Why are Asian women so god-tier compared to white women?

Why are Asian women so god-tier compared to white women?

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And I though Northern Ireland should belong to Ireland.
I am woke now
Ireland under GB now

thats a man

silly potatonigger

They havent been tainted by inferior white genes.

That's a hapa women, and they belong to hapa men no race mixing allowed

>that thing

what is her height?

That's a Eurasian woman from Khazakstan

They are typically 20-30% Caucasoid

hapa = what asians sound like when attempting to say "half a"

there u have it, hapa (half a) woman

Race mixing is alright tho...

>no race-mixing allowed

But whites and Asians create such beautiful children.

can all white men just leave the planet with all the asian women, fucking seriously.

hapa is Hawaiian for half

because you are a hyperbeta weeb and could never ever get a white woman so have to settle for disgusting yellow trash.


spot the femanon



do they?

Operation #getMemoToTrump #memo4Trump #readTheMemo
MEMO: phibetaiota.net/2017/02/robert-steele-memorandum-for-the-president-warning-on-american-spring-riots-eight-actions-to-make-america-great-again/



Asian women are the best with Arab women coming in with a close second. Then of course it's Eastern European women and then disgusting Western European filth women

Why would anyone want a modern day white girl...

not even. white women have ruined
-the workplace
-the home
-all of civilisation
because muh vagina, all they do is fucking screech, get drunk and take dick, and fuck their boss for promotion. running corporations into the ground. they need to fuck off.

someone post blue uniform juicy thighs volleyball

I am starting to think this is a LEAF who is using a proxy to post



and they arent even fucking happy while they do all this shit. how are they so retarded.

They belong to Hapa men to preserve the hapa bloodline, no race mixing allowed

the ones on the right are all from white women

the ones on the left?
its fucking everything

vk dot kom / s.altynbekova20

this proves nothing about chinks or whites, more about men and women

Haven't been blacked or brainwashed

you're just a grass is greener fag

Are people this retarded that they can appreciate that those two are not only good looking but dedicate themselves to their sport and staying healthy?

Fucking embarrassing.

>that one retard with ten million periods saying "play ball".

What did she fucking mean by this?

Wow, look at all those strong supportive womyn warriors. The world truly would be a great place if womyn were in charge.

I saw a hapa girl who looked EXACTLY like this but even cuter the other day and I wanted to commit a crime lads, it was bad.

just goes to show that people on goybook are attentioncraving idiots

It's so funny watching white women get so triggered when they learn of their inferiority

It's Maria Apagandolez a Mexican born undocumented citizen to the United States who became famous throughout Anaheim, California for her restaurant which serves super delicious tacos.

> no hips
> no tits
> no soul

2/10 would not bang

it's to prove that your illogical axe to grind against white women is stupid when men are the same
but at least white women don't hate the half breeds they create

Actually it's the average central european girl
I.E. The best looking women in the world

>ywn ride through the eurasian steppes while subjugating and asorbing lesser tribes into your khanate alongside your steppe bride

they're not
gooks and chinks are ugly as shit, and the ones that aren't would never touch you.

Just another Maria Ozawa/Anri Okita in the making. Bet her dad will be proud.

>muh curves

Spotted the nigger

I genuinely think about this sometimes.

When will you faggots ever stop wanting to racemix with gooks and actually marry a beautiful white girl. It's your duty as a white man. Sort yourself out.

central europeans have an identity (that took generations to create after being the mixing ground of the east and west)
hapas don't
central europeans don't have parents who are like WMAF

How the fuck is this related to politics?
>it's not

white people are retarded

Was khan /ourguy/

there is a definite difference in the quality of women.

her dad is probably such a pervert that he molests her
if you fags here are anything to go by

I think he meant Central Asian, which she is

The last one is /oneofus/. No normie would go to such lengths to criticize beauty.


Central Asia was also a mixing ground for the Mongolians, so same thing

Hapa here.

We are superior to both in all practically important ways and women love us.

Watch out. Your white genes gonna get diluted when we seed your women.

Jk white women are ugly, annoying, and stupid af

actually western millennials are having less sex too
it's what happens in the digital age

he doesnt know the curves come out when they bend .

to those who still believe in
>muh honorary aryans should be viable partners for mating with
As a happa, and having been around so many of them having lived in Japan, I can attest that many happas are good goys and those surrounding them, whether they be (((teachers))), parents, or gaijin "community leaders" corrupt the mind of happas with the Jewish, leftist, globalist agenda and and in turn, the happas corrupt the ethnic japs surrounding them via the parroting of the following rallying cry that is often heard in American liberal arts colleges:
Diversity is our Strength
Our Diversity Unites Us
Rich Cultural Experience
muh Diverse Culinary Experience

I've seen this first hand, where happas start entering debates and discussions on immigration, declining birth rates, even discussions about Japanese culture and out of nowhere start claiming that “Japan needs more diversity because Japan is too Japanese”, and that this hinders “new ideas, new perspectives, new creations being made in Japan”. Some argue that Japan needs more low skill workers, something other normie japs seem to share. A common narrative, making it’s way through Japanese corporations and leftist professors. Whenever such arguments are made, I get involved, asking the ethnic Japs if Tokyo would continue to be Japanese if it was 60% Chinese? If Japan would continue to be Japanese if there was an influx of Chinese into Japan, and they started holding political potions?
Often times the Japanese continue to elaborate on my point, excluding the corrupt happa, and come to terms with the logical conclusion that “diversity” is nothing but a pipedream. Interestingly, there were several times where the happas ended up calling me a "Traitor", and when I ask what to, they often answer "You're a traitor to world peace” or “You need to learn to love yourself and embrace your identity!”. I laugh this off and reply why can’t ethnically homogeneous peoples embrace their identity? Often times, they give up and label me as racist, or confused. To this, I laugh and tell them to fuck off.

