>He doesn't strive to reach peak physical perfection
If you don't lift you cannot be considered redpilled. This is undisputable
He doesn't strive to reach peak physical perfection
I'm sure the other gay men at your gym are really impressed.
Homosex behaviour.
Your arms shouldn't be larger than your thighs
>he skips leg day
Correct and checked
gotta pic a zone if youre on a budget, ramen cant build arms AND quads
that neck lel
>Doesn't work legs
Take your opinion and yell it into a trash can op
This, OP is a failure
>no leg day
Holy fuck, OP, enjoy your 40 year lifespan. I hope you're doing some cardio too.
>he can't run a marathon
You bring shame on your ancestors.
Pick one
>those traps
judging from the MASSIVE insecurity permeating every inch of that photo, I'm going to conclude you are AT MOST 5 foot 9.
HAHA pathetic curl bro faggot. Where the fuck are your traps? You have the neck of a 12 year old boy. Under-developed back, chicken legs, also a manlet. Just kys desu
Lifting the iron jew puts too much strain on my body. I am 1.4 m and 85kg. I don't need fucking disgusting looking muscles weighing me down and destroying my frame.
Physical activity boosts testosterone which leads to red pill thinking.
However bodybuilding is for mirror gazong faggots. Gotta keep it functional- Strongman, crossfit, mma, sport related etc.
Disproportionate as fuck. There's nothing physically perfect about a curlbro. Work on your fucking torso and legs you dummy.
Manlet detection meter is going off the scales
they're not weak, but into terms of strength, they're still pretty low in the ranks
Every time
WTF is your routine? Bench press, lat pulls and curls 5x a week?
>1.4 m
Germany are allowing pygmy refugees now?
Lay off the curls.
Stronger then some skinnyfat nerd eating doritos on the couch
>weak core
fuck off curlbro
That basement's ceiling is way too low for him to be anything more than 5'5"
I can't argue with OP's logic even if he is a faggot.
>play games
>casually contact women
>bust my ass
this nigga srs?