What is Sup Forums's opinion on Steven Crowder?

What is Sup Forums's opinion on Steven Crowder?

Who is he? Your classmate?

He needs to chill out with his argument to revoke the 13th amendment. I know its a passionate issue for Steven, but sometimes he takes it too far.

Too extreme, I heard even Garrison disavowed him. I heard he had a plan to make a giant swastika out of jewish and negro intestines, pretty sick desu

He's way too extreme for us.
Did you hear he wants to nuke all of Africa?


He sucks and is a try hard faggot who isn't funny.

He's a typical conservative and funny enough, no problems with him.

Steven "If you're a kike, you get a spike" Crowder

Bit too extreme for me tbqh, especially after his plan he talked about to build the trump wall out of the bodies of non whites

He's a bit too extreme for me.

I have to say when I heard Steven say that I threw up a little in my mouth. I know he's well-intentioned, but he really needs to take it down a notch.

Kind of an idiot, but by American standards I guess he is a genius.

He can be funny and he just doesn't give a fuck. I like him, don't watch much of his stuff though.

Go away Steven.

A full-blown beta cuckold trying to act alpha, giving out impotent red-pills, and only ever attacking strawmen on his pathetic excuse for a show.

It's embarrassing to see him force his shit humor.

Although I have to say that he took his waterboarding like a man, and his 12-point plan to erradicate all subhumans in the western world had some legs as well.

He crossed the line when he build that working 1:1 scale replica of a gas chamber

I get that hes down with the 14 but suprised me when he went full 88

Hes a fuckin nut but I love him

Steven stop proxying, you can't be like Alex Jones.
Go join him

I actually think his sucking a man's dick at a truck stop was worse.

Agreed. I heard him on Joe Organ and he's an annoying little shit.

He's a Goy shill and doesn't belong on such a wonderful Jewish heritage website like this one .

way too hardcore for me

links + timestamps? Pretty sure u fags just cant take a joke

what are you talking about mohamed? crowder is based.

>cant take a joke
kek lurk more faggot. crowder regularly tortures jews and films it for commercials

Steven "Jews scream louder in the shower" Crowder has too many retarded Neocon opinions to be a legit figure in new right.

>"I'm sick and tired of cucks denying the nazis greatest achievement. The holocaust happened and it was the greatest historical event of all time"

- Steven Crowder

Sup Forums BTFO

>I know he's well-intentioned

No he isn't.

I watch his weekly show. It's hit or miss but generally enjoyable.

"Did you just say Leftists?"
"No one has ever said that term! you MADE IT UP!"

Who knew the next Hitler would be a leaf.


I like him.

Just recently started listening to him after his Joe Rogan interview. I think I like him.

he's the least funny person on youtube

i have no idea how americans find his humour funny. dancing to intermisson music with lenotgayjarredxd is funny?

He's Family Guy if it were conservative instead of liberal

He was an Arthur's VA character when he was young

the dancing is pretty dumb. i dont like the way he argues though. he doesn't do a lot of the talking over other people thing that is so common now

t. insulted by his mohammed drawing

Weeeell the probleem with the LEFT is that they...

He's a midwit thirsty for people to agree with him.

please put James Okeef's latest gems in Sup Forums too. thank you!

FBI informant.

possibly the next hitler, but I like hitler so I like him

He is way too extreme for me.

He's not a very good comedian but a decent political comentator. He's fun to listen to, but god are his skits annoying.

Crowder is good for entry level red pilling.
Since he's probably the most funny of the cuckservatives and debates openly with leftards he can throw people off the fence for the cause.


>you don't like weed? Yeah you're fucking retarded you stupid piece of shit racist

I typically like him, but he kind of lost me when he started encouraging people to suicide bomb mosques, that's a little too far for me.

To be fair it's one of the most pressing issues facing the USA. I personally think you start by repealing the 19th and work back from there

I remember when him and his friend notgaybutilikerapejared decided to invade a place full of illegals, Crowder proceeded to kill the husbands first, Jared then raped the dead bodies in front of the wifes and then Crowder decided to end the video with a big explosion by planting c4 in all the children, close to their mothers, before the detonation Jared decided to rape the children.

Sick fucks.

He said he needed the bus fare, but he walked home afterwards.

He's your youth pastor from your local Evangelical church.

He's a meme but an unfunny one

All true. He is a non-funny beta male with a low-IQ trying, but failing to surf Milo's wake.

Steven "make the niggers scream louder" Crowder was rejected from the alt-right for his radical ideas, since then i haven't known much about him.

It wasn't "Leftists" that Joe had an issue with, it was "Leftism," which is certainly a word given the rules of English, but which is so vague and stupid that it shouldn't be used. And -ism is an ideaology, but "Left" isn't an ideology, it's a collection of ideologies. Sort of the way horror and sci-fi are genres, but referring to all genres at once as its own genre wouldn't make any sense.

This. People here tend to forget they didn't just magically wake up one morning saying 14/88GTKRWN. Redpilling is a gradual process and Crowder, Milo, Dave Rubin, etc are good at being relatively inoffensive, accessible, and educational for left-skeptical normies.

Crowder's a tryhard. He's good for cringe, but how is he funny?

Way too radical.
I am ok with Hitler but crowder is too much.

funniest russian post I've ever seen

t.low test cuck who still can't escape his beta zone

move out of your mothers gaff, hans

He has the right message but his site and social media are clickbait cringefests

I watch some of his youtube content from time to time, generally think he's mildly amusing, immature humor, but I'm an immature person, so it works out.

Generally agree with his opinions, a few sticking points, places he's either too far, or doesn't go far enough.

Kinda a "milo" figure, I'll listen to him, I'll even enjoy most of it, but I don't necessarily agree on all or even most of it. However, the people he targets/attacks, these people are my enemy, haven't seen an exception yet, so when he's mocking people or skewering them, I'm in agreement in all cases I've found so far.

hes a fucking monster i heard he hung 5 spics from their anchor babies' entrails

When he said that his only problem with the AIDS virus is that it didn't kill ENOUGH homosexuals and negros, I think he went a little to extreme for me.


These internet rumors are so exaggerated. Who is going to believe something this absurd? It was 4 spics, not 5.


>Steven "make the niggers scream louder" Crowder

Hearty kek on that one

There is literally nothing wrong with being Nazi

he's so obviously 2% nigger. all american whites are a lost cause.