My wife makes more than double what I do. It would be insanity for her to stay home, and the thought of daycare is pretty scary at this point.
What does po think about stay at home dads?
>What does po think about stay at home dads?
I don't know, why don't you ask him?
The nazi hangout named /po/ is right next door.
Her making double what you make probably means she's going to cheat on you soon anyway.
Po's father, Mr. Ping, is kind of a stay at home dad.
Forgot Pic
You come on a multinational poetry and recipie website and share a failed American cartoon and expect people to laugh at your shit attempt at a joke. No wonder there's an entire ideology that wants us dead.
it's a great life, guzzling beer, fishing, exploring all day. Doing what I want and my wife still blows me when she comes home at night.
it's fucking elite
Real talk: it's very tiring, even with one kid. Eventually you train and train yourself until you become used to it.
How much does you wife make and why can't you make that much?
>My wife makes more than double what I do
I hope you feel great shame. And there's nothing wrong with being a stay at home dad, as long as you don't treat it like being a housewife. It just means you find a job you can work at from home and on a flexible schedule so that you can take care of kids as well.
Because the worst possible thing you can do is be a "housewife" man. No matter how progressive people pretend to be, they will always, always think less of you. Your wife will think less of you, and be more willing to cheat on you. And worst of all, you will think less of yourself. You don't want that kind of depression eating into your life.
I thought it was a movie.
Ping is a single dad who works his ass off but manages to spend enough time with his son and even works with him in their family business. Mr. Ping deserves a medal.
This. Ping is underappreciated.
>this edge
I legitimately can't tell if this is b8 or not but if you wanna go and have serious, on topic discussions at all times of the day then please go back to /r/thedonald and stay there
If it makes sense financially go for it, but you need to kill it in every other part of your life. You need to do everything you can to increase your value. If you're just some stay at home shlub she will resent you and find someone better.
I do it. Daycare is expensive and it's important to spend as much time with the wee little man as possible to ensure that those 700 neurons which go every minute get as much stimulation as possible. Besides, I pick up and bring my wife to work everyday and I can do my work anytime.
Listen man, I've had enough of being told to go back to the donald. I've been there. It's nothing but shit posting. I come to politics to have informed discussion. But if you want to call me edgy and present no argument, I will accept your surrender
Best thing that could ever happen to a kid. Dad tends to be a much better teacher for kids, especially when it comes to practical skills that are sorely lacking these days.
Not sure if I just cringed or pitied.
*grabs finger*
There's just no way a woman is going to respect a man for playing peek a boo in his PJs all day and cooking macaroni. Unless he's slinging top shelf dick she's gonna realize a nanny would cost less than his pathetic ass, and she wouldn't have to jerk off in the car on the way home anymore.
>everything is an argument
I think it's good that it's getting more accepted. While most men and women naturally fall into their respective roles, there are always exceptions. Look at the guys over at /r9k/. They're hysterical, scared of everything, scared of people, and they usually have shit jobs or no jobs. It's very cruel to expect them to fulfil the role as a real man. Most of these guys would be much happier being house husbands and having a slightly older wife/gf who takes care of all the adults stuff.
That's an inaccurate picture of a stay-at-home dad. Reality should be the man in his underwear watching TV with a beer while the child is in another room, covered in spaghetti and attempting to drag a pair of scissors off of a table.
Tried it, wanted to an hero from boredom.
Does that mean you could cuck her in a divorce if you wanted to?
My sister work as hair stylist and her boss is getting pretty sweets bucks so when she and her husband got baby he was home and she(the boss) worked, to top it all he demanded a nanny and the priviledge to choose her. He choosed 20yo fucking hot brunette. Now 2 years later he lives with nanny, my sisters boss is on mental pills and my sisters sides haven't returned from orbit to this day.
homedads ftw
Can you acquire that easilly in feminist Sweden? or are your women only interested in Abdul and Tyrone?
What the fuck are you saying Jagr?
>to top it all he demanded a nanny and the priviledge to choose her.
She must be pretty fucking stupid. No woman in her right mind would let that happen.
