You know the drill.
Issues in your countries?
What is with Russian diaspora?
How does tax system work in your country?
Please don't post commercials for tourism.
Go to >>/biz/
You know the drill.
Issues in your countries?
What is with Russian diaspora?
How does tax system work in your country?
Please don't post commercials for tourism.
Go to >>/biz/
Other urls found in this thread:
Ok here we go:
>Issues in your countries?
See below.
>What is with Russian diaspora?
An annoying cancer that screeches about being russian, but doesnt want to leave.
>How does tax system work in your country?
It doesn't.
Drošības Policijas containment thread.
Paskaidro. man nav ne jausma kas ir drošības policija(zinu izklausos kā šill)
>drošības policija
>able of getting anything done
Yeah, pick one
Here. A bigger thread picture.
I take:
>Yeah, pick one
An excellent choice.
Izskaidro kas viņai(Drošības Policijai) vainas?
Biased and ineffective, that's what I think, don't know about the other guys
hates Muslims and Russians?
Somebody posted only a thumb of this previously.
Have a full size one.
>hates Muslims and Russians?
Doubt the latter, plebs like Lindermans, Aijo "Shabba" Beness and others get a freebie while some guys get nabbed for "hate speech" in some comment section of TVNET
To that guy who writes 'bye' instead of 'by' - pls stop you are embarrassing our people.
This looks better.
Aijo Beness and Linder(((mans))) are the OG shills of Latvia. i guess our politics are bought from kremlin. Did you hear about the latest Nils "Mans krievu prjaņiks" Uškovs went to Moscow?
Nope, doesn't he visit Moscow and meet Kremlin tied personas frequently though? Doesn't strike me as anything out of the ordinary though
Nice race mixing propaganda.
I always wondered why Latvian women like foreigners more?
>Aijo Beness
Šitais ņēģer-krievžīds man uzdzen tādas dusmas,
ka pilnīgi gribās kautko salauzt.
Using our ancestors symbols like this should be a crime.
They want some rapefugees inside of them cause no one else wants to..
Thats basicaly is all, except some drone footage of their place, i know about them.
And why da fuck i am writing this in english. Nevienu nelatvieti tas tik un tā nepiš.
why do people from butthurt belt have fetish for cleaning toilettes in london and berlin?
Dzimis Rēzeknē,bet uzvedas sliktāk nekā Čiulys. cerams ka viņš nāks pie prāta kad Kremlinieki viņu nošaus.
At least you can spot these people mile away
20ā minūte. Nekas nav mainījies.
Abandon thread?
Spēriens, kur visi palika?
Yes, we are irrelevant.
Visiem pie kājas, otra vieta ir balt Sup Forums, bet par nelaimi man nav autisms
Neviena nav...
Kurš gan negrib kļūt par sievieti?
Nekad nēeju uz turieni. Man toties ir Autisms.
no time for chatting shit lads. altough i found who financed the mosque in riga.. anyone interested in helping me with this?
Kaut kad sen apskatīju Sup Forums, tā bija pirmā un pēdējā reize.
Soros I bet.
Twitera karš dod info. mans Gimps ir gatavs memēm.
>the one leader of islamic community Latvia has turns out to have ties to ISIS
Can't make this shit up lads
nope, some tatar muslim. also interesting to see that the mosque got support from islamic development centre
will post the name one sec
Zinu pilnīga pakaļā.Narkomāni un pilnīgi sviestaini bērni,protams,šeit ir autimsms un hitlers,bet tomēr šeit man patīk labāk.
kāda vaina autismam?
Pārāk iedziļinās detaļās.
financier of the mosque and development of islam in riga - Zufar Zaynullin (on the right)
got this info from another user who was saying thats his uncle.. seemed legit
>ywn be a soldier stationed in the Baltics and dicking Baltic qts every weekend
viss tas labais slēpjas detaļās.. domā pizzageits varētu pacelties ja mēs šeit nebūtu?
Iedod bildes ar viņu.
Kaut ko sacepšu.
Es nesaku ka tas ir slikti, viņiem ir sava vieta.
Bet ar pārlieku uzmanību detaļām tiek pazaudēta kopbilde.
Ir dirsā!!!!
Kāpēc bastoji angļu valodas nodarbības?
Stop fighting it, embrace it, you know we had no chance in the first place, yust give pick related to superior african seed.
es nezinu cik legit tas info ir par to zufaru, bet pabrowsojot liekas, ka anons teica taisnību
man liekas, ka tieši lielā bilde kļuva redzema, kad tik iets dziļi - simbolismā utt.. tur tas suns aprakts kā saka
Sasper mani zibens...
I didn't skip them.I just can't be arsed to use English at this point this thread is LV circlejerk so...
Your fucking soldiers are acting like animals here.
Sava taisnība tur ir.
Bet vispārējo kopbildi nedrīkst pazaudēt.
Autisti parasti to viegli pazaudē.
varat pievienoties discordam ja ir vēlme pretoties pret jobano islamu. zuffara radinieks arī tur, stāstija kā zuffaram bijusi kkāda plumbing firma, palīdzējis lv 90tajos par brīvību, bet tad valdība atņēmusi daļas. kkas tāds
kopbilde ir tāda, ka ir international child sex trafficking rings, pedofīliju mēģina normalizēt, sātanisms/saturna pielugšana ir īsta
Eh. Nav vēlēšanās.
Iečeko savus ciparus!
Do you acknowledge that Russia could invade baltics using the "protecting muh oppressed russian minority" meme like they did in Ukraine?
This is why you never let russians immigrate to your country. Esspecially if you are bordering Russia.
tfw more woman then men and still cant get a gf.
1.) What the fuck am I looking at?
2.) What happened to the continuous 24-hour livestream from Riga24?
Have a nice day, gentlemen.
Paga tulīt būs meme nr.1
(nav gimpā normāla š)
Tas jau sen ir zināms.
Tagad kad Bannons is baltajā namā, šitais sāks nākt gaismā pavisam drīz.
>What happened to the continuous 24-hour livestream from Riga24?
should be still up, don't know why you'd be watching it though
We're in NATO, that's pretty much the only thing why
>Latvijas muslimiem
>Jūs vara sūtīt
Un jūs te smejaties par kļūdām angļu valodā.
That is a National-Bolshevik Russian nigger (Nigor).
He is a terrorist fighting in Donbass.
Dares call himself Latvian.
Letiņu meymeyu mastermainds, salud
mainstreamā tas vel vispār nav iegājies.. lēnam..:)
1st Estonian ITT
Paskaties uz Milo. Bannons viņu speciāli atlaida.
Tagad leftistiem ir jāazīst tā visa esamību.
Riteņi jau sāk griezties.
sup horse heads?
dont forget 6 toes
Israel doesn't believe in "liberalism". They are a militant quasi-theocratic corprotocracy.
Sāciet kaut ko paintā arī taisīt
ready for a rundown of an ancient legend?
Stop sending all your leftists over here Latvia