Tim Pool just arrived in Sweden to investigate the alleged violence going on by immigrants and he is already receiving threats on his social media.
Other urls found in this thread:
>You may well have mercy over yourselves and rob him
What kind of marble-mouthed weirdo speak is that?
Is there a periscope? Or, has the Swedish government made those illegal?
Individuals or groups who are "Fair Game" are judged to be a threat to the Church and, according to the policy, can be punished and harassed using any and all means possible.
>If anyone tries to expose how cucked we are, we will resort to
If only they were so quick acting to muzzies
He says that if someone sees him they should 'show him some compassion and rob him'
Boy o boy you losers are going to look stupid when he spends the whole time there and gets nothing but respect from the supposed "immigrant hordes."
Yeah but:
>Have mercy over yourselves
I can't even ascribe meaning to that phrase.
I'd happily spend the last moments of my life strangling a swede.
desu average joe can gallivant into these 'no-go zones' without getting shanked
If you're in uniform or got a camera however....
Screencapping this for a future Sup Forums YLYL thread, thanks retard
So it was a shitty translation. Thanks Sven.
swedes really need to go
thank you shlomo
yes that is a common fantasy
I mean it's google translate
>taking an obvious b8
stop shitting this board pls
Swedes are literal niggers
bing translate
Weak b8 m8.
Anyone got links to bookies taking exotic bets?
I've got $100 that says this poor cunt gets raped in the next week.
nothing will happen because there isn't a huge problem in malmo...Laughing my ass off at all these morons thinking it's a warzone
>"LETS GO ROB HIM" >:(((
Man you are just shilling in every thread today huh?
haven't posted other than this today, you're pretty paranoid
>42 posts by this ID
Norway seems so based lol. What the FUCK happened to your neighbor; why is only 1/3 of Scand cucked?
I'm sure it's a translation thing
What makes you take this stance that "there isn't a huge problem in malmo"?
just going there isn't dangerous. its living there that sucks.
Yeah I got that, but given it's source, at 1st I thought who knows?
his anglo mudblood
Bahaha newfag exposed
>Sweden has big enough of an army to take control of a few blocks
Fake news
Malmo is just where he arrived, he'll be all over Sweden then eventually he'll tour Europe looking for dirty immigrants causing trouble.
it would be pretty funny if she was raped
The people who must not be named don't want him exposing the Cheap Labor racket that is mass immigration.
Those who must not be named get all the money while whites get all the guilt, forced integration and crime.
It's a good deal. For (((them.)))
>reestablishing law and order
>not razing the area and its inhabitants
Hello my 60% whitefriend
high muslim/immigrant population isn't equivalent to no go lawless warzones. That's not to say there aren't issues but the problem seems over exaggerated by right wing outlets. There might be higher crime rates there but the odds of this guy getting assaulted or whatever is still low, over the course of a few days
it's not difficult Sup Forums - the guy is saying 'do Tim Pool a favour and rob him'
... the implication being, 'there's no trouble here, but this Pool fella needs the work so help him out'
As a Swedish-Nubian Princess I hope this racist gets out as fast as possible.
Everything on this racist website is FAKE NEWS. Things in Sweden are great!
I'm going to fuck my Swedish boyfriend now - to protest against racism! We are one race - it doesn't matter what racists say!
Isnt it like 20 000 men after you banned conscription?
how would he expose that? he'll just go there, nothing will probably happen and people will say look sweden is doing fine.
not really
But hes not a raycist.
What a sexy Twink
>Things in Sweden are great!
user... I
Watch out, if he wear a blond wig he will get raped.
How many grenade attacks have happened in the UK lately?
fatima din talibanbarbie. bara för att han har svenskt pass betyder det inte att han är svensk. nu ska jag gå och bajsa på koranen för att protestera mot negerbögar och turkluder.
yes really. fucking hilarious.
Who the fuck is named Tim in the current year? He looks like an enormous twat that would fit in just fine in Swedenistan
If this guy gets killed on day 2 on livestream from a arabic speaking mob, I think the oblivious politicians and MSM would have no other option than to admit they were wrong.