Stefan Molyneux is a stay at home dad. He just manages to increase his value in other ways. Simply calling him a cuck is, dare I say it, not an argument.
Inevitable divorce.
It's only possible if you have a high tolerance for boredom.
if they arent breastfeeding anymore, sure why not. gl tho, kids are crazy. everyday is a game of *daddy how much do you love me im going to try and kill myself throughout the house!*
Fucking kek
Fucking kek
she works? theres a 1/6 chance that shes fucking her boss.
roll the dice each times she gets a new job, if you hit your number then you have to fuck a neighbourhood stay at home mom.
you cant argue with mathematics
cuck a doodle doo!
Fucking screen capped.....see u on r/Sup Forums
real men work, you lose your edge and become beta if you stay at home or work a cuck job. you need to be a role model for your son. if you stay at homdont be surprised when he stays at home 420 blazing it. lead by example.
>being this much of a cuck that you ever even have to think your woman is cheating on you
If daycare is more expensive than what you make in one year, you need to off yourself
Rotten Tomatoes adjustment index:
Subtract 50% if the movie features minorities.
Subtract 20% if the movie contains leftist themes.
Came up with this after 10 minutes of watching Tangerine which contained nothing but trannies yelling random stuff at eachother shot on an iphone. It got a 95% on RT.
its not soo much being a cuck but a more and more likely scenario
hell alot of military guys I wouldnt dare call cucks but they get cheated on constantly
majority of women just cant be trusted
When you divorce, you will not be able to find a job.
women who would rather have someone they dont know watch their child than the actual father are degenerate scum bags.
yeh its called being realistic.
if you just assume everyone is going to let you down, nobody can ever hurt you.
why would anything good ever happen?
always prepare yourself for the worst case scenario mentally, at worst your prepared, at best you are pleasantly surprised.
>Sister's boss is blonde bimbo
>Managed to get husband and made baby with him
>As hairsalon owner she earns more so he stays home with baby
>He demands a nanny to help him with the baby
>Chooses 20yo hot as fuck girl as nanny
>2 years
>Ex-husband lives with 22yo hot girl
>Bimbo boss is on heavy anti-depressants
>He has the baby as she's mentally unable to care for child as the court said
>My sister still laughs to this day as that bitch boss ranted for few year how he listen to her as puppy and is pretty much cucked, that is the main reason she allowed that young girl being a nanny, she had so much confidence in his cuckery she didn't care at all
Btw I prefer Pepik
I guess you have to pick them carefully.
My gf will never cheat on me for fear of me leaving her (and because shes in love af), even if I cheat on her. I guess it depends where you live also.
Every fucking second spent with my father was a living fucking nightmare. Thankfully, he was an alpha earner who didn't give a shit about me.
If he was a stay at home dad I would have turned queer.
>im going to try and kill myself throughout the house!
Women, in general, want someone who is doing better than they are. Its why career women get so depressed; successful men just get hot trophy wives.
>t. The_donald
>daycare is pretty scary at this point.
Then send him/her to cram school
If you do it you have to have sharp game and be in excellent shape and have sidestream income.
NEVER let her see you doing woman's work. Ever. Do it while she is gone. It will diminish you in her eyes if she sees you doing it.
Basically being a stay at home dad will make you less of a man in her eyes so you need to compensate by being in good shape and doing your own thing moneywise.
Marrying the queen doesn't make you the king- Patrice O'Neal.
a truly self-sacrificing woman knows that a man is superior in teaching (the) children core values and would gladly work in order to support the family for the greater good
such women do not exists these days
if such women still existed, they would be too good for the modern man
>It would be insanity for her to stay home
>unironically choosing money over family values
I also assume youre both the kind of people who spend their money ie you got a mortgage and except to be in debt for the next 10-20 years. People like that don't need money
The fact that you typed this out makes me feel so bad for you. Jesus get off the Internet.
If you feel the need for validation, especially from Sup Forums, it's obvious you are insecure about staying home.
Which is natural, men are providers, women are caretakers.
