If you live in a first world country you have no right to be depressed

if you live in a first world country you have no right to be depressed

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But Finland is a second world country, right? Just like all the other countries that were under Soviet communist rule for decades.


I genuinely feel this way all the time, I'm highly depressed and then I feel even worse because I imagine my soul must seem pretty worthless to God when I'm such a cowardly, selfish, spoiled little brat.

>implying that depression isnt a chemical imbalance or cause by trauma to the brain.


You see my monkey friend, we have it so easy here that we make up problems and opression and shit to make our boring lives better. This is why 1st world countries are filled with nu males and cucks.

Hue Hue

Material possessions are irrelevant. My depression comes from the fact that no amount of money, resources or any other factor will change the fact that we're all completely irrelevant. That alone is worth the depression I have. Stop looking at things from such a small perspective.

All of us would have died in some war in a very brutal way in the old tiems.
I wish I was in those times, rather than living a life that I shouldn't be living

>t. cucks

That's kind of up to the brain to decide and the circumstances of each individual in individual circumstances.

There are probably plenty of third world people that are much happier compared to many first world people due to community bonding and having a role in their society.

I want to fuck that Wojak

the less intelligent you are, the less likely you are to be depressed.


its two decades pre- students dept....

i will not be able to have a deposite before im 50 years old

first world cuntry ya

fuck off

Actually those less fortunate seem much happier and less worrisome.

Right? Don't get me wrong. I'm so grateful to be safe but being a sheep consumer of America aka the reformed Roman Empire/Whore of Babylon while millions of people around the world live literal hell lives makes me feel like life is pretty meaningless. This bullshit where we work and buy things and go do little activities to pass the time is a waste, life will never be as meaningful or fulfilling as it could have been.

Yes, how dare certain brains be chemically imbalanced

>not being depressed that you have the terrible misfortune of living in England

Pseudo-intellectual bullshit.

I don't think Finland ever was communist, mate.

but it dont make sense otherwise
depression is the sickness of the 1st world
third world has ebola and war and shiet
second world must be somewhere in between, having both i guess

Do I count 1st world?

You can live for a £1 a month, I need at minimum £1400 to survive. Then throw in people with unemployment. Throw in failed students in education. Unfair dismissals from employment leading to no one considering your employment, which means you're forced to endure hard physical labour jobs while your peers and family work effortlessly and make 3x as much as you for 100x less the effort. Fucking stupid Brazilian niggers.

>tfw surrounded by drunk eskimos, not a single white in sight
>live in a freezing shithole of 300 people with literally nothing except a convenience store
>internet's bad
>mother's dying of cancer and can't fly out to the city to see her
>spend 12 hours a day shitposting on Sup Forums
>brazilian tells me i can't be depressed because i live in a first world country

that's right after they killed off the white farmers

things haven't gone so well since

Do I count as a 1st world country?

>Pseudo-intellectual bullshit.
A scientific fact

First world=jewish slave

Firstworld is shitworld

But at least people you know don't die everyday and you probably don't have to worry about having enough to eat or dying a painful early death or running out of water.

>Pseudo-intellectual bullshit.

So is that what you faggots are calling facts now.

First world has the luxury of being depressed about the futility of existence.

America isn't a first world country, but I guess I should have hope that President Trump will turn that around. What 1st world countries are even still around? The Netherlands? Switzerland? Everywhere else is filled with mud-people and/or Muslims.


Don't fall for magazine researches made with 20 people...


Ah so that's what importing Islam is all about. Well, that should make for some real problems down the line.

ignorance is bliss

t. master baiter

Most men lead lives of quiet desperation, like Thoreau said.

That's the thing about living in the first world, you actually do have rights

I would have no excuse if the area i live in wasn't enriched by the third world

But I don't know what color iPhone to get my cat.

woah, it's as if your feelings and emotions were based on chemical processes in the physical reality
who would've guessed

Maybe before the average IQ plummeted. I see very little desperation from the unsophisticated and incurious. Only impulsivity and unawareness.

1 post by OP - sage in all fields, sliding CNN footage

It is. News companies need something new and refreshing to fill air time, things like rapes, enrichment and so on

The more intelligent you are, the more you have free time to navel gaze and self-pity, which poor people don't have time to do.

at least other problems don't hit as hard because you have some self-agency.

the chemical imbalance is the end result of a lack of discipline and a lack of taking responsibility for your own mental hygiene.

subject yourself to degenerate media and constant marketing schemes and you're going to fuck your neurons up.

2nd world is God tier
Lots of problems, always something to do and shit tons of good looking women
God i love Croatia

the probability is actually, roughly, your IQ divided by EQ

Or perhaps those people lack capacity for higher awareness whatsoever.
Perhaps this poverty is a direct consequence of their lack of sophistication, understanding, and planning?

I do if Jews run the country and we're surrounded by 55 million niggers.

and the fewer people you can have an intelligent conversation with...

Stop telling me how to feel

is that the local version of the Drake Equation?

if you live in first world you have rights

if you dont you do not have rights

>Kill off the white farmers
>>Da white man left as with nathing!
>Recieve food from other whites
Classic africa.