I've seen research where it shows Asian women are prefered among men. Which is why white women hate them so much.

Happas are often susceptible to leftist propaganda because they lack heritage, or a firm root to a nation. This existence is what the (((leftists, globalist, international clique))) pushes for. This is their end goal; to deconstruct the uniqueness and beauty of cultures and races (well a handful of cultures; niggers and spics don't have them) and leave in their midst a world of confused critters who will have no nation, no creed, no heritage to rally around and fight. They will have created the first non-violent goyim, who will, instead of loving their own, will wish for a world that suits them in order for them to be comfortable by creating more happas.
I was lucky enough to not have been influenced by leftist jewish propaganda, thanks to my parents who encouraged me to actively learn about Japan and the West, to take up learning Kendo (剣道: Way of Sword) and Sado (茶道: Way of Tea), and to read a variety of books in Japanese and English, which led to my fascination of history, warfare, and culture. I'm grateful of my parents, but their greatest sin was to conceive me. I’ve lived in a Western nation, love European culture, and traditions. I’ve lived in Japan and I love Japanese culture, and traditions. When I was a teen, I came to the grim realization that I belong to neither, may be partially, but not 100%. It was a sad realization, but one which I've come to terms with; now I see my mission as to serve as the bridge between the European peoples, and the Japanese peoples, not to connect them, but to make sure that we can have a friendly and amiable relation, but one that doesn't mix us up. I'm very much a minority among happas for having such beliefs and a rule of thumb, Happas will always be the weakest point of a otherwise orderly and homogeneous society.

that chink was probably raped with a severed pig's hoof

Absolutely not. I will not subject myself to the hell of white American women. I have dated Asian girls, white American girls, and now I'm dating a Lebanese chick.

Sorry faggot I'm race mixing. White women are too uppity and annoying to me. They are the bitchiest women and they are also some of the dumbest and most liberal. No way in hell will I go back to white women

>tfw my wife is better looking than this chinklet and most women posted on here and I can't post a pic to prove it and rub it in the faces of autistic virgins without said jelly autististic virgins finding out identities.
None of you know these feels.

This. The Japanese equivalent is haafu.

White people are literally like pigs without Asian mixture.

thanks for proving my point, pinnapplenip

Because you are projecting your anime fantasies on them.

Yesu whito boy...
Reave thee whito womeno foru thee asianu men-u.

These guys are SO fucking weak. How the hell do you let a woman push you around? I laugh when my girlfriend even tries to stand up to me. These faggots deserve what they got

sex aside 90% of jap women think about marriage
white women think about what cock they are going to jump on next

Chap we live in the same country, vast majority of Irish girls are scumbags and disgusting looking.

Thank fuck for immigration.

One thing i have learned is the grass always looks greener on the other side :D.

I love asian women but i also love european women.

She's Eurasian, a Kazakh.

lol what?
they think about escapism, if they were thinking about marriage they'd be dating, but they aren't even doing that


The average female age of 1st marriage in Japan is 30.
This correlates with 1st vs 3rd world country, not race

by being yellow fever fags
i see beta orbiters around Asian girls all the time at school

She probably had the same, hated it, but instead of being awkward around them she must have noticed they're like her beta father
so instead of letting betas orbit, she decided to humiliate them instead and then use the internet to fulfill herself

I don't know why but it's awesome

articles words not mine. dating is not the womans choice. they are waiting for there men to step up but they arent.

White innovation and creativity + Asian autistic mathematical skill = a techno-utopia?

just like western betas
i've met plenty of neet women

and 50% of them are virgins at 30 when they get married. that shit does not happen here.

She's a Kazach but I'm guessing she has some Japanese/East Asian blood

Why does Sup Forums want to mix with asians? So they can create more self-hating faggots?

>western millennials are having less sex too
This is bullshit

Youre only seeing what you want to see and thus finding no flaws.

Yellow fever is more insufferable than mud sharks.

Lol. We're not talking about disgusting Asian-Americans. Only true blooded Asian qts.

black women>asian women

I like Asian women too but seriously how weak of a man do you have to be to actually get bullied by a girl. If that actually drove them to suicide then I could care less about them. You really need to be one pathetic motherfucker to even let women push you around at all

NEET or neat?
whores arent worth locking down
pump and dump only

How can other women even compete?

Who cares if a woman is a virgin by the time she's way past her prime? This is a byproduct of Westernization. Go to a Romanian village and you'll see all the white girls there married and pregnant by the age of 22


she's russian, you stupid fucking potato

dont you have to help SinnFein offload a new boat of niggercocks soon?

>that shit does not happen here.
it does
you just need to know where to look
they are admittedly hard to come by (these girls stay in all the time remember)
but a community college art class is a good start, or just walk around a community college and look for a girl with no friends at a bus stop