I have a 4 year old son, I've been a stay at home Dad since he was born. Shit fucking sucks not because I don't enjoy it but because of feeling like a failed man, and because I don't like seeing my wife stressed out. But no way to switch roles, she is making more than I could anywhere.
Play to your strengths. If your role in your family is to take care of the house and the family needs, then so be it. Eventually your child will be grown enough and then you can pursue career options again.
your kids will probably end up successful, if not a little angry because of the lack of traditional mothering.
I've been one for 7 years...AMA
Nice deflection desu
I will expand.
Don't be a lazy slob. I ran daily 4 days a week with my kids and the Bob stroller 4 miles.
Be active stay busy, came home clean up on to the next gig.
Cook dinner, clean do laundry. Wife has 0 worries and comes home to spend time with kids that's it no extra stuff.
Never once sat and played video games who the fuck does that.
this. she sees high earning alpha males all day , she lusts for their cock and comes home double dissapointed when she see's your numale self.
Stay at home dads? More like stay at home fags
>caring whether a woman respects you
Fucking hell lads, what dream are you chasing?
The only way to get a woman to truly, deep down respect you, is if you don't respect her. Respecting a woman is the only way for her to decide to disrespect you.
Don't you get it yet?
This thought can creep into your head. But when you are fully satisfied in your relationship there's no time to think about or lust elsewhere.
Make sure you are giving he all the attention she needs. When she in return is fucking and blowing you multiple times a week ....
that's all that is, a silly thought.
Was the third movie any good?
It's what you make of it. 2 happy fulfilled kids....wife goes and slays it and is happy as can be in career, and personal life.
It's not for everyone but can work.
Fucking kill yourself; your children are going to be nu-male cucks and you're going to be part of the reason that the future of society is fucked
May as well kill yourself so at least your children grow up with some edge; would do them more good than having your faggoty ass around
careful not to cut yourself on that edge holy fucking shit
Something I hate about being a stay at home Dad is that everything is gynocentric. Homeschool groups. Midday park trips. Library storytimes. Everything. Stay at home Dads have to deal with being a wolf among sheep, only the sheep have claws and sharp teeth. It is never comfortable. And Dadgroups are fucking gay, for lack of a better description. My son and I just spend our days screwing around hiking in the woods or having bonfires or whatever. I can't get down the typically female methods of homeschool and childcare.
I did it for 6 months between graduation and starting the Police academy. Got on /fit/, lost 60lbs, built back up with muscle, took some classes online in casev grad school became a more viable option.
Loved it. Love my daughter. That said, you need to CRUSH it in every other aspect of your life if you're not working. I even had an evening job as a handgun instructor so I could bring in some cash.
Better than being a NEET virgin like most of Sup Forums
It makes logical sense. She will steadily lose respect for you as a man though. As her growing resentment becomes more and more transparent you yourself will become increasingly ashamed of yourself. You won't be able to argue back really due to your position and so you'll become steadily meeker and effeminate. Eventually she'll be disgusted even looking at you and angry that she bred with such a waste of man. She will, of course, forget the logical reasonable discussions you had at the start of this journey and attribute it to you being a failure. One day she'll be particularly upset and averse to going home to her "man" who spent all day cleaning and preparing food for her that she'll instead go out for a few drinks to catch up with an ex, start cheating on you and eventually divorce you taking full custody of the kids because she's a woman AND the only one with earning potential.
tl:dr: You'd both be happier in the roles you're biologically inclined towards although if you both want to have jobs that might work. Completely swapping roles is a death sentence because she won't respect you and a woman respecting her husband on some level is mandatory for a relationship to work.
I will say this , I'm now doing $1500 to $2k a month driving uber/lyft Friday and Sat nights only.
I'm moving on after 7 yrs once daughter starts K full time I will get a flexible job.
It goes quick.
As long as women can get away with adultery and hypergamy, it's not a good idea to stay at home while your wife fucks her boss while "working late".
>his self-worth comes from being a wagecuck
Just remember this . As a SAHD most guys are secretly envying that we have a woman who is slaying it in the workplace while they slave away.... not seeing their kids.
