damn... how will the alt right ever recover?
2 alt right leaders proven to be pedos in a few days
Other urls found in this thread:
How are autistic lefties turning the pedo naritive against the right?
Is it because the right actually cares about abused children but the left only cares about power?
Yeah, right, next thing you'll tell me is that anita is fucking leader of new NSDAP
Is sargon a pedo as well?
They wont.
Anyone that is a self declared alti-right is alright a ultra degenerate
What's going on with him now?
What happen to Scrotum of Mossad then? where's the proofs m8?
>Alt Right
Neck yourself
first it was nazi
now is pedo
what's the next buzzword they'll throw?
No, we all just fell for OP's clickbait thumbnail
Sargon is not alt right either, he calls himself left wing
>How will the alt lite ever recover?
We have leaders?
Yeah, he is supportive of fags, kikes and other degenerates all night long, that's why I don't get what OP is going on about
neck yerself, bruv
>Anyone that is a self declared alti-right is alright a ultra degenerate
Neither Milo or Cuckad called themselves alt-right
He's an ANCAP, which is part of the alt-right.
you are a fucking idiot, dms can be easily faked. Also the video evidence very obviously shows the troll switch tabs. Plus sargon is a classical liberal, and milo is more of a libertarian, not alt right
Did Sargon diddle his wife's daughter?
Remember back when it meant something when someone was named a racist? It was horrifying for anyone to be named a racist. That was your life in the public eye over. And then, people stopped caring, because the phrase had been so legitimized that it may never recover. And the left has realized this so they've decided that they just need to hit even lower. So now, the entirety of the right will be called pedophiles and everyone will believe them, because pedophilia is such a horrible thing that no one would ever lie about it, right?
Alinskyism dictates that you accuse your enemies of your own misdeeds, before they have a chance to expose you
i.e., the left is trying to run a narrative about "pedos of the alt-right" because so many Democrats, friends of Democrats, and celebrities are sick fucking child rapists like Podesta
we have their names though, this narrative is set to backfire and you will see our response in 2 week's time
What's your position on Bill Maher and Sulu OP?
I know Sarcuck calls himself a classic liberal but what about Milo?
Sargon has always claimed to be a moderate leftist
Are you shitting me?
We make fun of ancaps all the time, the alt right is authoritarian you retard
the only thing sargon diddles is babby dinos al you need to do to know that is join his faggy ark server
It's the same way they accuse people on the right of being gay even though they celebrate homosexuality.
Also this.
Not gonna lie, former grand wizard of the Alt-Right here, it's fucking hilarious watching Sargon crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the weaponized memes.
He actually put out the video moments ago. They blocked his Twitter, turns out someone did false account and asked for child porn, then send it to Twitter.
The left is reeeeeeally pissing me off with their labels - first it was racistsexistmisogynist (always use all three - important) then KKK, then altright, then russian spies, then nazis, and now we are at the pedos. Although I think they drop the pedo shit quickly, because the amount of skeleton in the closet regarding pedos on the left is hillariously huge.
How is Sargon a pedo now?
Twitter admins can easily check DMs. The real reason why he got banned is because he was in the list of problematic "alt-right figureheads". It was just a matter of time.
Why make one of those if you can't spell simple worlds like "until"?
A fake screenshot appeared a few hours ago where he's supposedely asking in DM for child porn (which of course he would ask with his actual account, right...)
And Twitter banned him; we're not sure if it's the reason.
All of this is fucking brilliant though - the left will no longer be able to harbor pedos. All these articles normalizing pedophilia will stop appearing. It's 4D chess, and we sacrificed a pawn to perform a strategic maneuver.
It was probably for those edgy Pinochet memes.
What happened to this youtuber, tell us
Is there a full list?
Loneliness makes you pedophil.
It's outdated, many have been banned since.
This; just gotta shine the light on their failings. Everything they project must be highlighted in them.
Final redpill. Everyone is secretly pedos, we just let our super-ego dominate enough that we don't even consider it.
The rest are small accounts with less than 1000 followers, 800 in the ban list.
