The Trump administration's reversal of Obama-era protections that allowed transgender students in public schools to use bathrooms that correspond with their gender identity has angered civil rights groups.

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I would be happier with that pee in my mouth

how will this change anything in the first place? is this really such a big deal?

>has angered civil rights groups.

I want to impregnate her ass

Trannies already have a handicapped restroom that corresponds with their gender identity.

fucking burgers

yeah and? can't they just pretend they are entering a unisex or transgender restroom the same way they pretend to be the opposite sex?

where might one find the video of which this is a preview?
asking for research purposes obviously

I don't want some warped little kid confused by his psychotic mother to be wiggling his dick in front of my daughter

Mentally Handicapped is still a handicap.

Theres a bathroom for that

Also why are they acting like it's been banned or barred, the Feds simply aren't mandating it if your local school wants to allow it they can


Back to Sweden with you faggo bummins


>civil rights

Lol wtf?

Trying to get a little movement going here, are you Shlomo?
You guys thought you had the jew-harvest in the bag
and then along came Trump, President Trump
Transgenderism is a joke full of Soros-paid wankers
Soon as the Soros money runs out, the fake transgenders and the media which fosters this crap will vanish, thank God


Kill yourself mentally ill faggot ape

Kill yourself mentally ill freak


don't you have some fucking debts to pay

Source from faggotery cuck central CNN: cnn.com/2017/02/23/health/transgender-bathrooms-trump-q-and-a/


Kek you greeks love you sum chicks witg dix dont lie you shit skin

Good cause now I can suck her penis in a bathroom I can visit and assert my dominance to any males walking in on us. They need to BACK OFF BECAUSE SHE'S MINE

I am, I wouldnt want this thing in the same bathroom with my son, imagine the tramua

>third post best post

>you will never be a feminine passable trap
>you will never be forced to anxiously enter to the men's room
>you will never be mistaken for a woman and get sodomized repeatedly as you try to fumble your way out of the bathroom
for what reason do i exist

god that is so fuckign hot

very true

Fucking disgusting degenerate shit.

Anyone got source on that image/video. Asking for a degenerate friend.

>has angered civil rights groups
Who fucking cares, they're always angry.

>identity = facts
>affinity = liking
its "gender affinity" faggot

It's Maria Apagandolez a Mexican born undocumented citizen to the United States who gained fame and love throughout the porn world for her sexy body.

>It's Maria Apagandolez a Mexican born undocumented citizen to the United States who gained fame and love throughout the porn world for her sexy body.

>who gained fame and love throughout the porn world for her sexy body

>for her sexy body


Rope yourself to a garbage truck you fudge-stuffing kraut

Why the fuck do you know this shit
Fucking kys

Stop whining about Trump and attack your local state government, freak. This issue is a state issue and always has been.

First day on Sup Forums?

>making a problem of a no-problem
They deserve being triggered little shits for trying to normalize and justify mental illnesses.

Holy fucking shit. This is why postmodernists are so destructive to society. This is simply an issue of states' rights. Trump doesn't care about trannies, this isn't fucking Jim Crow.

The only individuals who will be affected by this law are non-passable trannies, i.e. freaks. No one is going to give any shit to a tranny who actually looks like the sex they are portraying.

to make Money and consume? lol