They won't, but it's fun to dream
It's just a translation thing, we don't say "have mercy" in Swedish, the etymology of our expression is completely different.
You're thinking of Finland, Tim's half gook.
As much as I hate shills, I have to agree with this idiot.
>Nothing but respect.
He's right.
But the only reason why is because if they see a cameraman, then they will act "nice".
So here's what Tim should do:
He should dress as a tranny, and go undercover.
Have his cameraman hide his camera.
Have Tim walk at night alone, with a purse, and watch what happens.
By the way, Liberals will NEVER believe it, so Tim will have to let himself be penetrated by the full tip before he exposes himself as a man.
God speed, TIM!
Ni svenska killar slutar vara rasistiska när...
I went to school in one of the "no go zones". I find it pretty hilarious that people on Sup Forums think that place is dangerous.
He has a white camerawomen, he doesnt need to dress up as a tranny to get some good footage.
Inte jättesexigt kompis. Dessutom är det förbjudet att posta såna där snuskigheter här.
So true.
So many lies on this website, but me and many others are going to correct that!
We are one race and should all love each other!
fan det där är en fin röv, men negerhuden förstör allt
are you retarded? they don't put on their good boy faces for the camera, if anything they'll rob the cameramen on tape
that reddit spacing.. fuck nu-Sup Forums
If you don't feel wrong fucking that you aren't white.
That shit looks like a horses pussy. Who would fuck that??
Anons isn't Tim Pool a faggot leftist? I remember him from the Ferguson riots, crying about the police shooting off tear gas and such.
They've got an exaggerated view of the situation. It's not like your gonna get shot on the way to the grocery store.
There a lot trouble in these areas however and I think it's good that they are getting some attention.
Do you guys eat Cow heads or something?
What meat do you get from that or is it all brain?
Hello my Muslim friend.
>Swedish-Nubian Princess
Racemixing is ok if the man does it
I'm not White.
Yeah right...
I love white ass... but damm source plz!
another reminder
>tfw I'm fucking a black girl and have been for years
Allah talar svenska
Tim will be uploading everyday with footage from that days investigations.
He should be uploading sometime today with footage from his first day.
good luck to him
absolut vidrigt
reminder that this is the journalist y'all are so exited about
>I'm not White.
We can tell.
Kek. Fucking idiots all of you.
This Hapa got red-pilled
det är ganska uppenbart att utan stigmatisering i ämnet så skulle olika människor klassas som olika underarter. klassningen av andra djurarter är väldigt strikt.
ps. dina hybridbarn blir säkert jättekonstiga.
Exactly. He will go there and "find out" that Sweden is ok and a harmonious multiracial society.
Hopefully he gets raped by a pack of niggers
nice proxy you have there faggot
who gives a fuck if he's anti-Trump, if he has any integrity he'll report what's going on
then we can watch the left eat him alive for it
Did you expect a more intelligent response from a sand nigger?
Periscopes are very much legal in Sweden.
What the fuck is wrong with you
>A white camerawoman.
Oh shit.
That's a huge mistake, we won't get any footage.
She's going to get raped! WTF.
I've met this dude, he is a gigantic piece of shit. He got fired from Vice because he fucking sucks ass and everybody hates him. He's basically a Sup Forums tard SJW who think's he's a digital Hemmingway but went to community college.
Fuck this douche.
He's taken a redpill recently, he just needs the ultimate redpill of getting robbed or killed in Sweden or somewhere in Europe to be on our side fully.
Sometimes it only causes hate! You have to look at the second and third consequences the "truth" can have.
De kommer vara jättevackra! Alla barn kommer vara mixade i framtiden.
>Not gonna get footage
Or going to get the best type of footage only viewable on liveleak
Oh shit....
So he is going to Sweden to DISPROVE Trump???
He's going to get ENRICHED first hand, and he will be /ourguy/ in the end!