Salon have deleted many of their most blatant pedo apologist articles, in standard THE GOYIM KNOW SHUT IT DOWN fashion. This Jew York Times one is still up:
Guess (((who))) decides who belongs in these ban lists?
It's funny because the right is the only group of people who actually care about kids and try to stop pedos. The left loves to throw the word pedo around just to obtain more power and shut down people.
Just look at all the actual pedos getting caught. All left wing cunts.
Why is Sargon here? Did Sargon touch little boy peens?
To be fair, I'd rather have pedophiles be open about it and get treatment rather than not seek help and get nicked for molesting a kid.
Incidentally, the author of that is "Margo Kaplan" who is of course a filthy kike.
These are the comments that everybody is talking about.
Milo: “This is a controversial point of view I accept. We get hung up on this kind of child abuse stuff to the point where we’re heavily policing even relationships between consenting adults, you know grad students and professors at universities.”
The men in the joint video interview then discuss Milo’s experience at age 14.
Another man says: “The whole consent thing for me. It’s not this black and white thing that people try to paint it. Are there some 13-year-olds out there capable of giving informed consent to have sex with an adult, probably…”
The man says, “The reason these age of consent laws exist is because we have to set some kind of a barometer here, we’ve got to pick some kind of an age…”
Milo: “The law is probably about right, that’s probably roughly the right age. I think it’s probably about okay, but there are certainly people who are capable of giving consent at a younger age, I certainly consider myself to be one of them, people who are sexually active younger. I think it particularly happens in the gay world by the way. In many cases actually those relationships with older men…This is one reason I hate the left. This stupid one size fits all policing of culture. (People speak over each other). This sort of arbitrary and oppressive idea of consent, which totally destroys you know understanding that many of us have. The complexities and subtleties and complicated nature of many relationships. You know, people are messy and complex. In the homosexual world particularly. Some of those relationships between younger boys and older men, the sort of coming of age relationships, the relationships in which those older men help those young boys to discover who they are, and give them security and safety and provide them with love and a reliable and sort of a rock where they can’t speak to their parents. Some of those relationships are the most -”
It sounds like Catholic priest molestation to me, another man says, interrupting Milo.
Milo: “And you know what, I’m grateful for Father Michael. I wouldn’t give nearly such good head if it wasn’t for him.”
Other people talk. Oh my God, I can’t handle it, one man says. The next thing in line is going to be pedophilia…says another man.
Milo: “You’re misunderstanding what pedophilia means. Pedophilia is not a sexual attraction to somebody 13-years-old who is sexually mature. Pedophilia is attraction to children who have not reached puberty. Pedophilia is attraction to people who don’t have functioning sex organs yet. Who have not gone through puberty. Who are too young to be able (unclear and cut off by others)…That’s not what we are talking about. You don’t understand what pedophilia is if you are saying I’m defending it because I’m certainly not.”
Another man said, “You are advocating for cross generational relationships here, can we be honest about that?”
Milo: “Yeah, I don’t mind admitting that. I think particularly in the gay world and outside the Catholic church, if that’s where some of you want to go with this, I think in the gay world, some of the most important, enriching and incredibly life affirming, important shaping relationships very often between younger boys and older men, they can be hugely positive experiences for those young boys. They can even save those young boys, from desolation, from suicide (people talk over each other)… providing they’re consensual.”
The plan is to ride the Pedophile narrative and push the right into a corner where they will have to take a stand against it, meanwhile many politicians have been blackmailed and have their dirt hanging over their head, by taking a public stance knowing that dirt is out there they become puppets.
close. the goal of the left is to normalize pedophilia. (((they))) have realized that they accidentally normalized racism by tying it to the alt right who won anyway.
fucking 4d chess man. bernie will be president.
If you normalize pedophilia then pedos will not seek treatment, it will be viewed as just another 'character quirk'. You have to draw a clear line between what is acceptable/tolerable and what is wrong, otherwise you'll allow the problem to get out of hand.
That's the fun part, every time the left throws shit at the right, the shit boomerangs around the right and flies right back at the left. Yeah, some on the right get a little shit on them but the left takes it full in the face, then screams "WE DINDU NUFFIN!"
>pretending alt right is a real thing
>pretending the nonexistent alt right is hitler
how much you getting paid?
