I want to believe
I feel like ive missed something
Pretty close, but not quite. Try again.
Plus, it can't be posted on Sup Forums, faggot. Upload to imgur or something.
You don't even know how much.
Please give me an exhilarating education on the matter
you did. a shitty forced meme.
A quick rundown, so to speak?
Ayy quick rundown?
You'really ignoring the distraction planned by them to cover up something else being posted soon. It's like the gold/blue dress and damn daniel thing when Obamer and friends were passing Internet bills and things
they deleted the archive and shut down Sup Forums to kill that meme. that meme must be nuclear
Could you at least tell me what happened?
So, if i understand correctly, an "alien" took a selfie and instead of posting it on, say, Twitter or Instagram, he/she/xe posted in on Sup Forums.
Makes sense.
>someone posts an alien pic that looked kind of like OP's pic
>people ignore it because "muh fake"
>picture gets deleted
>Sup Forums gets shut down for some time
>shitload of posts and images are deleted
>they're not in the archives
>some people claim they've saved it but it disappeared from their hard drive
>even those that still claim to have it can't upload because Sup Forums blocks it
>someone got some data from the picture and there were coordinates to some military base in Arizona
>picture looked like it could've been taken in Arizona (there are trees like that in Arizona)
>threads getting 404'd all the time
>what the fuck is happening
Mook deleted the image servers he added to make more money and messed up. Posting images went down for 6 or so hours, buts its happened before(not as long though). And now election tourists are role playing with /x/.
Knowing his practices he was probably paid to do so the stuff being posted is probably half right(outsiders being involved)
There must be some important threads going around. The shills are sliding with this bullshit.
Here are the coordinates
well. for one. The photo was said to be from arizona. Thats a joshua tree. They can inhabit parts of the sonoran desert. However I dont remember many around phoenix. They are more common on the southern california side.
hey guys, look, I love those "epic happenings" too. but this isn't one of them.
Say, wouldn't you guys rather talk about something else? Maybe about interracial porn or what one of those dumb femiN*ZIS said on twitter?
Yess, that sounds much better than this stupid /x/ thread wouldn't you agree?
What does this mean?
Well, there are the CNN leaks as well. Just observe both topics.
>ayy lmaos/genetically engineered people posting selfies on pol
this place is becoming crazy
>Saw the corrupted version of the ayylmao
>Hover over it to enlarge it
>Leaves weird white lines on Sup Forums
>They're gone now
Pretty spoopy.
something is defiantly going on
Can someone actually tell me what's special about OPs pic?
yes believe
>someone got some data from the picture and there were coordinates to some military base in Arizona
but 4chen removes all exif data if the image is uploaded outside of /p/
>out of focus AND motion blur
Are aliens retarded or something?
Is this anything like it?
4 fucks sake guys, what if this ayylmao did. Like what if he is sentient, and knew we were the only people that could help him
No, fucking, way.
Praise be to you, ma´lord
YES, something like this.
Wait a second, someone posted a similar pic but all in red. I have it on my tablet, will post it after it loads.
wew lad
Huh. This really caused an array of electrical signals to propagate along a series of axons, causing a release of a chemical neurotransmitter into the synapses.
Praise my lord
It would be nice of Moot2.0/Hiroshima would just tell us wtf happened and be done with all this bullshit.
what the fu-
Ive noticed people posting and talking about sites like GLP and lunatic outpost. I guess its not just an influx of redditors but people from other sites as well. Fortunately none of the hippy fags from ATS are here they would be mortified and I dont want to be responsible for someones death.
Keep on missing it bong...nothing to see here but wasted time with Sup Forums-tier bullshit and forced memes
saw another version of this claiming it looked like this. probably the disinfo department already has done it's job or it's just a ruse. why would people have corrupted files? that makes no sense, just post the original
Does no one seriously have the "undoctored" version?
Needs scales and a crying MiB wojak behind
Thank you for the happenings Kek. Please use your meme magic to let us siple plebs see the picture again.
The thread got immediately deleted and all traces of it and then Sup Forums went down for some hours and the only thing we've got are a corrupted version found in the temp files.
Or so the story goes, this is a pretty fun LARP but mods are acting weird and deleting threads on Sup Forums and /x/ about it.
Ayy lmao waifus when?
This is so fucking stupid
You know guys. I'm starting to warmp up to this LARP.
I would if I had it. I wasn't online when it happened and arrived an hour late or so.
A real shame. I'm quite a believer (maybe even too much), so I'd save everything that looked even slightly like the real thing.
>that post
If that's true then it would seem that the days of Fenjamin Bischbein aren't over...they're still here trying to slide Podesta threads and the fact that one of the Rothschilds started signaling his being out of the group. There's much more going on then shitty alien stories.
That's all I could do right now.
You guys take it from here.
Neither the ayy nor the tree look like what we posted.
I'm not a shill, I believe in Pizzagate and I'm interested in the CNN leaks as well. In fact I recommend you all check them out as well, just don't forget about the alien.
Why do I always miss the good shit?
aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh what is this?
im trying...i need power though
What did he mean by this?
here's my unconfirmed rundown of ayylamos:
>draco (reptilians) are currently involved in this planet because they have secret treaties with the global elites
>they give us technology while we probably give them human cargo and carte blance to conduct experiments
>they're highly telepathic
>part of their deal with the elites is that they DO NOT want us plebs to know that they exist
it seems suspect that a draco would upload a selfie on Sup Forums.... someone posted it who wanted us to see it. i was on here around that time and some shill was trying to get everyone to launch a twitter campaign, i.e., get off Sup Forums.
i don't think a draco posted it.
don't know about this places, but it makes somehow sense
i don't believe the cache fucks pictures up that way
Distraction Thread
An ayy, according to /x/
Praise great lord.
The Aryan nordic-looking aliens that are associated with hollow earth, antartic nazis, and futuristic nazi theories
They're supposed to be very tall, almost human, incredibly intelligent, beautiful, and possibly mankind (or just the whites) came from them.
Distracting from what?
bump for moar stupid lulz
qt ayy lmao waifu.
And don't worry, the effect isn't unique. Take any picture of a girl staring at the camera, distort her eyes and blur the image a little, and it will give you the same "tickling my brain" effect.
Just stop it there's never going to be an alien image dump with supernatural properties on Sup Forums. This is stupid and it's taking away from real shit happening in the world.
Allegedly the filename was a set of coordinates.
Ya, from what? I've been thinking the same thing and checking everything. There is literally fuck all going on right now. At best, everything is attempting to distract from this.
Where do you have these from, germanon? The one I posted was from another thread. Do you perhaps have the original or know someone who does?
they are with us, praise kek
Here you go me lord I got quads with this picture once
tu hiciste eso negrin?
In exactly 290 minutes from this post there will be an information drop with the original photo, Sup Forums will go down no longer than six minutes after the OP posts. Keep your eyes on the time from this post.
Stop posting movie pictures you shitty LARPer
This is the most stupid shit i've ever read, when *strange* pics like that are posted, i took a fast screencap before the ban.
>he thinks posting a fake image will make people stop questioning things even though the corrupted pic is already known well enough and is pretty different
More proof
Si compa.
oh shit
>these threads
Aliens are a deception; they are all fallen angels. We've had stories of lights in the sky since the beginning. In ww2 we had foo fighters and an operational formation was spotted of a plane where there were more planes in said formation than in existence.
praise him
Shills working overtime to make fake images of aliens looking left next to a tree
dunno, maybe it's just a downtime meme