This is a beach in Russia

Notice anything?

Looks fucking cold and depressing.

> slavs cannot swim.
Whats your point ?

Yeah that it's not a beach but a dried up lake.

there's an alien on the top left corner?

There aren't any bodies washing up on it.

>not so fast Brazil


>Notice anything?
It looks just like the typical 'beach' in Northern Ontario, 10/10 would freeze with

Thats a shoal not a beach...beaches have sand not rocks

There's no sand. There's no sun. What the fuck kind of beach is that? Are you sure that's not just a cesspool next to a landfill?

>thats a shoal not a beach
>thats a shoah not a beach

It's a literal beach in Vladivostok or something sad like that

Sand is a dwindling resource. Beach sand is a valuable component of concrete. Hundreds of acres are disappearing yearly– sometimes "mysteriously".

>Hundreds of acres are disappearing yearly– sometimes "mysteriously".
Digits confirm jewish plot to secretly ship all the sand in the world to Israel, they can never get enough until the they corner the lucrative beach market

Looks like India.

First of that beach needs more sand.

>Notice anything?
"You must say beautiful sugar-white sands and breathtaking girls. Or you die slowly"
--Vladimir Putin

No gay people?

Lack of niggers unlike your shit hole 3rd world country

yeah, looks like that one beach in africa where everyone shits or urinates at because they don't have public latrines.

They must have banned chinks from entering

A sage

The beach at Eilat was like that too. Not enough tidal action so it was just fucking rocks. Shittiest beach ever.

>Going to a beach in Russiastan
Literally why
Come to Florida, here we have the world's best beaches and we aren't a totalitarian communist shithole

>Come to Florida, here we have the world's best beaches and we aren't a totalitarian communist shithole

No you don't, your beaches are literal trash.
Not dirty, just shitty beaches.

>Come to Florida,

Not even once

> they will still say thet slavs > arabs

stay the fuck outta florida, theres nothing to see there. just stop talking about it

Am I just not seeing this properly is somebody actually want to go naked in that shitty weather

>Awfull landscape
>No sunlight
S.America might be a shithole but at least we have good weather.
I don't know how all the slavs live without thinking of suicide all the time

Sand is all the fuck we have here.


Shitty waves.... Beaches are far superior to Pacific.
Fucking rocks all over the place.

>I don't know how all the slavs live without thinking of suicide all the time

They do.

Yes I have been there.

This pretty typical of the Atlantic beaches.
Gulf side has some nice ones, but I like the east side.

>that apartment block in the background

God, what is it with Russia and fucking apartment blocks - it's like their only architecture of the modern age. How fucking depressing, even North Korea looks happy and full of life than Russia.

Imagine how cold that water must have been. Who would go to a "beach" with that kind of weather?

I unironically like it

This one is great.

They're not little bitches. When I first moved to Hong Kong from Canada, I'd go to the beach in January. People thought I was crazy. I thought the water was fine.

I never went naked though. I'm Canadian, not Russian.

>nappiest niggers in the nation

Don't worry bud, we'll stay far away

Are you expecting for beaches in russia to be tropical and beautiful or something, you want better looking than look at Crimea

Nigger the last time I went to one of your monkey-ass beaches I had to wear fucking timberlands because all you faggots with AIDS leave fucking needles on the sand after you're done injecting heroin mixed with bananas

And don't get me started with the trannies leaving condoms all over the place, fucking disgusting

>hundreds of acres a year
So we'll have to worry around 500 million years from now?

Plastic bags left by gopniks? That's bad. Still a lot of cleaner than shit Brazil.

No need to create road network and all that infrastructure. Just build commie block, sell it, move money to London and buy there big house. Putin's way.

No sand! only fucking rocks! I can't put the towel there, and where's the Bar and the nigga selling cold drinks, fucking hue that's not a beach that's other thing, the fuck is that, Ukraine?

LMAO where the fuck did you go and when?

I'm pretty sure you went to Florianopolis and that only means you are a degenerate.

Then please, do tell me why sand from Sarasota is bought and shipped all over the fucking world huehue

Stay mad Texas

looks like shit tbqh desu

No you haven't
Your beaches are Miami tier

No, they are not fucking kike

> rocks
> trash
> piss & shit
> freezing cold radioactive water
> ugly naked people


I live on a real beach

> commiefornia tho

Fuck you not in my city.

Is this Baikal? I went there once - literally mostly naked Russians sunbathing in 50 F. A bunch of drunk Russians I couldn't understand insisted I finish their bottle of whiskey, strip to my skivvies & jump in the lake with them.

20 percent of the world's freshwater and clean enough to drink from.