Like I said these guys posting here are silly.
Do what's best for "your" family and "your" situation. Some of these women I see don't even get out of their PJ's to drop their kids off at school... these guys have to come home to those slobs.
Take care of yourself, be in good shape since you have time it will rub off on your wife. Life will be good and family will be happy.
In this game of life, there are no rules, no status quo live for yourself and your family.
That's the point, pansy nu-male fruitcake fuckface
Are you noticeably more attractive than your wife?
I'd say no.... although driving plenty of women have flat out hit on me and come on to me so that's a good boost :)
Wife is beautiful, I always get people commenting that. She is a natural beauty, I overachieved.
My best friend became a stay at home dad for the first 15 years of the marriage.
He was an air national guard pilot, with goals of being a commercial carrier pilot.
But, he married a girl in med school. She became a doctor and her residency made him working more than part time impossible. Travel for several days was absolutely impossible.
As time went on, she made good money, but as an OBGYN (pussy and babies), her schedule is insane, and she gets called in at all hours for deliveries.
Now, as they both hit 40, she is going to drop down to 9-5 pussy work (no more deliveries), and he was just hired by Delta.
Honestly, he's a great Dad, but he has secretly admitted that being relegated to mr mom was kind of invalidating, and watching other Air Force buddies get promoted and move on to high paying air line jobs has been a hard pill to swallow, and he's glad he can resume his plan.
FWIW his kids are great kids, he is a crossfitbro and pretty swole, and has done a lot of volunteer work for the area, and made awesome connections.
Cool, good luck man.
Just end your shallow worthless pathetic and poor life you vapid Godless dipshit.
She will whore herself to some guy who isnt stay home faggot and makes more than her
>That pick
He's doing it wrong.
I'm a stay at home mom. I made more than my husband, but quit because working, being a mom, and keeping up with the house was making me a terrible mom. I had no patience. I was miserable and I hated my job. Being a SAHM (stay at home Mom) is a thankless job at times, but I'm so glad I'm doing it. I'm not saying you shouldn't do it, but I think it would be better all around if your wife took the plunge. Women are more in tune with their child's needs, and if she breast feeds, it's much easier for a SAHM—not to mention the health, bonding, and comforting benefits as well as the money saved over formula.
Choosing to stay at home was rough at first. We were lucky to have some outside financial support, but I continued to pay my own bills and do some of the shopping by working freelance jobs, selling used clothing online, and other odd jobs. You could try cloth diapers too. They are a pain, but you'll save a ton on diapers.
I feel like role reversal in families and moms working outside the home has led to this SJW infection. The Mom is the nurturer and the dad is the provider. I think it's a crucial balance—yin and yang.
I now work full time at home which is nice, but holy shit is it a thankless job. Try to reason with your wife about being the caretaker but also help her out around the house. Just managing a kid alone is exhausting, but those little shits are messy too. Show lots of appreciation and suport, and she won't regret her decision to stay at home.
Also- Trust the audience scores, ignore the critics.
Woman posts on Sup Forums. Thread instantly dies!
My bad.
Jesus women are solipsistic.
The world doesn't revolve around you, bitch
>My wife makes more than double what I do. It would be insanity for her to stay home, and the thought of daycare is pretty scary at this point.
Stay home mate, you can divorce her later and get some of that sweet alimony money.
It was a joke pertaining to the fact that there are few women on here.
Grow a sense of humor ... or at least leave your basement enough to realize women aren't all vapid whores.
>Chooses 20yo hot as fuck girl as nanny
>2 years
>Ex-husband lives with 22yo hot girl
>Bimbo boss is on heavy anti-depressants
>>My sister still laughs to this day as that bitch boss ranted for few year how he listen to her as puppy and is pretty much cucked, that is the main reason she allowed that young girl being a nanny, she had so much confidence in his cuckery she didn't care at all
>she allowed that young girl being a nanny, she had so much confidence in his cuckery she didn't care at all
Kek, playing the long cuck con