>it'z simply a chemical imbalance go yim
>buy dese drug they'll fix it
The chemical imbalance meme has been debunked so many times. Only a small percent of people are depressed for neurological reasons

that realization only makes it worse

daily reminder that if you're depressed you have no right to call yourself redpilled
trying to fix the world before fixing yourself is a recipe for a disaster
sort yourself out

Are you talking about Finlandization or just shitposting?

By your reasoning, nobody in the first world should have the right to be angry about things, either. Why would you be angry when you're living better than all those in the third world? Ungrateful. Illegitimate.

Being working class and having no friends or family is shit though

>third world country
>no rights
>tries to tell me what my rights are in my first world country

top kek. i absolutely have the right to be depressed, it's codified in our Constitution, huecuck

>if you live in a first world country you have no right to be depressed

Logically, I felt this way this morning...
>tfw you are still depressed

You faggots in the 3rd world are idiots. You think we live in somekind of paradise but fail to realize that we have to work 40+ hours a day for that and not act like monkeys. At the same time progressives destroy our lands and get in more and more of you subhumans to bother us. And then there is cultural marxism and mostly retarded women. Fuck off Brazil monkey. Fuck the fuck off.

just jerked off to that wojack

>tfw you're actually not depressed but you don't go out any youre not social with anyone
not sure if i am actually autistic or just enjoying time i spend alone

daily reminder that diabetes is all in your head.

fuck insulin, and glucose, and ketones and sheeit.

It's sick shit like this that makes me depressed


Who takes the time to make shit like this? Seriously. sigh

If you aren't mildly depressed or cynical you really don't know what is going on in the world to begin with. I do agree with Jordan Peterson that you need to fix yourself before you can fix elements outside of your own being. I don't think he was saying that you should be some happy go lucky chucklefuck.

Look at Peterson himself. There is no way he is skipping around whistling. I think with intellect there will always be a slight gloom in your outlook. The point I think Peterson is making is not allowing this to consume you.

It's probably negative impulse reduction.

Depression only exists in first world countries.

That's simple minded. If you took a third worlder and transplanted him into a first world society, over time he would become accustomed and be subject to the same social and financial pressures, just on a larger scale. Wealth is not happiness.

if you're a monkey you have no right to host a world cup

>negative impulse reduction
Care to elaborate on the term briefly? Or a quick tl;dr?

Depression is probably more dependent on your position in your local society than luxury. You don't have to feel the same stress though. Those in a war region twink at every shake or sound. Those who suffer from starvation have the constant "fear" of starving. That kind of thing is absent, but if you get no recognition then you'll still be depressed.

That's pretty much correct. You live somewhere with very little problems, have everything handed over to you on a silver platter. Things you take for granted are not standard in much of the world. Why should you be angry about anything?

are you an asskimo yourself?
If no; why are you still there?

>Why should you be angry about anything?
we're human too, you filthy baboon

>>tfw you're actually not depressed but you don't go out any youre not social with anyone
>not sure if i am actually autistic or just enjoying time i spend alone
I spend too much time alone
>have friends
>have hobbies
>work out
>have autistic gf
>logically I am probably autistic
>normies freak me out with their fake happiness
>optimism shrouded in nihilism

>Why should you be angry about anything?
Imagine seeing your lovely country that your ancestors worked and fought to make get ruined by packs of niggers in just a few decades


If you have the internet you aren't allowed to be retarded.

I'm talking to everyone here

>have autistic gf
How is it? Never tried. Better than cheating normie whores?

holy shit nigger

You mean a statistical research with a sample of 20? 20 people doing the actual research would be a mess.

we don't take anything for granted, our ancestors made the world we live in from the sweat of their brow, and we are continually taking it to the next level. you dogs should be happy to receive the crumbs that fall from your master's table.

it's a bit depressing that you are so ingrateful and destructive.

As I thought the term might imply.

Makes sense. When the world goes mad, the sane goes hermit.

nice try huespic

You are retarded and dont know how depression works.
It happens pretty much exclusively in first world countries.
You dont get depressed when you live in a shithole where you have to work hard or fight for your survival.

You're right.

>Depression is probably more dependent on your position in your local society than luxury. You don't have to feel the same stress though. Those in a war region twink at every shake or sound. Those who suffer from starvation have the constant "fear" of starving. That kind of thing is absent, but if you get no recognition then you'll still be depressed.
Yeah, I want to create something. I don't just want to live to consume, fuck and shit. It's not about being noticed. Working out helps me out a lot.


if you live in a second world county you have no right to be depressed

>if you live in a first world country you have no right to be depressed
Being genocided is not really fun

1 post by this ID


>>have autistic gf
>How is it? Never tried. Better than cheating normie whores?
I did the normie thing for years. They are all really stupid and vapid. I met a wealthy autistic girl who is cute. Is it better than fucking a lot of normies? It's about the same on an emotional level for me. However, it's safer in the sense that i don't have to worry about catching herpes.

You are not 1st world, you are allowed to be depressed. Now go kill each other, that's all balkanites are good at.

You have a lovely country and yet you act like spoiled, entitled brats complaining about everything. This is precisely why progressives/jews/elites hate your guts and flood your country with niggers. They judged that you do not deserve the lovely life you are lucky to have, and will do everything in their power to take it away from you.

Miguel, you will never know what it feels like to have immense expectations put upon you then not live up to them

You're right, the comment wasn't very generalised. It's all those "needs" higher up on the pyramid.