Am i the only one who thinks the human genome is loosing its edge? Survival of the fittest is no longer viable in our society, we endeavor to keep the most feeble and weakest of alive. even though it ultimately hurts us as a whole. we have been letting these mutations and malformations to reproduce and spred. Now here's the kicker, my plan for the cleansing of the human genome.
>anyone with a predisposition to heart disease cancer, diabetes, obesity etc.
> individuals with mental disorders, autism, schizophrenia bipolar disorder, etc.
>individuals with abnormal low IQ
-should be banned from breeding before they further pollute our genes any futher.
>inb4 someone says mixing races is just as bad-stfu
>idc about race bc multiculturalism dose make us stronger.
prove me wrong
>protip you cant
Eugenics had a point
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the weak no longer perish, they end up on internet messaging boards
Don't lie you are just tryna justify cat girls.
You're not the only one
I agree that our genome is getting worse, but I'm not sure passing laws to stop them from breeding would pass, nor would they work. I think we should let them breed, but only amongst themselves. If we let high I.q men breed with high I.q women and they end up settling down then that man will not be able to affectively pass his genes as a result of his partner having shit genes. Thus, if mentally disabled/health defect people want to have children, they must do it amongst themselves as not to waste the genes of normal humans.
>we endeavor to keep the most feeble and weakest of alive. even though it ultimately hurts us as a whole
Not your problem, don't go about solving it.
>should be banned from breeding before they further pollute our genes any futher.
You first OP
>prove me wrong
I am unwilling as it is too burdensome as opposed to let Goy break his head against the wall
Edit- high IQ men and low IQ women
> individuals with mental disorders, autism, schizophrenia bipolar disorder, etc.
Yes. Let's prevent them from breeding. I volunteer to determine if they're mentally disabled.
The human genome is a fucking mess as it is, that's what happens when you have a billion years of unchecked random mutations, what we need is advanced genetic modification where we can rewrite the whole genome and make it clean
>eugenics good
>doesnt looks at sweden
Are you retarded,burger?Just look at how fucked up sweden is.Its because decades of eugenics destroyed the gene pool and only betas were allowed to breed.Now they NEED the rapefugees to make non-retarded babys.
There are so many gifted people in mental hospitals these days.
What do you think abortion is for user? Its the only thing keeping the American nigger population below 14% tranny freaks sterilize themselfs when the transition and fags cant breed
Just get rid of all forms of welfare, like section 8, Medicare, food stamps, AFDC, etc.
>create an environment where smart people that ask questions are more prone to be depressed because of how shit it is
A jew not in favour of eugenics? Why could this possibly be?
> some of histories greatest authors and artists had mental disorders
> nah lets burn these queers
This is what happens when you let retards on the internet
I wouldn't worry about it, one day will colonize another planet and send our best genetic stock, and all the shit Humans will last until Yellowstone or a meteor.
>individuals with abnormal low IQ banned from breeding
>idc about race
What are Abbos and Blacks
It's not necessarily a dip, but rather a divergence.
the elite are creating a goyim class. this is done through mass immigration, destruction of national identity/relgion, adding shit to food/water supply, race mixing/porn propaganda, shitty education, and engineered economic hardships.
genetic engineering can already be done, easily at that. the reason it's not available to the public is for moral reasons, and the upper class don't want the goys to have chance at breaking free. a few hundred years from now, the upper class will have literally perfect genetics.
bruh we be kike brethren
Sometimes it seems like dysgenics is actually being purposely implemented. Almost every aspect of modern civilization is dysgenic from culture, to medicine, and even the welfare state. Could it all really just be a confluence of random decisions that have resulted in a such a dysgenic civilization?
the isreal, Palestine conflict isnt the United states problem yet they feel the need to help out.
Being mentally retarded, having a heritable disease, being a lifelong dependent upon the state, or a chronic recipient of public benefits should come with the price tag of sterilization.
not sure what you meant by that
I think most of Sup Forums believes that eugenics is necessary in a socialist society
welfare state, feminism, and the mass importation of third worlders will DESTROY the western gene pool. we will become the third world in a few generations
I think you may be missing the point, user...
Eugenics is already being practiced, but it's not to improve the "Herd".
It's to make them better slaves.