What treatment, castration? I don't see many pedos lining up for that. If you read some of these articles that sympathize with them, it's clear that the only "treatment" they'll accept is access to children.
the only thing i learned from this milo controversy was that 99% of the population and 99% of journalists don't know the meaning of a particular noun
pic related
Hes a quadroon anyway
Anyone have a link to the full twitter to be banned list? Wanna see if I'm on it.
What I'm getting from this thread is that Sargon is every possible political ideology on earth. Make up your minds faggots.
you didn't see the video proving fakery? what a fag
Sounds like he was drunk and tried to rationalize being a victim of abuse.
Well he is fairly inconsistent, especially if he is about to lose a debate, he sheds ideologies like snake skins.
This is what happens when you're a sub-average intellect who is afraid to take any unpopular opinions that would hurt his ad revenue.
holy shit, how is this allowed
isn't this literally slander/libel or however you call that shit?
Or maybe you want him to fit yours?
Most of the Pedo defending articles I've read just reiterate that Molestation/Rape is the crime and that behavioral treatment for pedos should have more endorsement.
Is it really normalizing it?
Or are they talking about opening the routes for treatment of a mental disorder?
Do people here just hate Sargon because he doesn't go full Nazi-LARP?
Anglin is a pedo too.
Travels to SEAsian to have sex with the underages.
Yeah I'm sure you can just zap the pedo out of them like you can with gays.
Anarchocapitalism is proto feudalism, objectively it is the most based idealogy on pol
Salon article archive.
The line is too thin between accepting it and getting them to accept getting chemical castration. It has to be clear that it is fucking wrong.
They hate him because he is effective
That's one reason. The other would be that he doesn't agree with them on every single point, even though he makes plenty of good points that help to support most of their other arguments. Hugbox mentality
But this is extremely reasonable
>Most of the Pedo defending articles I've read just reiterate that Molestation/Rape is the crime
Right, but if you read between the lines what they're saying is that it's not "rape" if the kid wants it. It's a loophole to them. This was especially clear in the Todd Nickerson video salon put out, and even the shit that Milo was saying.
Why would twitter silence somebody who openly hates and mocks the alt-right?
Fucking this. Le enlightened centrist with no strong stances on anything.
He calls himself a faggot...
He said he doesn't consider himself alt-right, just reports fairly on them.
He's also anti-white-nationalist.
for you
I guess I have to agree with both of you to a certain extent.
Underappreciated post.
There's not enough proof that Sargon's a ped, this stuff is easily faked, spinosaurus proved that.
(Since this shit is so easy to fake, why did anyone believe anything about GG and anti-GG?)
Alt-right actually exists, it's just not applicable to Sup Forums as a whole. Very few people are actually alt-right, it's just a (((useful))) label the media gave us, and some fucking retards latched onto it
Milo is on the reverse not even the same. Sounds like he hasn't resolved being abused as a kid and was trying to rationalize it. Instead Todd is on the abuser side while he say he hasn't not acted on his desires (says him) and tries to justify his shit as "I can control myself pls stop saying I'm a monster"
Where's this from, do you have a source?
Look that Todd himself didn't even mention chemical castration in his "virtuous pedo" video. He isn't seeking treatment he is seeking approval. He is a hypocrite.
What's an "alt-right"?
Who fucking cares. As a liberal, I think people shouldn't be judged if they are a pedo or not, what has this place become?
I have seen them mostly at Twitter and YouTube than in here. It's hard to say if they are small or big.
>You will survive 8 years of Trump
lol, many of them WON'T because they're hysterical trainwrecks who are on the brink of suicide at the best of times. Trannies are particularly unstable, I expect a spike in An Heros following the school bathroom decision.
Those who don't die are having their lives shortened by being in a permanently triggered, stressed state. They are developing adrenal fatigue and permanently elevated cortisol, which has a devastating list of health consequences. Millenials especially will attempt to deal with this by doping themselves up with drink, illegal drugs and SSRIs which isn't exactly healthy either.
Even the ones saying they just want behavioral therapy are being disingenuous. How can you say you're born that way while also saying you can be talked out of it?
His twitter is up again