove shit.
fking birdo
are you really trying to debunk a textbook graph with wikipedia. i dont even.
Triceratops dynasty was best dynasty
Look up "Permian extinction" and I guarantee you every single source will say the same thing.
I can't see a fucking T-Rex having feathers, or a Brachiosaurus having them ether, it's complete bollocks.
i dont even know what you are arguing. the rise in oxygen levels from the devonian period to the permian period spured the size increase which reached its apex at the start of the triasic period, dino already existed at the start of the triasic period, before oxygen level decreased resulting in extinction events.