Autism is a part of that plan... Autism is caused by heavy metal poisoning, and effects intelligent people more. It's a way of trying to remove them from the gene pool.
ive known this for a while. i mean why do we even need floride in our water?
I work for an airline and was reviewing our Hazmat policy. I shit you not, GMO is considered Hazmat and my airline will not transport it.
>ive known this for a while. i mean why do we even need floride in our water?
IT makes the population more docile and dumber.
Fluoride acts as a xenoestrogen in the human body, and it reduces IQ by something like 5 points.
there are other effects, but they are a bit technical.
Source: my ass
>Survival of the fittest is no longer viable in our society
It has not been viable since the invention of agriculture.
> Eugenics had a point
The point is who decides who has the point. It sure as fuck ain't the people but few powerful who by game of chance came into position to dictate it.
remove welfare and make kids not (((insanely expensive))) and it will SORT ITSELF OUT
The problem with eugenics is that a lot of intelligence actually comes genes which cause disease, torsion dystonia for example.
Do we remove the gene from the gene pool or allow it to remain?
What if there are few if any IQ increasing genes which don't have negative sides?
>survival of the fittest is dead because now the weakest also survive
But that's still survival of the fittest and shows the evolution of our species.
Does it matter anymore? Technological advantage has replaced genetic advantage, or at least in the first world. There's no reason to have the genetic edge to conquer the environment when the environment has already been conquered.
>Source: my ass
Actually, it was the Nazi's who first used it on prisoners.
Survival of the fittest is a bad joke.
It was always survivel of those,who adapt the best.
it's the complete and utter lack of selective pressures
how can humanity advance if there's nothing to weed out the weak?
it's why we need to colonize space NOW
Cat girls are always justified though
the closer we get to a perfectly "safe and free" utopia the sooner we drown in our own waste.
human populations need to be bred carefully and sustainably, just as a farmer maintains his best stock.
>supports eugenics
>doesn't understand genetics
OP banned from reproducing.
how do you feel about your shitty plan now?
>captcha: sign that says fart-hinder
This desu. I'm all for eugenics, but any kind of movement that hinges on stopping people from fucking each other is unsustainable and doomed to fail. Authoritarian eugenics will never work; we need to be subversive and slowly set up the world of politics to incorporate eugenics into society.
no it's not because it's artificial
our society keeps all of the weakest on life support, anyone who's ever grown insect colonies in a bottle knows that abundance causes the population to explode until the food medium is replaced by millions of decomposing husks of the deceased. In the end the colony crashes and everyone dies. This is why humans must breed sustainably and spread out, lest we will drive ourselves to the same fate. By the time we realize it's happening it will be too late.
Just look at India and how human corpses and feces flood their water ways. That problem will never be fixed, there's simply too many that are doing nothing but taking up space.
>doomed to fail
More like people need to stop interfering. Israel is the only country that's gotten away with sterilizing their undesirables.
Humans need to get smart and put this "free love" shit to rest. Most people are fucking retarded and have train-wreck relationships when left to their own devices.
im sure we have to very different perceptions of eugenics.
>sorry your shitty genes would go extinct if i had my way
I think people need to put their egos aside for the sake of the future in general.
There's nothing wrong with championing your betters, also something as simple as placing a cap on how many kids poor people can have (i.e. less than 3) would have a big positive impact on the overall population after a couple decades.
Right now we have niggers with 6 kids who get paid in EBT for every kid they have.
It doesn't have to be a totalitarian "all or nothing" mandate, just some incentives for healthy successful couples to have more kids and incentives for poor people to have fewer kids.
Stuff that worries me:
>people with poor eyesight pass on their shitty genes, because we can just use glasses
Eventually everyone will have poor eyesight and will need glasses.
shit i completely forgot about blind and deaf people.
Want to drastically improve the gene pool without much effort?
Stop treating drug overdoses.
Stop treating type 2 diabetes.
Stop treating sexually transmitted infections.
Stop treating HIV/AIDS.
Let natural selection run its course to remove degenerate.
anyone want to breed with a ww2 mutt? D:
>Banned from breeding
Are you going to put people in gender segregated work camps? That's completely impractical and would not work in the US.
More intelligent people have fewer kids. Fact.
Saying you would let them breed have more kids means nothing unless you are providing an incentive. Good luck with that
Execute all criminals on the first offense of armed robbery or breaking into a home or business.
