Why are you still a cucktholic?

Why are you still a cucktholic?

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is there such a thing as impeaching the pope?
im seeing him as a traitor to the church so far with his statements

Because Francis isn't the real Pope, Benedict is. You can't have two Popes at the same time, and resignations from the papacy made under duress or in error are canonically invalid.

Technically? Yes.
Practically? Almost impossible, unless he resignes.
> t. Catholic
Pro-tip: You are required to pray for the Pope, but you are not required to agree with anything he says. He is still human, thus imperfect.

I'm leaning more towards Evangelical Christianity now, I want to emulate Pence in this regard.

user suggests `better to be jewish than hypocritical Catholic`

>you are not required to agree with anything he says
What is Papal Infallibility then?

Why do you care your eastern orthodox anyways you have your own pope.

Read the article.

>Believing headlines about Christian religious figures

Limited entirely to Ex Cathedra speaking. Which the Pope has done precisely none of. At least read your own link before you embarrass yourself like that.


But most American Catholics are abortion supporting hypocrites.

I'm a baptist though.

Because My Country fought for Years to Mantain a Catholic Identity.
Not all of us subscribe to the vatican ii idealogy you know.
And franciscans are literally masonic insiders.

Can confirm. Still don't support the death penalty though.

>t. American Catholic




so, he didn't say that?

He's right.

To be precisely Ex Cathedra was invoked only once in the 4th century and it is the dogma of the trinity.

Of course it is? Is this shocking? Christians should agree with him.

If you don't believe in God, you can't be blamed for breaking the rules.

>not being Orthodox

Come home Christian man.


Because we are white brothers in Christ

where did you get this? looks like buzzfeed

>Better to be a hypocrite.
>Than be a hypocrite.

Ever since the church was infilitrated apparitions of the Virgin Mary have been happening everywhere.

THe catholic chruch is not the vatican. It's the holy spirit.

That's all.

Join russia bitch.

>"There are many Catholics who are like this and they cause scandal," he said. "How many times have we all heard people say 'if that person is a Catholic, it is better to be an atheist'."

I wonder (((who))) wrote the headline.

He should be an atheist then.


Francis is an antipope.

(((They))) removed Benedict because he was way too redpilled and installed a Marxist cuckboy in his place to brainwash Christians around the world.
Do you think it was just a (((coincidence))) he was the first pope to resign in over 800 years?

I don't really care though. Francis is probably the best thing to happen to Christianity in a long time.
It's finally starting to wake millions of people up that the ideals of Christianity are cucked and fucking stupid.

The Pope doesn't even believe in Catholicism though.

Catholics molest more children than Islam. Facts. Fuck the Christians and fuck the Catholics. All religion is beta-human scum, anti-knowledge, fact refuting trash for non-critical thinkers. Yes you atheists that took philosophy and realize religion is a valid theory are wrong. It is not a valid theory you simply unable to accept we have no solution yet. requiring a starting point for your theory in your first fault. Wrong.

How long until Francis says

>You're not a true Christian if you don't let refugees fuck your wife

Benedict was complicit in acts of child molestation.

You're an idiot.


>"But they have gone through such hardships; it is Christ-like to let them experience the pleasure your wife's cunt can give them."
Soon. Fuck the pope

They're all child molesting scum.

But Benedict probably refused to go along with globalist shit, so they had to bounce him.

Probably found some picture of him in a Nazi uniform in the 40s and threatened to publish it if he didn't resign.

That's more likely what happened.

The Pope is the Anti-Christ.

>Rather not say


What is your opinion on pope Francis? I see you post often on such threads, i don't know if you're also the.man who post copypasta btfoing proddies

He's an idiot. He's making the same mistake that a lot of movements are making lately. They think that their future is in the more centrist younger university crowds. It's not. Much like video games developers shoehorning politics into their games, they're attempting to appease a vocal minority but that vocal minority will never actually buy their games anyway.

Francis is doing the same thing. Instead of steering deeper into the traditionalism that's rising all over the world and will 100% bring more followers to the religion, he's trying to appease the non-religious with his words. They all say "Yay Pope Francis is a liberal too!" but then they don't convert because they still fucking HATE Christianity. So all Francis ends up doing is alienating the traditionalists that he already has in the Church for nothing. He thinks appeasing the liberals will bring them in, but it only succeeds in driving traditionalists out.

And he thinks this, why?

The only way is if he is blinded by liberal ideology. He's replaced God with Liberalism.

He thinks it for the same reason everyone else does. When someone shouts the loudest, you think they're the biggest in the room. He's trying to grow the Church by attracting the youth, but he's trying to attract the liberal youth instead of the traditionalist youth because that's the widest net to cast. It's a foolish move, but I understand it. It's like the female Ghostbusters reboot. You know exactly why they thought it was a good idea. It just wasn't a good idea.

The Catholic Church is, was and ever shall be the Whore of Babylon. At least this pope admits it.

This, just so much of this. There are many Atheists out there who might not personally believe in creationism, yet can see religions place within society (as a support for moral/conservative lifestyles, which help successful and long lasting societies grow).

Pope Francis seems to be a little crazy to be honest. I think they need to revert back to a rational conservative Pope. One who isn't going to kneel before Islam and Muslims.

>Expecting an american to read

Francis is a literal demoncuck

America invented reading you mother bitch faggot. You are leaf nigger who deserve ass kicking. Oh I also fuck you mother in ass, faggot cock sucker leaf queer.

Have you watched the young pope? Heresy on faith and priesthood aside, it was a pretty neat show

I agree with you anyway, i'm interested in catholicism but won't even consider getting baptized as long as Francis reimain the pope.