Israel Helping Migrants Invade Europe
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Yup, another coencidence here.
Israel is a huge problem. It is the haven, the foothold of the hook nosed kikes and should be glassed. Only once the jew is gone from the Earth will humanity progress. The parasite must be removed.
no shit
Make this an Israeli Hate thread.
Saudi Arabia and Israel holding secret talks
Jews are vile.
I want to like these dudes but they are always pulling this shit
>red ice tv
jews are kikes, who woulda thunk it
there are leftists everywhere
wow it's fucking nothing
Nice source
They're just fucking leftists, we suffer from them too.
>Jews create Marxism & Communism
>Both come back to bite them in the ass repeatedly
Lets not forget these aren't real Jews... those fled to northern African and parts of the Middles East once the Khazar's decided Judaism was theirs
Kike identified.
>''goyim were born only to serve us''
>aka. non jewish whites
>99.78% of inventions/discoveries = white people
>whites basically built this world/ aka. the world they live in
>mfw i honestly, truly wish for every race but whites and asians to go extinct
This is stupid, there are aid relieve all over Europe that are volunteering. I know for a fact that there are hundreds of Brits helping refugees.
But because they're a handful of Israelis... it's suddenly part of this global Jewish conspiracy to flood Europe with Muslims
You people are retards.
Yes, it's never your fault, is it Herschel Liebermann? You are only a world destroyer if it suits you to be. Just the same as the Bolsheviks.
Shills for the JIDF go.
You must be destroyed as God has commanded. Back to your true lord, Satan.
Shlomo got triggered because he was exposed
Doesn't add up... guess we need some Egyptian math to calculate
that's not "Israel helping migrants invade Europe" that's "some israelis helped migrants invade europe"
Where did they get the money? Follow that and I bet it's funneled from the heebs to help them get right into Europe.
It is ALWAYS the kikes. Always.
Jews gunna Jew
Sup Forums - fake jewish news
Keep shilling, Herschel.
i support israel because i am progressive, dislike muslims, dislike the palestinians even more, support the expansion of any first world nation, and are tired of watching muslims start all the fights in the world because of their fucking religion and their fuking cave age mentalities.
i support israel so that they can kill my enemy, the muslim. and when they win, the world will have peace for eternity. but for now, i am ready for the end of muslims in that region, and any amount of force i see is a good amount if it means crying muslim parents, and dead muslims in general.
israel is free to use any amount of force they choose so long as the uncivilized muslims scummery continues to use the force theyve decided to use.
fuck the palestinians, throw them in the ocean, put them somewhere else, take their weapons away from them, tell them to fuck off and act civilized.
i support israel because i support the use of overpowering weapons against your enemy. israel is the superior nation in this situation and may israel live long, peacefully and happily.
continue using the force required to send these fucking muslim refugees back to their desert homeland and away from other civilized nations.
if you do not support israel, you are an emotionally controlled moron who is more woman than man.
I used to be like you guys, I used to be wholly on the Palestinian's side when it came to this issue, but I've come to understand something that Israel has understood for a long time.
You just can't fucking reason with these people. You can't politely request they join civilization, give up Sharia in favor of secular law. You will never sit down at a table with them and convince them that their mortal enemy who they desire to see wiped off the face of the earth is really just a neighbor they've had disagreements with.
Israel understands winning, and they are shameless about it, even in the face of international criticism and admonishment by every self-righteous fuck who doesn't live with their mortal enemies right in their face.
Why is everyone here so obsessed with Judaism?
Fun fact about Jews without international experience; if they're not clingy and obsessive to the point of being unhealthy and smothering you, they're significantly more likely to cheat on you or betray you out of the blue. Most people who have dealt with one or two people naturally want to see what others are like and tend to get bored easily. The most loyal and appreciative Jews I've known (including my kike of 3 years) were ex-globalists because, unlike jews without experience, they know what other goyim are like and aren't curious about what they're missing. Kikes know your lack or experience can simply just be fucked out of you and often get a thrill from being your personal money trainer. Your idea of jews is an extreme romanticization far from the reality you would most likely end up in.
Also, I will never understand why your type thinks all jews are dirty. They're not, plus goyim are way more dirty as a whole, this is just a biological fact. Then again, I guess when you're a cuck white male getting your info on jews from other cuck white male, you're not really going to have an accurate picture in the slightest.
So yeah, have fun dying alone due to your misguided jew requirements, while I enjoy having amazing sex with a girlfriend who treats me like I'm the second coming of Moses.