This solves the negroid problem anywhere, and also stops them from reproducing.
Have you seen any basement-dwelling NEETs having children lately?
People with genetic mutations should not breed
> individuals with mental disorders, autism, schizophrenia bipolar disorder, etc.
So what do you do with a 160IQ man, that also has predisposition to heart disease and certain cancers?
Did you know there is a possibility two "low IQ" parents actually produce a genius? Or two genius parents produce a retard ?
You don't have to believe me, read it up in books.
Is there a justifiable reason why kill someone you deem "malformed" ? Does this person actually block you from fulfilling anything relevant ?
The truth is that if a major Cataclysm comes around, the more of us, the better chances of our survival as a human race.
Hopefully at least some will have genes that will let them persevere.
Maybe the "most retarded" by our definition, will be the strongest and thus survive a cataclysm.
This is why Eugenics make no sense. It really is food for the idiots.
With the advent of genetic engineering, the question of "purity"will become moot. At first bleeding hearts will be against it but places like China, India and Russia who don't give a fuck will go all out and force everyone else to keep up
>>inb4 someone says mixing races is just as bad-stfu
The funny thing is hitler had the same ideas as you OP, but race-mixing HAS negative results
I come from a short line of Oregon retard wranglers(retired). Our state practiced eugenics up 'till the '70s, and 'fixed' a lot of 'tards. Now they let 'em fuck like over-medicated primates(often on B.C.), or talk them into abortions, or let the reproduce little families of weirdos. It's pretty cool. Three gens of water-heads is something to behold.
Bit I've sen some monsters that it would have been more humane to gas. Fucking dark shit you don't see in public. Uhggg... Face eaters, and eye gougers, bones poking out of elbows, neck pressing...
sorry bub you can still contribute, but you cant reproduce. and if you really are as smart as you say then you know that two intelligent people have a higher chance of having a genius as two normal people would. further more if you read my original post i said individuals with abnormally low IQ, should not breed.(90 and below) stupid people still have their place and only and idiot would think that preventing them from breeding would be a disaster.
Where can I visit to see this? I have a camper van and a week vacation coming up.
I should be dead. I'm an autismal fuck loaded with allergies that almost dies every spring. I'm surprised i managed to have sex
Glad you asked.
You need to find a "level three" care facility, IIRQ. Google the levels of care, and find the houses of horror. The kid and teen ones are the scariest. There are only a couple in the state. The 'tards have to have one person within arm reach while sleeping, and two within arms reach when awake. You can get a job doing it real easy, because most people can't do it for long. 80% of my co-workers were illegal beans, and got paid shit.
So many stories to tell.
Any recommendations in Oregon or too long since?
Time to dust off the old Nikon
This one dude, named "B," had gouged out both his eyes, beat the hearing out of both his ears, and spent EVERY WAKING HOUR pushing his fist into his neck, to cut off the blood to his nightmare brain. He did it so much, using a wall and elbow for leverage, and the bone popped out of the skin. We braced up that arm, so he started doing the same to the other. He wanted to die so bad.
And then there was "E..."
I can't name them. Honestly don't remember. I snagged some pics. Had to.
The horror...
Jesus. Can't they keep him asleep if every waking hour is a nightmare?
i once had a autistic kid bring a fully dressed hot dog into class in his pocket and start to munch it in the middle of class
>mustard ketchup relish cheez wizz.
a very well made hot dog to be sure.
>as not to waste the genes of normal humans.
& what about all of the ither physical resources they take up whilst just getting in the way & slowing humanity down, if not bringing it to a stop altogether?
Dunno. They were all on a ton of drugs. But the laws being as they are, you have to try to keep them in the mainstream, so to speak. One big dude(nice guy), that could fuck you up if you weren't careful, had a "job" where he just jacked off on the floor.
But this one kid... "E."
He was like 27 Y.O. and looked just like Eddie Munster. He looked 10, and would crash through sliding glass doors, wore a bloody stinky hockey helmet with a plexi face mask. ate his own lips and tongue, spit and piss on you and laugh, scare you... The fucker had thee sharp little teeth. He looked just like the bat kid.
I drank and worked graveyard shift, so I had it easy. Swing shift was insane. It was all insane.
pic to a fucking T
I need to go call my Mom. The memories are flooding back